
Chapter 91 is over and no one knows (thanks to [Book Friends 2…989] for the reward of 100 starting points)

Facts Prove that the law of aggressiveness works very well in any world, especially a person who is very unpleasant to you.

In Snape’s gloomy, but unable to find any faulty eyes, Chen Yi learned the wolf’s poison potion as he wished… and then Hogwarts was deducted 15 points because The three unlucky little ones were each deducted five points.

【Harry Potter】@【Blade of Ghost Slayer】: Help me see if I can enhance the potion attribute.

The wolf venom does not act immediately, but needs to be taken several days in advance. Chen Yi wants to transform it into an instant potion, which can make the werewolves regain their senses immediately.

Speaking of which is a bit outrageous. The full moon can obviously be calculated, but in the original plot, the reason why Harry and others let Peter Pettigrew run away is because Lupin forgot to take his medicine.

[Blade of Ghost Slayer]: You treat me as a purifier, and if you want to treat werewolves, give me some werewolf blood anyway!

[Harry Potter]: Alright!

The quickest way to get werewolf blood is naturally from Professor Lupin, but you can’t stab him directly, right?

Chen Yi thinks he’s a good student, even though he’s already in a puppy love, eh, doesn’t it seem like it’s against the law at Hogwarts?

Chen Yi walked in the direction of the beating willow. Although Harry and Ron did not get any branches of the beating willow, for the sake of the two of them being beaten so badly by the beating willow, Chen Yi was a Yi decides to help them make magic rings.

“By the way, the magic stick is called the magic wand, so can the magic ring be called the Lord of the Rings?”

Considering that calling the Lord the Ring is too arrogant and may be beaten, Chen Yi decided Or continue to call the magic ring.

Just then, his ears moved suddenly.

“Look what I found?”

Chen Yi twitched the corner of his mouth, came under the Willow Tree, and looked at the cave below.

He forgot, down this passage is the screaming shack of Hogsmeade Village, which is Professor Lupin’s hiding place when the moon is full, but what he didn’t expect is, This place is actually the hideout of the little Heavenly Wolf star.

But think about it, as it should be by rights, because when it comes to screaming shacks, you have to bring up the hapless Professor Snape, who was beaten by Little Heavenly Wolf when he was a student. Star encouraged Snape to enter the Shrieking Shack during the full moon, nearly killing him by the transformed Lupin.

What’s even more speechless is that Dumbledore kept Snape a secret and never mentioned that he was the victim.

This is also the reason why Snape does not like Harry, because Harry is not only the son of James, but also the godson of the little Heavenly Wolf star, the proper son of the enemy X2!

The beating willow is actually quite docile. Of course, this docility means that it will not be attacked. Even if you touch it, it may beat you, but if you don’t touch it, then it will beat you. It is an ordinary Willow Tree.

Chen Yi got into the passage and came all the way to the screaming shack, looking at the dust everywhere, stepping on the creaking plank, and couldn’t help but complain: “wizard really needs to be so dark Is it?”

Although this is only the hideout where Professor Lupin turned into a werewolf, but let’s clean it up anyway, is it possible that when the moon is full, is Professor Lupin standing in the room and staring at the moon in a daze?

Cleaning up is not an uncommon sorcery, so why are wizards just reluctant to use it?

Chen Yi doesn’t quite understand the brain circuits of wizards.

“Clean up!”

reached out and beckoned, the dust on the ground was lifted up in the air and turned into a cloud of gray mist and flew out of the house.


Aware of Chen Yi’s arrival, a big, shaggy black dog appeared in front of Chen Yi and barked his teeth in protest.

“I have a question, why don’t you tell Dumbledore about Peter Pettigrew directly, wouldn’t that be easier?”

Chen Yi suddenly opened the mouth and said.

Although the little Heavenly Wolf star is considered to be the culprit in the death of the Potter family, if he is willing to explain, Dumbledore should also be willing to believe him, and even help him catch Peter Pettigrew, later There will be no such thing as Demon prostrating on the ground resurrection.

The original ferocious expression of the big black dog suddenly started, but he quickly pounced on Chen Yi, as if he wanted to subdue Chen Yi now.

Chen Yi twitched his lips, raised his 42-yard foot and kicked the big black dog’s stomach, directly stepping it on the ground.

If you don’t turn into a big black dog and play melee combat with me with a wand, I might be a little scared of you, but you turn into a black dog and want to play melee combat with Superman. Isn’t that killing you?

“ao wu!”

The big black dog screamed and looked at Chen Yi in disbelief, this guy is so powerful!

He raised his limbs to scratch Chen Yi’s ankles, but after a creak, Chen Yi’s trouser legs were torn, but his skin was intact.

This guy, what is the monster?

The big black dog stopped resisting and looked at Chen Yi in astonishment. He actually knew this person, and he lived in the same dormitory as Harry. It was said that he was a new transfer student. Are transfer students so good these days?

“Speaking of which, will the genes of the geezers be different from humans?”

Chen Yi is quite curious, the cockroaches of the Harry Potter world Gus is a bit like a druid in fantasy novels, he can transform into an animal, but it seems to vary from person to person, and can only become an ordinary creature, the little Heavenly Wolf star can only become a big black dog, and the petite star is a mutant. A mouse, Harry’s dad a stag.

And it seems to be affected by animal habits after transformation. It is said that when practicing Animagus, people may have a cultivation deviation and cannot change back to normal human beings.

Thinking of this, Chen Yi took out a syringe the size of a baby’s arm from his arms under the terrified eyes of the big black dog.


At this moment, a voice came from behind Chen Yi, and he didn’t have to look back to know that it was Professor Lupin.

“Do you think the transformation of Afuckus and a werewolf is very similar?”

Chen Yi turned around slowly, Afuckus’ initial cultivation method was very Magically, the cultivator has to hold a single leaf of mandrake in its mouth for a whole month, and it has to be from full moon to full moon, which is hard not to think of a werewolf full moon incarnation.

Is the werewolf a failed fucker?

“Yi·Chen, please take your foot off the little Heavenly Wolf star.”

Lupin looked at Chen Yi with a wary expression, although he didn’t know what was going on. , but as a friend of the little Heavenly Wolf star, he naturally stands on the same front as the little Heavenly Wolf star.


“There are many obstacles!”

Seeing Chen Yi disappear suddenly, Lupin waved his wand subconsciously, and he summons the surrounding debris, shoots him to all around.

“Armor body protection!”

“Human form!”

As a professor, he is also a werewolf who wanders around the world all the year round, Lupin’s battle Awareness can be described as rich, and soon he added a shield to himself.

“Except your weapons!”

At this moment, the big black dog on the ground turned into a ragged man, holding a wand in his hand, facing Lupin A finger behind.

The syringe flew out instantly, Chen Yi was speechless: “This thing can also be regarded as a weapon?”

Lupin was also startled, he thought Chen Yi was using it The phantom body spell disappeared, didn’t expect actually ran behind him!

The fact that the needle flies did not mean that Chen Yi had no means of attack. A hand knife knocked Lupin out, and instantly appeared in front of Little Heavenly Wolf, another hand knife.

Super speed is so unpredictable that no one knows when it’s over.

“Professor Lupin, you attacked me, I’m just self-defense.”

Chen Yi took out two more syringes the size of a baby’s arm, and said confidently .

Thanks to [Book Friends 20210219043033989] for the reward of 100 starting coins

(end of this chapter)


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