Hearing this, several old men and women immediately gathered around and put on reading glasses to take a closer look.

"Good guy, Zhongzhe Electric Power has really dropped."

"Then I think it's better not to toss and choose Zhe Electric Power."

"However, this family is fighting a price war. In the end, the price war is over and the original price has to be restored."

"It's not very good, anyway, they beat them, we use ours, anyway, we are still taking advantage of this time."

"That's it."

This is why Qi Zhe directly told users in the announcement that this is a "price war". Other users know that they are forced to fight a price war, and then there will be no resistance to restoring the original price.

"By the way, the price is the same now anyway. Isn't the old Liutou neighborhood next door the one from the Gongyang Power Plant? I will persuade them and let their owners hold a meeting and vote to switch to Zhongzhe Power's power supply. ."

"Yes, let's go over and talk to us together. In the future, they will have to thank us for the uninterrupted power supply."

These trivial matters are naturally quite related after they retire. In fact, they are enthusiastic, plus a little bit of "vanity". While helping others, they can also satisfy a little sense of existence in their hearts.

After all, at their age, there's not much else they can do. It's just that these parents are short on things in life.

At the same price, Zhongzhe Power can do it without power failure. As long as the power is cut off, it will pay ten times as much. Other power plants do not have it, so Zhongzhe Power is the best choice.

And they were able to "reveal" such good news to the next-door community, which is naturally their "credit". Next time, they can talk with the old man in the next-door community to play chess with more confidence.

In this way, the prelude to the price war started directly. The three power plants in the urban area of ​​Pingyang all lowered their electricity prices to 40 cents per kilowatt-hour of electricity, and the residents chose the better "Zhongzhe Power" one after another.

Moreover, the "price war" was also provoked by other power plants, and Zhongzhe Power also gained a reputation.

Originally, it would take some time for the market to continue to expand to become a household name in Binh Duong, but in these two days, it was because of the "fueling the flames" of Jiazhen Power Plant and Gongyang Power Plant, which immediately appeared to everyone at the same price and better service. before.


The price war is in full swing. The sales department has been crowded in the past two days. New users are constantly rising, and various residential properties and building properties are coming to the door.

The eyes of the masses are sharp, and they naturally understand the choice of a good power supply company.

All the owners of many communities directly decided to change to Zhongzhe Power after a meeting.

Qi Zhe saw this scene as a secret pleasure. The two old foxes probably didn't know how much they had helped them. They could generate electricity at zero cost, even if it was a dime per hour of electricity.

Qi Zhe didn't panic at all, but some people were different.

Qi Zhe has zero cost, and you can earn as much electricity as you sell.

But Jia Mingyi and Diao Yi are different. They are losing money every time they sell one kilowatt-hour of electricity. Before, they hoped that users would use more electricity and sell more electricity, but now they want users to use less.

After all, 40 cents per kilowatt-hour of electricity, they have to lose 10 cents for every kilowatt-hour of electricity, and they have to pay 100,000 yuan for 1 million kilowatt-hours of power supply in the city. The entire city now has more than 2 million kilowatt-hours of power supply from their two power plants combined. The past few days have been really painful.

Seeing that Zhongzhe Power was still doing something, and even opened several more sales offices in the urban area, Jia Mingyi and Diao Yi couldn't sit still anymore, and got together again to discuss countermeasures.


Naturally, they don't know about Qi Zhe's zero-cost power generation, so they think that Qi Zhe, like them, is losing money every time it sells one kilowatt-hour of electricity.

They know the entire power supply market in Pingyang, so they can calculate the power supply of Zhongzhe Company. It was still a tepid small factory a month ago, but now it has occupied half of the power market in Pingyang. .

The power supply of more than 2 million degrees is the same as the two of them combined, and they have to lose more than 200,000 a day.

"Mr. Diao, it's been four days, and we've only burned one million or so. If this goes on, let alone Qi Zhe's death, our power plant must close down first."

After hearing Jia Mingyi's words, the shadows in Diao Yi's eye sockets deepened, and now he regrets it a little bit. The price war seems to be driving users to Zhongzhe Power.

And the key point, Qi Zhe, the thief, actually said in the announcement that "the price has no choice but to lower because of the price war between the peers", which is equivalent to pointing at the nose and scolding.

After all, who else is there in Binh Duong's power plant peers besides Qi Zhe? Not just myself and Jia Mingyi.

After thinking about it after smoking a cigarette, Diao Yi felt that he had to hold on. Now that he has drawn the bow, there is no turning back.

"What's the hurry? They are losing money every day, and they are still spreading the market. Qi Zhe is in a hurry than us, and will hold on for another week."

Seeing what Diao Yi said, Jia Mingyi opened his mouth and said nothing.


A week later, Jia Mingyi looked at the financial statement in front of him and sighed. He couldn't fight this price war. Diao Yi's factory has made a lot of money over the years, but his small family can't stand the toss.

In the past half a month, he has lost more than two million yuan just to pay for the electricity bill, and if he goes on like this, he will have to pay for the pension money.

And now Zhongzhe and Gongyang are still engaged in a price war in full swing. Once he restores the original price, it is impossible for users to stand on his side, so Jia Mingyi understands that his power plant cannot continue.

After calling Diao Yi and asking him to act on his own, Jiazhen Power Plant directly issued an announcement that it "suspends business and will officially withdraw from the market after maintaining power supply for three days".

If there were no legal regulations, before the power plant exits the market, it must maintain the power supply at the previous price for three days, giving users a buffer time to find new power supply, Jia Mingyi would not want to stay in the power plant for a day.

He has saved a lot of money over the years, and the remaining money is enough for his family to live well for half a lifetime, so why bother.

After putting down the phone, Diao Yi's face was not very good-looking. The price war was provoked by them. After the call, there was nothing wrong with Zhongzhe Electric Power. Every day, he was still busy setting up the circuit.

After taking a deep breath, Diao Yi made a decision. If he continued like this, he would be the second Jiazhen Power Plant, and he had to make a move.

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