
Chapter 15 Comics that can really send readers away

“This feeling is really disgusting.”

Deep in Zeshan, Chen Yi felt that his whole body was wrapped in a fleshy mass, covering both his nose and ears.

Fortunately, this feeling dissipated quickly, and as the feeling of being bound all over the body dissipated, a whole new force poured out of Chen Yi.


Chen Yi waved his wrist lightly, and a big tree in front of him was instantly cut in half by the high-frequency sword at his elbow, as if he was cutting a piece of tofu.

At this time, Chen Yi was wearing a white weird armor, as if a beetle was attached to him, and even some flesh and blood tissue could be seen at the root of his thigh. This armor seemed to be a living thing.

Fortify the armored Kabbah!

Chen Yi has been trembling in fear since he traveled to the world of “Fortress Armor”, because he knows that in the future, there will be a group of beast gods that will rule the world, and human beings will become beasts. Rong…

Strictly speaking, the unified Earth did not cause much confusion. What should everyone do? His teacher is still a teacher.

Even to a certain extent, everyone has a better life. After all, the physical fitness of the lycanthrope has been greatly improved. If you want to fly, you can become a bat lycanthropy. If you want to run fast, you can strengthen your legs. It doesn’t hurt to be a little ugly behind him, and it can be changed back again, just like Xu Xian, it doesn’t matter if Bai Suzhen is a monster or not, what matters is that the woman in her arms is a beautiful woman.

But everyone doesn’t know that the ultimate goal of the ruler of this world is to take all human beings to the unknown world to seek revenge for their creator!

In other words, he is very likely to be a good teacher, and he has to be pulled on a spaceship to find the creator desperately!

What’s even more disturbing is that although I know that the world I traveled through is “Strong Colony Armor”, but because the author is a pigeon powerhouse, a comic published in 1985, I’m stunned that the pigeon is still there now. It’s not over yet, I’ve only drawn more than 200 words in total!

This is a comic that can really send readers away, because readers of the same age as the author have already been sent away by it!

Fujian Yibo is simply Saint compared to him!

So Chen Yi is still not sure whether the protagonist will defeat the first-generation beast god general Akaffir in the future, or whether the Scroll Island Jaws will come to dominate the world, or whether Akaffir will eventually create a spaceship, All human beings were captured and turned into beast-like soldiers, left Earth, and fought desperately with the creator of this world human beings.

After being frightened for a while, Chen Yi clenched his teeth, stomped his feet, and decided to go on his own. He couldn’t hand over the future to the indecisive male protagonist Fukamachi Akira, who looked like the second male lead who was more like a villain. In the hands of the Island Jaw.

First of all, by virtue of his identity as the dean, Chen Yi closed Zeshan, where the protagonist obtained unit G, on the grounds of safety, and prohibited students from going there.

That’s right, this life Chen Yi did not become a social animal, but became the dean of the school where Akira Fukamachi lives, which is why he knows the world so well.

The effect of this move is very successful, if it is those bad students, they will definitely not listen to him, but Fukamachi Akira and Makishima Jato are both members of the student council. The former is a good student, and the latter is a good student. Ambition, but on the surface is also a good student, and will naturally abide by the rules set by the school.

On the other hand, Chen Yi has installed several monitors in the mountainside. Every day after class, he goes to investigate. On the surface, he is naturally patrolling, but secretly he is waiting for the arrival of the beast-like soldier.

Heaven will not disappoint the person who tries. After squatting for two consecutive months and catching more than a dozen unlucky people who tried to take shortcuts in the mountainside, Chen Yi finally waited for his cheater.


With a loud bang, a 50cm-sized white circular device appeared in front of Chen Yi.

Unit · G!

The armor worn by the aliens who descended on Earth in ancient times is like human space suits. In order to prepare the biological weapon materials they need, the operation experiments of genetic factors have been repeated for billions of years. In the end, the perfect adaptation of ‘human’ was developed.

It may just be because it is too perfect, a descendant put a unit G on an ancient human out of curiosity.

The unit G is not fake, but it is a biological suit, which can greatly optimize the user’s various strengths. Humans who wear unit G immediately have their own will, and he escapes. Take control of the descendants!

Not only that, maybe out of revenge, maybe out of an unconscious state of rampage, the first-generation Kabbah launched a frantic attack on the spaceship of the descendants, although the descendants eventually came into contact with the first-generation Kabbah , but it also made the descendants vigilant.

It’s like a dog wearing a human space suit, but it can shoot energy cannons at humans. Who would dare to treat a dog as the most loyal partner?

Based on the same reason, the descendants decided to give up humans, and even rewarded Earth with an asteroid when they flew away from Earth. GG.

The reason why Chen Yi was able to obtain this Kabbah so easily is very simple. He didn’t know when the beast-like soldier escaped from the ruins base, but he knew that the unit G dropped after the explosion. The exact location, because Fukamachi was possessed by Kabbah and fell into a pool. Just find the pool and Unit G will fall from the sky.

“The next step is to deal with the group of animalized soldiers.”

Chen Yi’s eyes narrowed, and his figure instantly disappeared in place, appearing in the center of the explosion.

“There are two more units, please look carefully!”

A huge dark gray monster spoke human’s words, and beside it, nine people wearing black uniforms , the warrior wearing a white round helmet, saluted immediately, and was about to spread out to search when he saw a white silhouette.

Beast Transformation!

The super warrior, which is genetically modulated by various animals, possesses power beyond human beings.

But in front of Kabbah, this kind of animalized soldier is as vulnerable as humans are in front of them.

High frequency sword!

Chen Yi slammed into the crowd with two long blades outstretched from both hands and elbows.

The strong colony armor brought him not only a strong body, but also super reflexes and battle awareness. Although Chen Yi has not learned any fighting skills, it is only a few breaths. The soldier and the animalized soldier died at the hands of Chen Yi.

White’s silhouette stopped, stood in front of the corpse, and slowly opened the particle cannon on his chest.


scarlet rays of light flashed, and the scene of blood flowing into a river turned into a scorched earth.

“The next step is to find the scapegoat.”

Although Chen Yi wants to gain self-protection power in this world, he also knows that the strong armor can barely keep up with the The Beast God will make a move, and he can’t stop a move in front of the first-generation Beast God.

So he intends to return the other two sets of colony armor to the two protagonists.

Well, Akira Fukamachi gave it, and this slightly damaged unit, G, will be given to the Kuishima Jaw. I think he can fix it himself. As for if it can’t be repaired, he can only say sorry. .

Of course, out of caution, he planned to disguise himself as a tramp and ‘accidentally’ throw Unit G to the two protagonists like the beast-like soldier.


【Chen Yi joined the chat group】

【Chen Yi joined the chat group】

【Chen Yi joined the chat group】

[Chen Yi has joined the chat group]

[Chen Yi has joined the chat group]

Just when Chen Yi arranged the two protagonists perfectly clear, a chat box caught his eye.

(End of this chapter)

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