The nurse didn't say anything else, and after hearing this, she gently stretched out her hand and closed the door and walked out.

Wang Weibing stretched out his hand and wiped his face, then looked at his wrinkled mother on the hospital bed.

He was the only child in the family. His father had not dealt with the detonator of the mountain road that year, and he was gone. In these years, it was his mother who dragged him alone. He had performed well in the army.

Looking at her, she will be able to enjoy the happiness, but the pain is coming.

Chemotherapy is a long process, the army can't let him take such a long leave, so Wang Weibing resolutely decided to retire from the army and come back to take care of his mother, not to mention anything else, at least he should do his best as a son for the rest of the day. filial piety.

When he announced this decision, the brigade leader tried every means to keep him, but in the end he failed to keep the "three-five-zero".

As the king of soldiers in the brigade, he can take the first place in the whole army competition, but he is helpless in the face of illness, and can only do his best to accompany his mother through the rest of the journey.

Originally, the army arranged for him to treat his mother in a military hospital, but he was terminally ill and could only prolong his life.

And Wang Weibing also took his mother back to the hospital in Binhai. In the old alley here, his mother pulled him up, which would make his mother feel at ease.

These days, it is not only my mother who is treating, but Wang Weibing sells egg fried rice at night.

Business is also good and bad, sometimes a few hundred yuan a night, and sometimes it may not be able to earn dozens of yuan on a windy and rainy day.

That's what he was like last night, squatting for a few hours before he came to the hospital bed at around four o'clock.

Although the army has given all kinds of support and subsidies, he has also applied for subsidies, but his family is poor and has no savings. Now that he has reached this point, he can only ask his comrades to borrow money.

After he had borrowed the money and paid the fees at this stage first, Wang Weibing decided to sell the old and small family at home, and use the money from the sale to pay back the money of his comrades-in-arms.

After making up his mind, Wang Weibing took a deep breath and entered the safe passage of the hospital.

For the first time, this strong man felt that it was so difficult to open his mouth, but he still had to open his mouth anyway.

Just when he made up his mind, the phone rang. It was from a squad leader of a recruit company who had brought him many years ago. Hearing that he had already retired from the army, Wang Weibing clicked to connect.

As soon as the phone was connected, there was a burst of scolding.

"Wang Weibing! Your brain was kicked by a donkey? You're actually discharged from the army?"

"You're in that hospital now? I'm not here to see you! I'm here to see Auntie!""

"Stop talking nonsense! Hurry up and I'll rush over."

Helpless, Wang Weibing had no choice but to tell the old monitor the address of the hospital first, and put aside the matter of borrowing money.

On the other side, a man in his 40s in the security department of Zhongzhe Power Group put down the phone and sighed.

He is the old squad leader who called Wang Weibing. Before he was discharged from the army, he also came to Zhongzhe Power Group smoothly, and then slowly gained a firm foothold here.

Now Mr. Qi above asked to find a bodyguard, who must be more powerful, so he began to ask in the comrade group to see if there was any retired veteran king.

Who knew that when he asked, he actually found out that the best soldier he used to chose to retire at the age of twenty-five, which also made him very angry. The future is bright.

But after learning the facts behind it, he could only sigh.

"Oh, what a boring life.

Putting down the phone in his hand, he told the person in charge and left the company directly. Then he came to Binhai Second Hospital wearing the uniform of the security department of Zhongzhe Power Group.

The position of Mr. Qi's bodyguard is responsible for Mr. Qi's personal safety. It is a bit ugly to say that, when necessary, he must be able to block the sword for Mr. Qi, and the salary is naturally not low.

Thirty thousand a month, if the staff is divided into the security department, it is the highest salary of the security department, but after listening to the meaning of the general manager Qi, the bodyguards will be directly divided into the president's office.

Originally, he didn't think about Wang Weibing at all, but now who knows what happened, this guy was so immortal that he just retired from the army, whether it was for him or for President Qi...

This seat is perfect for him at the moment, but he has to go there first, if he agrees.

More than half an hour later, at Binhai Second Hospital, the old monitor asked a nurse, then came to the ward on the third floor, and followed the house number to find it.

Through the glass outside, he saw Wang Weibing sitting in front of his mother's hospital bed. This guy, with a shaggy beard, looked a lot haggard, but whoever committed this kind of thing would be haggard.

After taking a deep breath, the old monitor pushed open the door of the ward.

Maybe he didn't expect the old monitor to come over so quickly, Wang Weibing subconsciously thought it was the nurse who was urging the payment, and said directly:

"Didn't you say, I'll make up the payment in the afternoon, you guys..."

Speaking of which, Wang Weibing was stunned, and then squeezed out a smile.

"Old monitor, it's you, coming so fast.

When he heard this, the old monitor was already very uncomfortable. He suppressed his emotions. He first looked at Wang Weibing's mother who was still asleep, then sat down and said softly;

"Guard, let me ask you something, tell the truth, how much of your ability is left now?

Upon hearing this, Wang Weibing confidently said:

"Old squad leader, why are you asking this, I have already retired from the army, but now I can survive even ten or eight.

The old squad leader believed this, because 1.0 was this guy and he never lied.

"Then I have a job here with a monthly salary of 30,000 yuan. I will be the president of our group, a very good person, as a bodyguard. Would you like to?"

After hearing this, Wang Weibing was surprised. The monthly salary is 30,000 yuan? This seems to be too much.

And I was a little puzzled when I saw the old squad leader just now when I entered the door. My old squad leader retired and re-employed and actually became a security department. This uniform is handsome and has a touch of standard, and it is definitely expensive. font.

Seeing Wang Weibing's doubts, the old squad leader also introduced it in detail.

Not to mention anything else, I just talked about Qi Zhe's decision to go to the land of Shu and the mountain city, then electrify the island, and now build a power grid for Xinjiang.

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