
Chapter 73 Isn’t this work supposed to be done by Han Lingsha? (Thanks to [Drug q] for the reward of 100 starting point coins)

“Ha hu hu, it’s so spicy, but delicious!”

On the Azure Phoenix Peak, Chen Yi took out a barbecue stand , flipping the barbecue, said with a smile: “Brother Tianhe, how about it, I said this is much more delicious than a wild boar!”

Of course Chen Yi doesn’t want to eat wild boars or something, even more how as a pampered young master, killing is the worst thing to do…so he always asks someone in the group for it.

In ancient times, it was not easy to make a delicious meal at any time, but in modern times, it is basically all you need to do. Except for those artists who have ordered the skills of sending big stars, modern people just cook instant noodles. In the eyes of the ancients, it is fragrant.

Speaking of which is also pitiful, even when Yun Tianqing was alive, Yun Tianhe hadn’t eaten anything good, and he hadn’t even seen rice.

“Chen Yi, you are such a good person!”

Yun Tianhe ate his mouth full of oil, then scratched his head with his greasy hands.

Chen Yi: ∑(っ°Д°;)っ.

“Let me help you roast meat, I roast meat is very difficult to deal with!”

Drying his hands with the wild beast skin on his body, Yun Tianhe felt that he would eat it all the time. Inappropriate, reaching out to pick up the sausage from Chen Yi’s hand.

“Don’t come here!!!”

Chen Yi directly carried the barbecue grill to distance himself from Yuntianhe. This guy is too unsanitary.

Wait, I remember when this guy appeared in the original plot, he seemed to have said that he simply didn’t take a shower!

Chen Yi’s eyelids were twitched, no wonder this guy had a strange smell.

“Wow, you’re so powerful, you’re not afraid of getting hot.”

Yun Tianhe looked at Chen Yi holding the grill in his hand with admiration. , not only can become various things, but also not afraid of hot.

Putting down the grill, Chen Yi squeezed out a smile: “That Tianhe, can you take a bath.”

“A bath, what is that?”

Chen Yi:……

“I’ll fight!”

Chen Yi leg raised, kicked Yuntianhe into the creek in front of Shishenxi Cave.

“gu lu lu, what are you doing?”

Yun Tianhe stood up from the water with a dazed look on his face, not knowing why Chen Yi suddenly turned his face.

Chen Yi didn’t bother to explain to this fellow, so he pushed him into the water and threw him back and forth a few times. He felt that it was not clean, so he took out shampoo and shower gel and began to teach Yun Tianhe how to do it. bath.

“You people are really strange, why do you want to pinch your own flesh?”

Yun Tianhe was quite resistant, but unable to resist Chen Yi’s brute force, he was very aggrieved and decided to take back himself The Good Person Card.

Chen Yi can only helplessly explain: “Do you sometimes feel itchy all over your body? This is the consequence of not taking a bath! Also, don’t you think you have a smell on your body?”


It smells, obviously Yun Tianhe can’t smell it, after all, he is used to it, but sometimes it’s real itching all over, and Chen Yi’s expression doesn’t seem like a lie, so he decided to give it a try. try.

After some tossing, Chen Yi threw another set of clothes to Yun Tianhe, and began to teach him how to wear clothes…

“I always feel that something is wrong, this is not what I should do. Did Lingsha do it?”

Just when Chen Yi found a copy of “Thousand Characters” in Yun Tianhe’s house that had not been burned by Yun Tianhe as firewood, he began to teach him ‘brother’ is not’ Brother’s expression suddenly froze.

Although Yun Tianhe seems to be an adult, he is in fact the same as a child in both personality and mind, which makes it difficult for Chen Yi to treat him as a peer. As a human being, Chen Yi was a generation older than Yun Tianhe psychologically, so he treated Yun Tianhe subconsciously with a brat attitude.

In the end, of course, he was idle and idle. He still had to wait for Han Lingsha to come and steal Yun Qingtian’s tomb.

In this way, Chen Yi taught Yun Tianhe literacy during the day, and slept in a small wood house on a tree at night. He also picked up Wang Shu sword to take a look. It’s a pity that he doesn’t have the aura of the protagonist, it’s not a cloudy year. Born on a cloudy day, Wang Shujian does not ignore him.

“Come on!”

Chen Yi looked at the next red silhouette of the wood house, first walked around the Shishenxi Cave, and then began to pry the door, Immediately got in.

Chen Yi immediately got down from the tree and picked up Yun Tianhe, who hu hu was sleeping: “Not good, someone broke into your father’s tomb.”

Yun Tianhe immediately woke up when he heard it, because in his logic, if someone broke into Shishenxi Cave, it would mean that someone disturbed Yun Tianqing, and if someone disturbed Yun Tianqing, then Yun Tianqing would be angry, and Yun Tianqing was angry, Come back and beat yourself up.

The logic is meticulous and head-scratching.

So he hurriedly picked up his longbow and Wangshu sword and rushed to Shishenxi Cave.

The stone gate, which was originally closed, had been opened for the most part, and the cave was gloomy. Yun Tianhe scratched his head in a hurry.

“Why did he run into my father’s tomb?”

Yun Tianhe didn’t understand very much. He had met two people in total throughout his childhood, and Chen Yi was also very kind to him. , he naturally couldn’t understand why someone would run into his father’s tomb.

Chen Yi thought for a while, and explained in words that Yun Tianhe could understand: “Maybe it’s because she thinks there are good things in your father’s tomb.”

Ashamed to say , Chen Yi actually thought so, otherwise he would just wait at the foot of the mountain and wait for Han Lingsha to bring Yuntianhe down the mountain.

I will make good people, and you will take the blame!

“I know, this is the bad guy, right!”

Yun Tianhe nodded hard, holding a bow in his left hand and a sword in his right hand, when he saw Han Lingsha, he would give her a sword stance.

“cough cough, no need, no need, just grab the person.”

Chen Yi hurriedly stopped, knowing that it was because Yun Tianhe shot with the Wangshu sword Han Lingsha made a sword, which led to Han Lingsha becoming the sword master of Wang Shujian, which led to the birth of a series of tragedies that followed.

Am I making them feel bad about each other?

No at first. They seem to have mutual ill feelings, at least Han Lingsha is half-to death by Yun Tianhe every time.

He secretly complained about himself, and walked into the Shishenxi Cave with Yun Tianhe.

Although the cave is gloomy, there are a lot of moss that can glow in the cave. Chen Yi picked it up a little, ready to let Chen Yi of the strong armored analyze it, maybe Chen Yi of the Matrix can use it.

And Yun Tianhe, relying on his hunting experience through childhood, followed the footsteps of Han Lingsha, and followed the tomb to explore.

In fact, like Chen Yi, he entered Shishenxi Cave for the first time, because Yun Tianqing buried himself when he died.

So wouldn’t it be embarrassing if he didn’t count the time and didn’t die in the coffin?

While following behind Yun Tianhe, Chen Yi opened his mind. In his last life, he lived in a rural area. After the death of the old man, he would often be placed in the ancestral hall. However, some old people’s life force is more tenacious, so sometimes It will bounce back and forth.

“Shh is the cloud and rain, hee is the thunder. Connecting to heaven penetrating the earth, out of the dark and into the light, Myriad Transformations, who is not me!”

“I am the Kui Zhao , guard this place under the command of the master, and anyone who trespasses without permission will be executed on the spot!”

At this moment, an emotionless voice came from a distance, Chen Yi pupils shrank, it was Kui called!

“There is a murderous aura!”

Yun Tianhe also looked at the front nervously, and once again pulled out the Wangshu sword, bend bow and place arrow.

However, what happened next exceeded Chen Yi’s expectations. After seeing Yun Tianhe bend bow and place arrow, Kuizhao did not retreat directly, but still came towards them.

And in front of him, there was a red clothed woman running towards him in embarrassment.

It’s broken, Wang Shujian is not really activated, so Kuizhao will naturally retire by himself!

(End of this chapter)

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