
Chapter 21 Descendant spaceship

[Marvel]@【Power Armor】: Can you help me make a copycat version Kabbah, I have a friend who wants to wear it.

【Fortress Armor】:……

Chen Yi, who is lurking in the ruins base, faces full of black lines, I am preparing to save the world, you tell me this ?

Why do these guys have no sense of crisis at all!

Chen Yi was a little indignant, but it’s easy to understand that other Chen Yi didn’t have a sense of crisis.

Compared to him, a strong colonized armored world that doesn’t know what will happen in the future, most of other Chen Yi know what will happen in the future, which makes other world Chen Yi have the illusion of foresight.

Even this is not an illusion, because knowing the future they also know that the future is safe.

Just like Chen Yi from the hell teacher world, although that unlucky guy became a student of Nuno Mingsuke, every day all is hell, but looking at the whole “Hell teacher”, Tong Shou Primary School 5 years 3 No students died in the class at all.

Although Nuye Mingsuke is a poor and unlucky person, he is really good to his students. As long as Chen Yi does not die, his safety is still guaranteed.

Not to mention Chen Yi of Tianxing Jiuge, who still has basic self-protection ability after learning magic.

Even if it is Marvel, it will not encounter any danger in a short time. When Dormammu comes, there will be a strange Academician who is completely safe.

That’s why Chen Yi, who doesn’t know the future plot at all, needs to find a way to control the ruins base, in case he gets pulled on the spaceship by Akaffir one day and goes all out to find the creators.

The ruins base of Knos is located in Mei Nai Shenshan.

The construction of the ruins base is similar to that of the Hive Company in Resident Evil, and they are all excavated down to the top of the spaceship.

The descendants did not drive away all their spaceships when they left, and the reason why the Mei Nai Shenshan is still alive is because of the heat source provided by the lava below, otherwise it would have been with the other two spaceships. turned into a fossil.

Cautiously approaching a soldier guarding the gate of the base, Chen Yi spoke to him gently and directly controlled him.

“Come and find a soldier’s clothes!”

Chen Yi instructed.

The pupils of the soldiers quickly turned blue. Fortunately, they were wearing protective goggles and could not see the pupils at all from the outside.

Chen Yi didn’t follow him in. He was overthinking when he entered invisibly. Although magic is magical, the beast soldiers are not blind. Whether it is through sound waves or smells, they can sense their surroundings. environment of.

After a while, the soldier walked in with a suit of clothes. Chen Yi put on Knos’s battle suit, and clicked a beastly soldier and another unlucky one on the left along the way, just like walking around. The home base came all the way to the arrival spaceship.

This is a ten-meter-high giant creature. The reason why it is called a creature is because the spaceship of the descendant is a living spaceship. Its shape is a bit like the head of an octopus, and its whole body is dark.

“Are you okay?”

The spaceship is linked to a metal wire, which is used to monitor the interior of the spaceship. A group of scientists are standing around, working hard to observe. data.

The spaceship of the Descendants can only be entered by the driver, that is, the colonizers of the Kabbah can enter it.

It is not impossible to forcibly open it, but the self-healing ability of the living spaceship is not weak, and it is also very corrosive. Basically, it is explained in it as soon as it enters.

And Knox didn’t want to destroy the integrity of the spaceship, so he could only concoct special lycanthropes and force them to enter the spaceship. That’s how the unlucky guy who stole Kaba was concocted. , for Knox, they are nothing but disposables.

But it turned out that this one-time item trapped Knos. If this guy hadn’t escaped, it probably wouldn’t have happened to Fukamachi.

Chen Yi didn’t talk nonsense, just stepped on the gods and used the scepter of the mind to stop all the scientists, then opened the magic box and ordered them to go in.

If it were normal times, these scientists would have been shocked to doubt life when they saw such an extremely unscientific box, and then discussed the unscientific science together, but now they are very obeying Chen Yi’s orders and queuing up. into the box.

Waiting for hundreds of scientists to enter the box, Chen Yi closed the box, then came to the relic spaceship and put his hand on the spaceship.

[Strong Colony Armor] has released the exclusive red envelope [Adventurer spaceship] for [Strong Colony Armor].

Beep beep…

“Damn it, I knew they should cancel the alarm!”

But Chen Yi also knows that even if he asks the scientists to cancel the alarm , the alarm should still sound, after all, Knos is not at ease with these kidnapped scientists.


The soldiers outside rushed in, and were shocked to find that the huge spaceship had disappeared!

“Stop them!”

Chen Yi said without thinking.

These soldiers didn’t realize what happened, but their companions attacked them. What’s more, some soldiers turned into beasts and slammed into their companions.

“Stop, you’re crazy!”

“Are you a spy?”


da da da!

Pu chi!

The descendant spaceship has no consciousness of its own, and it is the property of the colonizer by default, so it can be sent to the chat group as a red envelope, but scientists can’t , but this can’t stop Chen Yi.

Taking advantage of the chaos of the soldiers, Chen Yi pointed his wand at a folder on the ground that he didn’t know the scientist had dropped, said without thinking: “Mentos!”

A silver light shoots out from the wand and sinks into the folder, which emits a faint blue light.

Chen Yi holds the box with his right hand and the folder with his left.


Chen Yi only felt as if there was a hook behind his belly button and slammed forward with an irresistible momentum, his feet flew off the ground, like a gust of wind He seemed to be flying forward, unable to see anything in front of him.

The door key!

In Harry Potter world, an application for registration must be made with the Ministry of Magic before making a portkey, and the consequences of using an unapproved portkey can be very serious.

The incantation of making a portkey is extremely simple, so it is often abused because no one knows where the portkey ends, just like the Goblet of Fire in the original plot, who didn’t expect it Teleport the person to Demon prostrating on the ground.

But in this world without the Ministry of Magic, Chen Yi is naturally reckless when used, and has the ability to cross planes to catch me!


Chen Yi, wearing a powerful armor, appeared in his bedroom, only to feel that his stomach was overturned, he couldn’t vomit, and he was so uncomfortable.

“It seems that this kind of magic is aimed at the brain, even if you wear the colony armor.”

Chen Yi removed the colony armor, lay on the bed, and put the box away Throwing it aside, he couldn’t help but complain: “So why are the people in the box okay? Is it because they are in different spaces?”


Just as he sighed, There was a rumbling sound in the distance, he opened the window, and what he saw was a pillar of fire reaching the sky.

Mei Nai Shenshan, broke out!

I suddenly had ringing in my ears, and I don’t know what’s going on. Could it be the reason why I keep listening to songs, I’m not in the mood to code at all!

PS: There is one more chapter,

(end of this chapter)

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