Volt ant system binding.

The Volt ant system was successfully bound, and the host: Qi Zhe.

The current level of the system is 1.

Items to be used by the host: 100 million electromagnetic leaf-cutting ants (the system produces leaf-cutting ants, which can obtain energy from items such as leaves, generate electricity, and have a monthly reproduction rate of 10%.)

Volt ants currently produce 1 kilowatt of electricity per 100 leaf-cutting ants per day.

Super battery plan: The system can transform a battery, which can store up to 100 million kWh of electricity, with a monthly loss rate of 1%.

The host can get a certain "power value" by selling electricity. After the power value is enough, the system can be upgraded, and the points can be exchanged for system items.


After hearing the voice in his head, Qi Zhe took a deep breath and lit a cigarette.

It has been two years since I was reborn into this parallel world, and the golden finger is here. Originally, my father gave him such a small power plant to eat and wait to die. Now it seems that he is going to create an electric power empire.

Unlike Bluestar, the electricity industry here can be privately owned, so my father bought such a power plant before. It used to be really profitable, but now as the cost increases, the profit of the power plant is getting thinner and thinner.

Moreover, as various electrical appliances enter thousands of households, the power generation is often not guaranteed. From time to time, you can see people complaining about the local power supply company on the Internet.

This can't be blamed on the power company. After all, the profit and loss is at your own risk. If you can't sell more power, you will lose money. The current technology power storage loss rate is terrifying, and the power plant can't stand it.

Now that we have a cheap and stable source of electricity, how far will our power plant expand?

Thinking of this Qi Zhe couldn't help but feel a little excited, just when he was putting out the cigarette butt, a middle-aged man walked in with a frown.

"Mr. Qi, this coal price is one price per day, like a monkey in the sky. If we go on like this, we won't be able to afford coal."

The person who said this, Qi Zhe, has to call him Uncle Liu, who has helped him manage things big and small since he took over the power plant. Now he is also worried. The price of electricity per kilowatt hour is 60 cents. Generate more than 3,000 kilowatt-hours of electricity.

The profits of their coal power plants all depend on the price of coal. When the price of coal goes up, their profits will be low. Now a ton of coal has risen to 800 yuan, excluding those expensive and terribly expensive circuit deployment, equipment costs, and labor costs that the company is responsible for. After that, there is basically not much profit left, and if this continues, the power plant will become yellow sooner or later.

So Lao Liu came here to see if Qi Zhe could make a move, go for a run to the west, and find a low-cost coal supplier.

But now Qi Zhe waved his hand easily after listening to him.

"Uncle Liu, now the coal price is so high and the transportation cost is terrifyingly high, so I decided to stop importing coal in our power plant."

Upon hearing this, Manager Liu panicked.

"Mr. Qi, there are hundreds of people in our power plant now, and then there are hundreds of families behind. Although the profit is low, it is not guaranteed that the price of coal will come down that day. Do you think we can support it? "

After Manager Liu said this, Qi Zhe realized that he must have been misunderstood.

After he took out one from the cigarette case on the table and handed it to him, Qi Zhe said:

"Uncle Liu, you have misunderstood me. I will not only keep our power plant going, but I will also give you a salary increase and better treatment. Now coal power generation is outdated, we have to make changes and take the environmental protection route."

"Mr. Qi, don't be kidding, we don't expect to improve our salary, we just need to keep our current position. What about environmental protection? It's not clear to us in this field. The cost of power generation for environmental protection is low, but the amount of power generation is also low. not enough."

"Uncle Liu, you underestimate me now. I came back from studying abroad anyway. That's what I major in. You can take care of your work. I'll let you know later."


As soon as Uncle Liu left, Qi Zhe opened the safe, which contained a copy of the building plan of the entire power plant.

Pingyang is close to Binhai, and the urban area is not very big. The big companies are also sucked up by Binhai. There are no big companies in industrial power consumption, but there are still more than a dozen power plants of various sizes. Although Qi Zhe's power plant Not big but not too small.

If it can rely on cheap electricity and stable power supply, Qi Zhe believes that the entire electricity market of Binh Duong can be integrated, and then the tentacles will be expanded to the big cities such as Binhai.

After looking at the building map in his hand, Qi Zhe decided to directly remove the largest workshop, which is also a workshop that concentrated power generation, and replaced it with a breeding place for ants, and the next cooling tower and ash storage warehouse must also be removed. Lose.

Since these traditional methods are not used to generate electricity, there is no need for these things to exist.

As for the workers, there is no need to worry at all. They used to put coal into the furnace, but now they put the nutrients needed by the ants into the breeding pond.

According to the prompt given by the system, Qi Zhe also immediately contacted a coastal manufacturer and asked them to urgently send over a thousand square meters of electromagnetic collection boards.

These electromagnetic collection plates will be uniformly laid under the ant pond, so that the electromagnetic energy generated by the ants can be automatically collected and then allocated and stored uniformly.

After hanging up the phone, Qi Zhe got up and walked outside the office.

Along the way, many people greeted Qi Zhe. Although he was very young, he was "thrown" by a cheap old man after graduation to be "honed" by such a small and medium-sized factory, but after two years, the workers still respect Qi Zhe. .

After all, "Mr. Qi" never defaults on wages, and the benefits in the factory are better than those in other large power plants.


After walking quickly to the largest workshop, Qi Zhe directly found the person in charge of the workshop and asked them to put all the remaining coal into power generation and keep the machine running at maximum power to generate electricity.

After hearing this, the person in charge of the workshop was in trouble.

"Mr. Qi, the coal reserve is so low now, what will we do after we put it all in?"

"And you know the loss rate of the power reserve. It's not bad to save 50% in a week. When the power goes out, our users will inevitably be taken away by other companies."

The person in charge was not unreasonable, but Qi Zhe just patted him on the shoulder lightly.

"Don't worry, just do as I said. I've worked overtime for the past two days to burn all this coal. The overtime pay is still three times."

After speaking, Qi Zhe came to the power storage department again, and then fixed his eyes on the huge power storage room in front of him.

Without hesitation, Qi Zhe thought to use the "super battery" in his heart.

Then a blue light that no one could see swept across the power storage room in front of him, and then there was a hint in his mind.

The "super battery" was launched, and the current maximum storage capacity was upgraded to 100 million kWh.

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