
Chapter 96 Why are you looking at me and saying thank you [The girl I like is in someone else’s arms] 100 starting point coins as a reward

“Chen , here it is!”

At this moment, the walkie-talkie on Chen Yi’s waist rang.

The interior of the school bus has been enlarged hundreds of times, and communication will naturally be a little difficult, so it is very necessary to carry a walkie-talkie with you.

“So fast, let’s go!”

Chen Yi naturally impossible drove the school bus into the umbrella base. His invincibility does not mean that the people in the school bus are invincible, and he has already found it. The location of the protective umbrella is divided into bases, but considering that nearly a hundred Alices are difficult to deal with, they brought Claire and others here slowly.

The purpose of the school bus is to a gas station in Alaska. This is to prevent the umbrella company from being aware of it. Monitor the world, but there is no way to watch their movements at any time.

“Be careful!”

Claire also knew that she was only going to cause trouble in the past, so she hugged Chen Yi and gave Chen Yi a look.

Chen Yi instantly understood what Claire meant, and gave Claire a look, fighting the landlord all night tonight!

“Let’s go!”

Alice on the side didn’t know what was going on, but she saw that Chen Yi put on a body protection armor for her, and then put one on herself. .

Although Alice has the aura of the protagonist, considering that Alice who survived at the beginning of Biochemical 4 really doesn’t know if it is this Alice, the protection still needs to be protected.


Looking at her golden glittering magic battle clothes, Alice sighed in admiration, and the people around her were full of envy, she almost wrote ‘Me too wanted.

This magic was once performed by the strange Academician in “What If?”, and the effect was a bit like putting an illusory golden garment on people.

Of course, this magic was improved by Chen Yi, mixed with the iron armor spell of Harry Potter world, and without the blessing of Weishandi, the formidable power is naturally inferior to the dark and strange Academician , but defending against ordinary bullets is no problem.

Although Illusory Body Charm can be invisible, neither body temperature nor smell is hidden, and since it can be pushed horizontally, why should it be an unqualified assassin?

Seeing that Chen Yi forgot to ask her for the ring, Alice pretended to forget too.

It’s not that Chen Yi forgot to get the ring back. After all, this thing is not valuable to him, mainly because he is afraid that other Alices want it, and he just thinks it is troublesome.

Chen Yi pressed her shoulders, performed a Disapparation, and instantly disappeared inside the school bus.

Apparation is so convenient, you can go directly to the top of the umbrella sub-base without Carlos committing suicide.


The first experience of Apparition was not pleasant. Alice only felt like she was in a washing machine, rolling over and over and doubting her life. Holding on to his knees and retching.

“Damn, your magic is too bad!”

Alice felt that her fantasy about magic was a little shattered. How could this magic be completely different from the magic just now? Too bad, the roller coaster is not so suspicious of life.

“Actually, I can still open the Transmission Gate, but if the umbrella knows the situation on the other side, it is not safe for them.”

Chen Yi casually explained that the technology of the umbrella company It is still worth affirming, if the school bus is accidentally located, it will be troublesome.

“Sheet, what the hell is this!”

At this moment, Alice Alice looked up and saw corpses all over the place, but this did not make her Horrifying place, what scares her is that all the corpses in this place are hers!

Alice in red suspender skirts lay in the pothole, her body was covered with various wounds, and her wide eyes showed that they did not go peacefully.

Looking at the wounds of the clones, Alice felt like falling in a ice hole, she felt the same, and her ears even heard the wailing of their tragic death, her eyes could not help but flow out of tears .

Would you like to send them to other Chen Yi?

Considering that this approach is too lossy, Chen Yi decided to give up, patted Alice’s shoulder and said, “When we solve the people in the base, help them spark.”

Although these Alices have just been cloned, they seem to have a certain common sense because they resonate with the spirit of this Alice around you. One of the clones in the original plot even directly controlled the computer, allowing this Alice to avoid It was dismantled into eight pieces by the laser.

Of course, it may also be the memory implanted by the umbrella. After all, the clones in Biochemical 5 live according to the simulated memory, just like an ordinary person, completely unaware that they are in the world below.

So although they are clones, they are more human than Misaka younger sister, who is slightly lacking in emotion.

Seeing this scene, Alice completely believed Chen Yi’s words, and she was very likely to be a clone, a member of these Alices.

Alice was a little sad and nodded, but as an experienced warrior, she was naturally impossible to be frightened by the scene in front of her, and quickly cleared up her mood.

The appearance of the two of them, coupled with the glittering look that attracts hatred, naturally attracted the attention of the umbrella sub-base,

At this time, Isaacs Academician because Alice did not Overloaded the use of super powers, so I also found that Alice, naturally did not hunt down without authorization, still competed with zombies in the sub-base, trying to domesticate zombies.

Of course, as a resident actor of the Resident Evil series, he is actually a clone, but this guy doesn’t know it.

Those loyal soldiers of the umbrella company under consideration guess that those unlucky ones are also clones, and their memories are also implanted.

da da da…

A machine gun suddenly stretched out from the 10-square-meter hut, shooting at Chen Yi frantically.


Alice rolled on the spot, dodging the machine gun.

Ding Lingdang…

The bullet hit Chen Yi, Chen Yi was unscathed, but he couldn’t help but complain: “Why are you shooting at me?”

Isaacs Academician in the base said, because Alice is a precious experimental material!

But seeing Chen Yi’s unscathed appearance, Isaacs Academician’s eyes widened, what kind of black technology is this?

“Hey, is this the universal law of the universe?”

Chen Yi looked at the magic armor on his body, does this count as being beaten while standing?

But with an armor body protection, it can’t be touched by dust, it is really handsome and cool!

Alice on the side looked at the armor on her body, then looked at Chen Yi, who was unscathed, stood up with a slightly embarrassed expression, patted her unstained clothes, and looked at the gun on the machine gun. Monitor, eyes flash with a cold light.

This kind of shameful thing only needs to be known by one person, others must silence it!

Of course, Alice decides to expel Chen Yi, considering that Chen Yi is basically out of the human range.

Chen Yi didn’t know Alice’s thoughts, so she took the lead and walked directly into the small wood house.

It seemed that after realizing that the machine gun had no effect on Chen Yi and the two of them, the machine gun also stopped shooting, and the wooden board in the wood house cracked directly, revealing a three-meter long and two-meter wide In the deep passage, a lift platform slowly emerged below.

“asking monarch to enter the urn, right?”

Chen Yi raised her eyebrows and stood up without hesitation. At this time, he completely believed in Chen Yi and stood up.

You thought it was asking monarch to enter the urn, but I’m a raptor across the river!

April 24th, Qing, Chen Yi, ah Chen Yi, how can you be so depraved, how can you be so depraved?

(End of this chapter)

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