
Chapter 6 Are you afraid of Deadpool?

【Deer Ding Ji】: Hurry up! Do as I say!

Chen Yi hurriedly stared at the chat group, wanting to see if Lu Ding Ji world had any good ideas.

【Lu Ding Ji】: Put my Inner Strength into the red envelope and send it to me.

Chen Yi:……

It’s his fault, this guy has been completely infected by nonsense.

[The Matrix]: First send the psychic scepter and the universe cube, and then run away, it’s not you who threw the nuclear bomb, even more how, so you can save the world, blow it up New York is nothing but a sacrifice to heaven.

Thank you so much!

【Harry Potter】: Are you stupid, you can put a nuclear bomb into a red envelope.

Chen Yi: …

[Marvel]: Who will it be sent to?

Red envelopes are always targeted, and although the time will stop when they are inserted, how can they be taken out later?

[Super power out of control]: Send it in groups, maybe which Chen Yi can use it in the future.

Chen Yi:……

To destroy the world, right?

But now is not the time to think about it, he hurriedly put the mind scepter and the universe cube into a red envelope and sent it to Chen Yi of Lu Ding Ji.

【Lu Ding Ji】: I go, can I really send it over?

According to the background of Marvel, the Infinity Stones belong to the Marvel universe, but now it can be sent to another world through red envelopes, which is obviously illogical.

[Harry Potter]: It may be that the power level of our chat group is higher than that of the Marvel Universe.

【Lu Ding Ji】: Simply put, our setting is stronger than that of the Marvel Universe.

【Super Power Out of Control】: Well-founded and convincing.

Chen Yi was too lazy to listen to the nonsense in the group, and used telekinesis to fly towards the direction of the nuclear bomb.

At this moment, a red silhouette also flew up from the ground, the energy cannon in his hand condensed and aimed at Chen Yi.


Obviously because of his behavior of controlling Black Widow, Iron Man made himself an enemy, and naturally he would not believe that he was here to save the world.

ka ka ka…

Iron Man was stunned to find that his right hand was slowly twisted, aiming at his right foot.

“Jarvis, what’s going on?”

Iron Man hurriedly stopped the energy gathering in his hands.

“Sir, there is an invisible force twisting my arm, most likely a superpower.”

Jarvis responded immediately.

Iron Man immediately distanced himself from Chen Yi and attempted to use a ranged attack.

puff puff puff…

At this moment, the propeller on his right leg suddenly went out, and the whole person fell down.

To a certain extent, although the power of mind is not as complete as the ability of Magneto to overcome Iron Man, it can also cause damage to steel battle clothes. After all, the more delicate the machine, the easier it is to be destroyed.

And compared to the scarlet power of Scarlet Witch, Chen Yi’s psychic power is invisible and intangible, just like Ant-Man destroying steel battle clothes, just let the psychic power drill into Iron Man with the thruster mouth The right foot can cause damage to it.


Iron Man’s right hand acts as a thruster downwards, looking at Chen Yi who is flying far away, some anxiously said: “Thor, support is needed here!”



On the ground, Thor, the god of thunder, was hearing this, recalling his hammer, spinning the hammer of Thor, flying towards Chen Yi.

Fuck, come back!

Seeing Thor, Chen Yi’s whole person is not well. Although the Hulk is the strongest in the Avengers, Hulk can’t fly. Chen Yi is not afraid of him. But is it possible that can’t run.

But Thor is different. If the omni-directional warrior is a hexagon, then he is a pentagonal warrior, which is worse than the omni-directional warrior.

cough cough , the wisdom here means magic, definitely not IQ, absolutely!

“Wait a minute, I’m just here to stop the nuclear bomb, not to fight against you.”

Chen Yi hurriedly shouted.

Thor looked at Chen Yi suspiciously, and asked with some uncertainty: “What should I do?”

He didn’t ask Chen Yi, but through the headset Ask Iron Man.

Iron Man is hearing this frowned, this nuke has been activated and will wreak havoc on Manhattan no matter which direction it goes.

“Tell him it’s only a minute away!”

Iron Man gritted his teeth.

“Boy, the Tin Woodman said that this thing will blow up in just one minute, I advise you to get it done!” .

Seeing that he didn’t do anything, Chen Yi hurriedly flew towards the nuclear bomb. He put his right hand on the nuclear bomb and wanted to get it into the red envelope.


Just as he was about to put the nuclear bomb into the red envelope, Chen Yi immediately sensed a limitation: it must be an unowned thing to be included in it.

Theoretically, this nuclear bomb was fired by the opposite plane and belongs to that plane.

Chen Yi turned around, stood on the opposite side of the nuclear bomb, put his hands on the nuclear bomb, and forcibly stopped the flight of the nuclear bomb.

What if there is a master, will I not grab it?

“What are you doing!”

Iron Man who rushed over saw this startled, are you going to drag everyone to bury?

However, the moment he spoke, the nuclear bomb in Chen Yi’s hand disappeared, and the entire world fell into silence.

“What about nuclear and nuclear bombs?”

Iron Man looked confused, is this a space superpower?

“Here it is!”

Chen Yi spread out both hands, and the nuclear bomb appeared in his hands again.

Iron Man: Σ(っ°Д°;)っ

Of course Chen Yi didn’t want to perish with everyone, but he had to warn this group of people, I am now But a man who carries a nuclear bomb with him, I will take out the nuclear bomb when I am in a hurry.

Of course, this kind of bluffing can’t be done too many times. After all, the nuclear bomb will explode within a minute. Although there is no concept of time in the chat group, it will take time to take it out and put it back in. Really. It would be funny if it exploded.

Iron Man was really frightened, and hurriedly shouted: “Hurry up and put it away!”

Are you afraid of Deadpool?

Chen Yi twitched his lips and sent the red envelope to Chen Yi of The Matrix.

The reason why I sent it to Chen Yi of The Matrix is to let him study it, and to prevent a real Chen Yi who wants to destroy the world join the chat group, and then collect the nuclear bomb Let’s have an explosion of art.

“Okay, sir, should you explain your behavior?”

Seeing that the nuclear bomb matter is resolved, Tony doesn’t need to be relaxed. it is good.

“Explain? Shouldn’t you give me an explanation?”

Now that he speaks, it will definitely be recorded by Jarvis, and Chen Yi also said ill-humoredly : “I stayed in Brooklyn well, but suddenly a big hole opened in the sky, and a group of aliens ran out.”

Of course he didn’t stay in Brooklyn, it was just a The other party may not necessarily believe in a small trick to confuse people, but Chen Yi just said it casually.

“No, I mean what you took.”

Iron Man frowned, the Cosmic Cube and the Mind Scepter on Stark Tower are gone, this is this The cause of the incident, how could he let Chen Yi leave so casually.

“Speaking of this, I can’t give it to you.”

Chen Yi coldly said: “That thing is the key to opening that Transmission Gate, I don’t want to open it again. Transmission Gate.”

Iron Man shook his head and said, “Of course we won’t open that Transmission Gate, that’s because it was stolen.”

“hmph, since you can be If you stole the first time, you may be robbed the second time, and the third time, do you think I should trust you?”

Giving the Infinity Stones to the Avengers is almost equivalent to giving It is better to send the Infinity Gems to Thanos directly to the foreign world. This is Chen Yi’s bottom line.

“Outlander, I advise you to hand over the Cosmic Rubik’s Cube.”

Though Thor didn’t know what happened, he still decided to side with Iron Man.

Chen Yi’s thoughts moved, and the nuclear bomb appeared in his hands again: “Are you sure?”




(end of this chapter)

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