
Chapter 62 We will not give up any Chen Yi (thanks to [Tianwen 003] 500 starting point coins reward)

【Strong Colonial Armor】: Tell everyone a good news and a bad news, which one do you want to hear first?

All Chen Yi:  …

You must know that Chen Yi, who has strong armor, has always been known for his seriousness in the group, and he holds the ultimate weapon of Kaba, so even LSPs Don’t dare to offend him.

But today is so skinny, is there anything happy happened? Found a girlfriend?

I remember that there seem to be only two female characters in the strong colony armor, one is the girlfriend of Akira Fukamachi, and the other is the admirer of the people of the island, what are they called.

Chen Yi has no impression, the only thing I remember is that she is very beautiful after transformation, and her personality is also the gentle and elegant type they like. It’s a pity that it was made into a lifespan short-lived Guli Sailu by the people of the island. tower.

Could it be that this guy has been suppressing his perversion for a long time?

After all, although the transformed Guliseluta is very beautiful, she is not human at all!

[Initial D]: Bad news!

【Power Armor】: The bad news is that Supergirl’s genes are exactly the same as those of humans, and you can’t be turned into superhumans by studying her genes.

Chen Yi: …

This is good news for you!

They know why this guy is so skinny, because this is news that makes lsp desperate.

【Initial D】: The water will flow more when the knife is cut off, and the more sorrowful you will be with a toast.

【Nine Songs of the Sky】: The sunshine incense burner produces purple smoke, and the waterfall hangs before panting.

【My Super Girlfriend】: When I look at the sword at night, my dream is like a dragon!

As expected, lsp heard that the body of Superman was gone, and they turned into wet people one by one, feeling that their luck was not good, why did not a creation god Chen Yi join!

[Oolong Chuangqingguan]: Enough of you guys. The more you talk, the more outrageous you are. Be careful that the group is blocked. I still want to marry Huo Shuixian.

【Hell teacher】: What about the good news?

As a 12-year-old Chen Yi said that he doesn’t need a kidney with steel essence, which is not bad news for him.

【Powerful Armor】: I found out that what augments Supergirl is a kind of radiant energy, a kind of radiant energy that can strengthen the power of human beings.

【Marvel】: Like the radiation of the sun to Superman? An intensified light that is unique to human beings?

Good guy, that’s pretty reasonable!

【Powerful Armor】: That’s right.

[The Matrix]: So the question is, can this thing be made?

【Powerful Armor】: The energy of the hair is too little, I can only extract a little power, but it also increases my power by 1%.

Damn it, is it that strong?

Chen Yi’s eyes widened, five hairs can increase the strength by 1%, what if five hundred hairs? Wouldn’t he just become a superman?

[Initial D]@[My Super Girlfriend]: Brother, the task of saving the world is up to you!

[My Super Girlfriend]:…

Your world is just an ordinary world, save the ass!

【天行九歌】@【My Super Girlfriend】: Brother, the important task of saving the world is left to you!

You want to harm the entire Tianxing Jiuge world!

Also, there are 20 Chen Yis in the chat group, each with 500 hairs, so he can’t turn his Tyrant Dragon girlfriend into the Mediterranean?

This is not counting Chen Yi who will join in the future. If there are a hundred Chen Yi and a thousand Chen Yi in the future, can his girlfriend pretend to be Gu Yi directly?

[Marvel]: Not necessarily, I heard that girls also shave their legs, you can ask her for leg hair.

[Danwumei Xiaobu]: Nonsense, my Hai Laoming has never shaved my legs!

[Initial D]: Little brother, you are so rare and strange, girl not only shaves her legs, but also…

[Danwumei Xiaobu]: …

If you shave your face, just shave your face, but why do you add an ellipsis?

【Power Armor】@【My Super Girlfriend】: You can give me 500 hairs first and make me superman, and then I will give you 500 hairs to make you superman .

After the radiation force pours into the human body, it will be completely integrated into the cells, and the human body will also have the function of producing this force, just like the human hematopoietic ability.

You must know that the superwoman in that world does not need to absorb the sun to restore the power, but also has no source of power. Based on the energy of the meteorite, in theory, it should have been consumed by the superwoman’s power long ago.

[My Super Girlfriend]: Why, I want to be the first to become Superman!

【Strong Colony Armor】: You don’t have any equipment.

[My Super Girlfriend]:…

Well, he’s just a rich second-generation, he doesn’t run a big company, and he really doesn’t have any equipment.

[My Super Girlfriend]: Then I want Small Revitalizing Pill, magic, power crystal, magic power…

[Super power out of control]: No problem!

[The Matrix]: No problem!

[Strong Colony Armor]: No problem!

[Time Planning Bureau]: No problem!


The current Chen Yi is a great man, so naturally he does what he says.

As for the relief that cuts him off, this is called mutual benefit, how can it be called relief!

【Pacific Rim】@【Strong Colony Armor】: What about my strong bone meal?

【Fortified Armor】: The things you gave do contain some DNA that I have never seen before. Although I don’t know if it is a monster, it also shows that your world is indeed very dangerous. , rest assured, we will not give up any of Chen Yi’s!

[My Super Girlfriend]: The boss is mighty!

[Pacific Rim]: The big guy is mighty!

[Oolong Breakthrough]: The boss is mighty!

[Super Marines]: The boss is mighty!

[Initial D]: The big guy is mighty!

【Fortified Armor】: Except for Chen Yi with initial D.

[Initial D]:…


【Strong Colony Armor】: It’s up to you to let Xia Shu get on the car.

As an honest from Chen Yi, Chen Yi said that although high school students are good, but high school students break the law!

[Initial D]: talk nonsense, I have seen Xia Shu’s student ID card, she is eighteen!

All Chen Yi:……

You are so proud!

【Powerful Armor】: Well, you also have a share of their relief, but I still want to say that your world is just an ordinary world, don’t harm others.


I look down on who, I will go to Qiuming Mountain tomorrow to see, maybe it’s not Fujiwara Takumi who is driving the tofu, but a squinting river god.

Chen Yi from the initial D thought angrily, but considering that if it is really a river god…then this world feels even more pitted!

Chen Yi shuddered when he thought that his world was constructed from memes, too terrifying. Isn’t he covered in memes?

[Initial D]: Do you think there will be Chen Yi transmigrating into funny comics, such as…

[Hell teacher]: Like hell teacher?

[Initial D]: My condolences!

Your sister, Young Master is alive and well, and every day a beautiful woman sleeps in the building, why do you want to mourn?

The funny character is Minosuke Nuno, what is there to be afraid of Young Master!

[Initial D]: No, I mean cat and mouse or something.

[The Matrix]: That’s not necessarily true. Maybe you’ve been assimilated by that world and become immortal.

Makes sense!

After all, there is no reason to travel to that world, but I am an independent existence. Isn’t that a lonely time?

[Marvel]: But it may also become a sand sculpture.

It makes more sense!

To make a complaint, every time I do nucleic acid, there will be two songs on the square telling people to wear masks. Although the original intention is worthy of recognition, it is really hard to listen to! PS: I didn’t check the name, because I have no grudge against myself

(end of this chapter)

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