Holding up the wine glasses, the two of them clink lightly and drank.

"Mr. Qi, I made a big gamble. If I win the gamble, you and I will gain both fame and fortune. If I lose the gamble, I will offend a lot of people. It will be difficult to go up in the future."

Zhou Qi casually said this after picking up a piece of fish and chewing it gently in his mouth.

Qi Zhe unhurriedly picked up the bottle and refilled it and said with a smile:

"Director Zhou, it won't take long for you to understand that your choice today is very wise."

"Hahaha, Mr. Qi's words are enough. I look forward to the day when your Zhongzhe Power Group enters the park. I will do my best to give you various discounts."

"Then I'll thank you in advance, come on, cheers."

After drinking for three tours and eating five flavors, the two of them are considered to be enjoying themselves. Qi Zhe originally wanted to pay the bill while he was going to the toilet, but when he came to the front desk, he was told that the order had been bought in advance.

It seems that Director Zhou is still a very particular person.


The next morning, Qi Zhe woke up and rubbed his aching head. No matter how good the wine was, he would still have a headache.

After a brief wash, Qi Zhe went downstairs to eat a basket of xiao long bao, and then drank a large bowl of soy milk before feeling better before driving to the factory.

After a few days of training, the new employees are all qualified for the job, and it's time to get busy.

When he came to the office, he first glanced at the distribution map of the electric tower, Qi Zhe frowned.

I knew that the industrial park was far from the factory, but I didn’t expect it to be so far. Because the electric tower in the middle was not released in a straight line, but a curve bypassed the urban area, so it had to travel a lot more.

Not to mention the manpower, I currently have more than 80 people in seven classes, but this means investing in a lot of circuits, and the high-voltage lines are all money.

I had spent a lot of money on miscellaneous things before, and the five million that Gu Qinghan lent him to him is now a bit useless.

After thinking about it, Qi Zhe still called the circuit supplier and asked them to provide a batch of circuits, but the payment had to be squeezed for a week and then paid.

Fortunately, the power plant also happily agreed, and the circuit will arrange for a truck to deliver it tomorrow.

After hanging up the phone, Qi Zhe breathed a sigh of relief. The problem in front of him was solved, and he just waited for the electricity bill in two days.

Fortunately, I am a power plant. If I get a mortgage loan from a bank, it is a high-quality mortgage company, and the supplier is happy enough.

However, this also makes Qi Zhe feel a little emotional, it is really difficult to start a business these days.

Without Gu Qinghan, that girl can't open her own stall, and she has to pay for the goods on credit. However, when the first cycle is over, once the electricity bills of Pingdu Cement Plant and Pingyang Industrial Park are settled, everything will be on the track of rapid development.


Now that the supply of high-voltage wires has been resolved, the circuit laying team has naturally moved. This time, seven vehicles are not enough. Qi Zhe temporarily transferred several other official vehicles in the factory to the circuit laying team.

A total of seven shifts, eleven vehicles with people and wires drove into the surrounding villages and towns and between the towers on the mountain and began to lay the circuit from the power plant to the Binh Duong Industrial Park.

Qi Zhe has not been idle for the past two days, and has been paying attention to the situation of the volt ants in the production pool.

I have to say that the system produces Niubi. After enough food is provided, the power generation will be stable. Now the circuit of Binh Duong Industrial Park has not been connected, so the power plant is currently responsible for supplying only the original community and township and a few more buildings. The office building, followed by the Pingdu Cement Factory.

These add up to no more than 1 million kWh of electricity a day, so the "super battery" has been storing excess electricity every day, and the current storage capacity is close to 10 million kWh.

When the electricity bill from the cement factory and the Pingyang Industrial Park arrives, when Qi Zhe has the money to build circuits and expand the market, the sales will be nothing but money.


Within a week, the circuit from Pingyang Power Plant of Zhongzhe Power Group to Pingyang Industrial Park was successfully opened. Since then, all power supply in the industrial park has become Qi Zhe's business.

Thirteen office buildings in seventy-eight communities and eight surrounding towns, as well as Pingdu Cement Plant and Pingyang Industrial Park, are all customers of Zhongzhe Power Group at present.

The power supply alone can reach between 1.4 million and 1.5 million kWh in one day, and the daily electricity bill is more than 800,000 to 900,000, which is more than 20 million in a month.

If other power plants can have this flow of water, most of the more than 20 million yuan is the cost of coal burning and transportation. It is estimated that one or two million in profits is relatively good.

But Qi Zhe does not have these, he only pays the wages of workers and basic equipment every month.

And as Qi Zhe thought, Zhongzhe Electric Power has a certain reputation in Pingyang City. After all, seventy-eight communities and thirteen office buildings use his electricity. Only the places where electricity is used, meters and electricity The boxes have prominent Qi Zhe company name and logo printed on it later.

And below each electric box "Zhongzhe Power Group" is an advertising slogan.

"Zhongzhe Electric Power will never power off. If there is a power failure, it will pay ten times!"

These words obviously made many people remember Zhongzhe Electric Power, but the front is useless, it just makes people notice that there is a Zhongzhe Electric Power in Pingyang.

But later, after the Pingdu Cement Plant announced that Zhongzhe Power became a corporate power partner, some people paid more attention.

Then Zhou Qi and Qi Zhe announced the news of Zhongzhe Power's entry into the industrial park to provide electricity at a small press conference with a smile on their faces. The news was also published by Zhou Qituo in local newspapers in Binh Duong and some on the media.

Moreover, Zhou Qi also mentioned that the reason for choosing Zhongzhe Power is their stable "electricity supply", and it is impossible to cut off power except in the case of force majeure.

If Qi Zhe himself said this, not many people may believe it, thinking that it is just advertising.

However, Zhou Qi, as the director of the largest industrial park in Binh Duong, said this is undoubtedly an official endorsement, indicating that Zhongzhe Power can indeed achieve continuous power outages in the event of force majeure.

This immediately aroused the interest of many bosses and small and medium-sized entrepreneurs who have suffered from power outages all the year round, as well as some owners of communities with severe power outages.


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