Humanity’s Great Sage

Chapter 358: The Feast of Slaughter

There were no traces of fighting around, but there was the corpse of a ghost cultivator of the ninth level lying here.

The situation... seems a bit complicated.

Then he raised his eyes and met Lu Ye's expressionless eyes...

Cold sweat flowed from Yu Qi's forehead, almost the moment they looked at each other, Yu Qi knew that he was exposed.

Although he didn't understand how he was exposed.

Logically speaking, it is impossible for Lu Yiye, a seventh-level military cultivator like Lu Yiye, to discover his whereabouts.

Ghost cultivators are indeed a faction that is born capable of leapfrogging and killing enemies, but the deterrent power of ghost cultivators who have exposed their whereabouts will undoubtedly be greatly reduced.

Without any hesitation, Yu Qi's figure jumped backwards, and at this moment, he exploded with unprecedented speed.

Chi Chi pierced the air, and three beams of light shot towards him in the shape of a character.

He had already heard about Lu Ye's means of imperial weapons, so he quickly sacrificed his spiritual weapon, and there were several clanging sounds, and the three streamers that were hitting him were chopped off, and Yu Qi also used the counter-shock The strength of his body fluctuated more than ten feet, but just when he stood firm, another stream of light approached from the side without making a sound.

Yu Qi dodged in a hurry, but was still rubbed on the shoulder by the streamer, and suddenly there was severe pain, and blood flowed from his shoulder.

At the same time, there was a piercing sound from the back of his head, and when he looked up, five or six beams of light came attacking from various angles.

At this moment, only one thought flashed through Yu Qi's mind.

My life is over!

He knew that Lu Ye was very strong, and with Tianqi's cultivation level, he could kill Tianjiu's monk by two ranks, but after all, he had only heard about it before, and didn't have a clear concept, until now he experienced it himself.

I think he is also a Tianba cultivator who has opened 310 orifices, but he has no chance to fight back against Lu Ye, who is one level lower than him.

And from the beginning to the end, he sat there without moving, only using the means of the imperial weapon to drive him to a desperate situation.

This kind of strength has surpassed the scope of his comprehension.

At the moment of life and death, he raised his hand and pressed it on his battlefield imprint, and sent an urgent message.

There is only one thought in his mind, it doesn't matter if he dies, he must quickly reveal the location of Lu Yiye.

I didn't do this when I found Lu Ye before, mainly because I wanted to take advantage of killing Lu Ye, but now I can't do without a summons.

I just don’t know if it’s too late!


With the soft chirping sound, Yu Qi could almost feel the sharpness of the sharp weapon coming from every angle, and then he realized that he was not dead.

The spiritual weapons all stopped an inch away from him.

Yu Qi maintained a stiff posture, not daring to move.

Big drops of sweat slid down his forehead, Yu Qi rolled his eyes and looked at Lu Ye who was still sitting there.

"Did the news pass?" Lu Ye asked.

"What?" Yu Qi didn't respond.

"Did the message get out?"

"Yes." Yu Qi replied instinctively.

"very good!"

When the words fell, several spiritual weapons hovering in front of Yu Qi erupted with bright aura.

The moment he was about to die, Yu Qi gritted his teeth and said, "I'll be waiting for you on Huangquan Road!"

Blood splattered, and Yu Qi's hastily condensed body-protecting spiritual power was like paper paste when the spiritual weapon hit him. The spiritual weapons pierced through his vitals, bringing out a puff of hot blood, and flew back to the pouch on Lu Ye's waist .


Yu Qi's body fell down.

Ju Jia put down the half-cooked wild boar in his hand, stepped forward, picked up Yu Qi's body, took off the storage bag on his waist, and threw the body behind the boulder. Behind the boulder, there were several corpses lying here and there.

They were all ghost cultivators who found Lu Ye's whereabouts. However, each of these ghost cultivators was too worrying. Every ghost cultivator who found his whereabouts tried to attack and kill him by himself, but none of them fell. , all lying here.

Those ghost cultivators didn't even reveal his location before they died.

Until Yu Qi.

After a few days of deployment and a lot of meritorious service, the location has now been exposed, and a feast of killing is about to begin.

Moments after Yu Qi's death, in the Wuyin Mountain, teams from Wanmo Ridge began to quickly approach Lu Ye's position.

It took only half a stick of incense for the team closest to him to arrive. After checking Lu Ye's whereabouts from a distance, this team did not attack rashly, but quietly hibernated, waiting for other teams to approach.

Half an hour later, the gathered teams had reached five, with over seventy people.

There are more teams approaching here.

Until then, several teams began to encircle the past, and as the distance approached, murderous intentions began to burst out.

By this time, it doesn't matter whether they hide their whereabouts or not. Looking at the figure standing on the boulder over there, the eyes of every Wanmo Ridge cultivator are full of fire.

"Lu Yiye, die!"

"Kill Lu Yiye!"

"Revenge for the dead friends!"

Shouts of anger came from all directions. At first glance, it looked like many chivalrous men were besieging a heinous big devil, and the lights of imperial weapons and spells began to bloom, rumbling towards Lu Ye. while playing.

However, to the astonishment of all the monks in Wanmo Ridge, Lu Ye was still standing there, motionless, facing the overwhelming attack, he didn't even intend to dodge.

What the hell is this guy doing? All the monks in Wanmo Ridge who saw this scene were puzzled.

With such an offensive, not to mention a seventh-level cultivator, even the general Yunhe Realm would not dare to take it hard.

Unless he wants to court death.

Naturally, Lu Ye would not seek death. At the moment when many attacks were about to hit, a formation flag suddenly appeared in his hand. The formation flag waved slightly, and a layer of light curtain barrier visible to the naked eye suddenly rose under the urging of spiritual power. , wrapped him and the giant armor tightly.

On the light curtain barrier, one after another guarding spirit patterns are swimming back and forth like fish.

"Protective circle!" A monk from Wanmo Ridge shouted, and only then did he understand why Lu Ye was so defiant.

Where he was, he had obviously set up a protective circle.

This defensive formation basically has the same origin as the large defensive formation in the garrison, but because there is not much room for protection, it is extraordinarily strong.

The reason why Lu Ye was feared by all parties in Wanmo Ridge was because of the formation-breaking methods he used in the inner circle, and he could break formations of the level of protective formations, so it was no problem to set up formations.

A feeling of uneasiness arose in the hearts of many monks from Wanmo Ridge, and they subconsciously remembered the issues that had been neglected by them for a long time...

There was a rumbling sound, and when the power of many imperial weapons and spells fell, the light curtain of the protective magic circle covering the landing leaf and the giant armor swayed layer by layer, and the luster of the light curtain was even more visible at a speed visible to the naked eye. It is becoming dim, and I am afraid that it will be broken if it can't hold on for ten breaths.

However, at this moment, another array flag appeared in Lu Ye's hand. When the array flag was waved, the skin of more than a dozen monks from the Wanmo Ridge team that attacked from the side all felt tingling, with a great sense of crisis Breed from the heart.

At the same time, bright lines appeared under the feet of these people, and in the blink of an eye, they merged into a large formation covering a radius of more than ten feet.

Four hidden formation flags emerged from the four sides of the formation, and the formation flags resonated, and the spiritual power stored in the formation flags outlined a pattern of spirit patterns.


This is a spirit pattern that Lu Ye has only recently obtained from the talent tree. This spirit pattern is most suitable for use in formations.

He gained a lot of knowledge about formations in Tianyanzong's Hundred Arrays Pagoda, which made his attainments in formations unimaginably improved, and the benefits of that kind of enlightenment can't be reflected at once. It is worth chewing and savoring again and again, and in the process, continue to improve his array.

In the test of breaking through the Hundred Arrays Tower, he arranged many arrays according to the requirements of the Hundred Arrays Tower, so in terms of array formation, Lu Ye is no longer what it used to be.

Such a large formation with a four-pole formation flag as the frame and a bursting spirit pattern as the foundation, is filled by Lu Ye and stored in it with a large amount of spiritual power extracted from spirit stones. How strong is the power that erupts? Lu Ye Would love to know too.

The monks of Wanmo Ridge are afraid of his ability to break the formation, but no one has tried his ability to form the formation.

"Run!" a monk from Wanmo Ridge yelled.

However, it was too late.

The violent spiritual power boiled to the limit in an instant, and the moment the bursting spirit pattern was formed, the earth shook and the mountains shook, and the roar was deafening. All the monks of Wanmo Ridge who rushed towards Lu Ye were startled, almost He stopped his pace instinctively.

Looking in the direction, I saw a rain of blood pouring down over there, limbs and pieces of flesh everywhere, half of a team of more than a dozen people from Wanmo Ridge fell instantly, and the rest were not intact. He fell to the ground and howled loudly.

The power of this explosion circle is better than expected.

But the cost is also high, just now, the four flags are scrapped.

These four array flags are naturally not rewards for the Hundred Array Tower rewards.

The array flags rewarded by the Hundred Array Towers are extraordinary, and Lu Ye dare not waste them like this anyway.

He bought these four array flags from the treasure house of heavenly secrets. The price of each array flag ranges from tens of merit points to hundreds of points. This price is almost equivalent to a good low-grade spiritual weapon.

Almost all of Lu Ye's previous thousands of merit points were spent on buying formation flags and foundations.

In fact, if Lu Ye had enough strength, with his advantage of fire-type spiritual power, he could buy some materials and refine the formation flags he needed in the air.

It's just that his cultivation has not yet reached this level, and he doesn't have the time and conditions to refine it by himself, so he can only buy ready-made ones from the treasure house of heaven's secrets.

It's not a loss for him, because killing the enemy in this way is meritorious in itself, and the spoils captured can also be sold to earn merit or spirit stones.

If the enemy killed is rich enough, not only will he not lose money, but he will also make a profit.

At the same time as the first bursting magic circle was showing its power, several more magic circles were activated.

The second loud noise came out, and the monks from Wanmo Ridge, who were surrounded by the magic circle, followed in the footsteps of the previous team and suffered heavy casualties.

The other magic circles are not bursting magic circles, but each magic circle has its own magical effect. Under Lu Ye's control, the magic circles shot one after another, and the monks from Wanmo Ridge who beat them complained endlessly.

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