Humanity’s Great Sage

Chapter 2137 The Obsession of the Blood Ancestor

Lu Ye is the same now.

Because he once refined the core of Fangcun Mountain!

Now that Fangcun Mountain is unified, he can be omnipotent in the realm.

He felt that he could even draw away Fang Cunshan's foundation to improve his cultivation! If he does this, the speed of his cultivation will be even more terrifying than the efficiency of practicing in the Sea of ​​All Things, and he will definitely be able to reach the peak of sunshine in a very short period of time.

But what will replace it will be the consumption of Fangcun Mountain’s heritage.

This doesn't mean much to him, because the real peak of Rizhao requires not only an increase in mana, but also the soul-suppressing secret technique!

This is something he cannot achieve at this stage.

But what didn't mean anything to him might not mean anything to others... An idea suddenly came to Lu Ye's mind.

In the entire Fangcun Mountain, all the little humans were rejoicing, and even the outside monks were infected. For a while, the huge area seemed as lively as the New Year.

Fangcun Mountain has been unified, so it's time to rush to the Tiangang Galaxy.

By then, with this treasure as the centerpiece, Narcissus and Chen Li as two Taoists, and a total of dozens or hundreds of monks from the galaxy joining forces, Tiangang should not have much of a problem.

A figure suddenly fell next to Lu Ye, interrupting his contemplation. He turned around and found that it was Ma Shangsi.

"Sir, something seems not quite right over there in the Blood Refining World."

Lu Ye frowned: "What's wrong?"

Ma Shansi looked ashamed: "I can't tell, I just have a strange feeling."

"Go and have a look." Lu Ye immediately flew away and flew towards Fangcun Mountain.

He had just settled down the blood jade world and hurried to Fangcun Mountain, so he didn't really know what happened there. However, the blood servants who had been staying in the blood refining world were aware of it, and that's why he Ma Shangsi came to report to Lu Ye.

In a moment, Lu Ye came out of Fangcun Mountain.

Looking towards the blood refining world, the three major blood clan realms have now merged into one. At first glance, it is a huge female figure without a head and legs. Anyone who sees it for the first time will be confused. Awe and horror.

After looking at it carefully, he didn't find anything wrong. It wasn't until he brought Ma Shangsi to the blood refining world that Lu Ye frowned.

Something is indeed wrong.

It's not something that's wrong that can be detected with the naked eye, but something that feels wrong.

It was even said that Lu Ye's bloodline had some strange reactions at this moment.

There was a vague idea swirling in my mind, but I couldn't figure it out.

This kind of thing might be normal for ordinary people, but it wasn't quite right for Lu Ye. However, he just thought about it for a moment and understood the whole story.

The bloodline of the Vampire Clan comes with its own inheritance, which is the same as that of many rare ancient beasts. If the bloodline is strong enough to a certain extent, you will naturally be able to see some wonders.

Now this idea that is vaguely surging in my mind but cannot be clear is undoubtedly the inheritance or some information carried in the blood.

His bloodline has vaguely reached a certain level, but is still a little short of that, so this situation occurs.

With this thought, Lu Ye simply let go of his mind, letting the thought surge in his mind, and then acted according to his most instinctive will.

After a moment, his eyes were blank, he jumped up and flew towards the center of the Blood Refining World.

Ma Shangsi followed closely and followed Lu Ye all the way to a land of vast oceans.


This was once the base for the Kyushu Human Clan to fight against the Vampire Clan, and it was also the foundation for eldest brother Feng Wujiang and many of the Kyushu ancestors.

The water that used to be as red as blood has become clear. This is a change brought about by the disappearance of the holy blood in the entire blood refining world.

Lu Ye jumped into the Shenque Sea. He went all the way down and soon reached the bottom of the sea. There was an abyss on the bottom of the sea, and his figure continued to go deeper.

After a while, Lu Ye finally came to a place and stopped.

Ma Shangsi, who had been following Lu Ye here, looked condensed and whispered: "Yuan Ling Qiao!"

He has been practicing in the Blood Refining World for so many years, and has naturally explored this realm countless times. He has been here before, because if the location is calculated, this should be the place where the Origin Spirit Aperture of the Blood Ancestor is located.

For any monk, the Source Spirit Aperture is an extremely important position. This position is the starting point of practice. The first spiritual aperture a monk opens is the Source Spirit Aperture, which then breeds the first spiritual power.

Looking at Lu Ye again, his eyes were still lifeless, as if he had no will of his own at all.

However, blood burst out from Lu Ye's body, and the bright red blood energy came from the spiritual aperture and spread crazily around him.

There is an underground blood river inside the Blood Refining World that runs through the entire realm. The underground blood rivers that extend in all directions are the blood vessels of the Blood Ancestor. Now Lu Ye's blood flows along those countless blood vessels, and soon covers the entire realm. .

This is not over yet, Qi and blood flowed into the Blood Absolute Realm and the Blood Jade Realm along the connection with the other two realms.

In just one stick of incense, the inside of the Blood Ancestor's body was filled with Lu Ye's energy and blood. Looking down from the starry sky, the Blood Ancestor's body suddenly glowed with bright red light.

In the Blood Ancestor's Origin Spirit Aperture, Lu Ye suddenly started to move.

He raised his hands slowly, very slowly, as if they were lifting something heavy. During the lifting process, there was a clicking sound in his body, as if he was bearing a huge burden.


The realm shook, and Ma Shangsi lost his footing and stumbled.

He had no idea what was going on, but the next moment news came from the note, and he hurriedly investigated.

It was a message from Xiangyin. After seeing the content of the message clearly, Ma Shangsi couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

Just because the message was very simple, just one sentence.

"The two hands of Blood Ancestor's broken body are moving!"

Looking at Lu Ye's extremely difficult movements at this moment, Ma Shangsi immediately realized something, his spiritual thoughts surged, and he searched in all directions.

The two hands of the Blood Ancestor's remnant body were indeed moving, and the range of their movements was exactly the same as Lu Ye's. It was as if the Blood Ancestor's remnant body had become a puppet on strings and was being controlled by Lu Ye.

Ma Shangsi was surprised when he clearly saw this scene during his spiritual surveillance. He didn't know what happened, but since it was Lu Ye who was doing the trick, he couldn't get involved and could only wait.

Looking at Lu Ye again, when his hands were raised to the level of his elbows, two streaks of blood suddenly came out of his nostrils, and his exposed skin was cracked. In an instant, Became a bloody man.

The pain made him a little clearer, and he finally knew what the vague thoughts were in his mind, and he also knew what he should do.

But with his current strength, it seems that he is still far behind. His current state gives him the feeling that the load of harnessing the power of the seven paths to fight the enemy is several times greater.

If you can't do it alone, then use the power of the Blood Warrior!

When it comes to controlling the remains of the Blood Ancestor, the Blood Warriors can help him. He has already verified this.

Lu Ye's spiritual thoughts surged, and an order was passed to the ten blood warriors in an instant.

After receiving the order, the blood servants hurriedly flew everywhere. Ma Shangsi also left quickly, following the direction of Lu Ye's blood flow and rushing to where he needed to be.

After a while, the ten blood warriors were ready.

As Lu Ye's spiritual thoughts surged, the eleven masters and servants all exerted their strength.

As expected, Lu Ye felt that the pressure was much lessened, and his hands that had been unable to move finally began to move slowly again. Corresponding to his movements, there were perfect replicas of the two arms of the Blood Ancestor.

As time passed, both Lu Ye and the Blood Warriors were under great pressure, and blood arrows burst out from their bodies.

Until a certain moment, Lu Ye finally put his hands together, created an extremely weird magic formula, and shouted in a low voice: "Lin!"

In the starry sky, the residual body of the Blood Ancestor also produced the magic formula. As the magic formula was formed, the crimson blood covering the surface of the residual body suddenly shone brightly, and then divided into three paths, which were divided into three different directions in the starry sky. It swept away in the direction and disappeared in an instant.

The vibrations in the realm stopped, and everything returned to the original state. Lu Ye fell to the ground, collected the blood and energy that had spread out of him, and quickly swallowed the elixir to restore himself.

This consumption was really heavy, and it was even said that if he had not had the help of the ten Rizhao Blood Warriors, there would be no way to complete this matter.

And until this moment, he didn't even understand why he was doing all this. He acted according to the slightest throb in the blood of the vampires, but he vaguely felt that there was no harm in it.

Now, I can look back and see what changes will be caused by what I just did.

He is cultivating here, and the top ten blood warriors are also cultivating, and the situation is not much better than him.

A few days later, Lu Ye and the Blood Warriors reunited.

"Master, what happened before?" Xiangyin asked.

Among the top ten blood warriors, she is the only one who dares to ask Lu Ye some questions. It's not that the other blood warriors don't have the courage, but for them, no matter what Lu Ye does, there is no need to comment, they only need to follow orders. .

Lu Ye was obviously in a good mood and said: "Although the Blood Ancestor has been dead for hundreds of thousands of years, even her soul no longer exists, but the residual body she left behind still retains a trace of obsession."

"Obsession?" Xiangyin was confused.

"No one wants their body to be broken into pieces, especially a strong man like the Blood Ancestor, so the remaining obsession of this broken body is to become whole."

"Then what we did before..."

"The other three realms of the Vampire Clan are being pulled at this moment and are converging towards this side." Lu Ye replied.

This is the result of what he did before. After several days of investigation, Lu Ye has already gained insight into this.

In fact, ever since he accidentally asked Nanfang Cunshan to bring back the Blood Ancestor, he had had the idea of ​​piecing together the remains of the Blood Ancestor.

Hence the subsequent trip to the Blood Jade World.

While piecing together the remains of the Blood Ancestor, it can also cause a huge blow to the Blood Clan. Killing two birds with one stone, why not?

However, the Blood Jue Realm can be brought back by Fang Cun Mountain from the south, and the Blood Jade Realm can be brought back by Fang Cun Mountain from the west. Lu Ye has no idea what to do with the remaining three Vampire Realms.

He can't be allowed to spend decades driving one realm to travel a long distance. If he really has to rely on his own strength to achieve this, if he wants to bring the three realms back, he won't be able to do it in a hundred years.

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