At four o'clock in the afternoon, a total of nine telephone poles were pulled up from the town to Lingou Village, and then all "planted" in the middle, and the layout of the wires was completed.

In just half a day, it was done.

Power on is actually very simple, the premise is that you are willing to invest money and find people.

All the way to Lingou Village, Qi Zhe took a deep breath after watching the last utility pole being fixed. He had done a good job today.

But at this time, the enthusiastic villagers also gathered around.

"Thank you for your hard work, come here, we have all the meals ready."

"Come on, no one can leave today, they have to eat before they can go down the mountain.

After such a busy work, Qi Zhe was indeed hungry, and it was not bad to have a bite of farm food.

The others did not hold back, and after finishing their work, they walked to the village one by one talking and laughing, and the running water mat was ready.

In these towns, everyone is used to this kind of life.

The Zhang family’s house was to be roofed, and every other household in the village would have a person, the men would be responsible for the work,14 and the women who helped would be responsible for the “logistics”, cooking and so on.

When the work is done, the host provides the ingredients, and the women help prepare the meals.

Everyone sat together, chatting and having a few drinks to eat.

The relationship is established little by little, everyone has me in you, and I have you in me.

The scene is very simple, with a dozen or so tables made up on the ground, but Qi Zhe's food on the table evoked his appetite at a glance.

Chicken, mutton, pork, everything, and a lot of cold dishes.

Qi Zhe and the others from Zhongzhe Power Group sat together. At this time, the old village chief also stood up, then raised his glass and said:

"Everyone has worked hard today. Our Lingou Village has not been so lively for a long time, and I really want to thank everyone. The wine is the grain wine brewed by our village, and we pay attention to drinking.

After speaking, the old village chief came to Qi Zhe, and then continued to say:

"In addition, I propose that everyone toast the person in charge of Qi, who made the decision to energize our Lingou Village for free.""

After the old village chief said this, someone immediately reminded him.

"The village chief, he is the president and boss of Zhongzhe Power Group."

Hearing this, the old village chief was also stunned. He didn't know it before, so he thought that Qi Zhe was the person in charge of the whole town, but he didn't expect to be the boss of the entire Zhongzhe Power Group.

Instead, the old village chief did not know what to say for a while.

Seeing this, Qi Zhe also smiled and picked up a glass of wine, and then said:

"Old village chief, you can say whatever you want, it doesn't matter, identity is just a symbol, it's not you who have to thank me, I have to thank everyone, today everyone worked together to make things happen, I A toast to everyone."

After speaking, Qi Zhe picked up the glass and drank it. The alcohol content of this grain is not very high, but it is much easier to get into the throat than the "old village chief" last night.

Qi Zhe's remarks and these beautiful remarks also made the people present feel very comfortable.

After all, that is the president of Zhongzhe Power Group, and the people they know are also clear, good guy, the big boss worth hundreds of billions gave them a toast, what kind of treatment is this?

One by one happily raised their wine glasses.

"Mr. Qi, we've done it.

After the meal, the guests and the host enjoyed the meal. After the meal, the people from Lingou Village stayed in the village, while the people from Zhongzhe Power Group walked on the mountain road with the helpers from the town.

Thankfully, it was in Xinjiang Province. It was already past six or seven, but the sky was still bright.

If this is in other places, this point should be smeared. Qi Zhe feels that he must not be very good at it.

Along the way, everyone is also chatting to their heart's content, and everyone chats when they finish their work together. They also enjoy this feeling very much.

Maybe it was because of a bit of drinking, and someone even took the lead in singing old songs.

Listening to the singing in the team, Qi Zhe smiled, and they walked at the back.

The natural beauty of this picture was let go by the public relations department, and it was also photographed.

Maybe it was because he was too tired when he went up the mountain. Now he walked down the mountain lightly for an hour, but Qi Zhe didn't feel tired at all, but his pace became more and more brisk.

But the next morning, Qi Zhe felt the "sour and refreshing" taste.

He doesn't work on weekdays, and he suddenly comes up and down the stairs the next day and can enjoy a "sour and refreshing".

After leaving the town, Qi Zhe went directly to Muqi City, where there was news from Li Jian.

With a total price of more than 700 million yuan, he won two commercial apartments in Xiangdao. Currently, he is in the final stage of processing the work, and let the remaining tenants move out of the apartment. If this continues, it will be emptied in two days.

At that time, people can be arranged to live in.

After getting this news, Qi Zhe also has a bottom line. With this level of benefits, a staff apartment of more than 30 square meters with one bedroom, one living room and one bathroom, one room for one person, is no better than the pigeons that those people live in with more than ten square meters or even a few square meters. Is the building better?

At that time, the employees will not be recruited.

After explaining to Li Jian to handle the finishing work, Qi Zhe called the personnel department again.

Li Jian's side is about to be ready, and the personnel department 367 should leave. Tomorrow, he will apply for the island entry pass, and the day after tomorrow, he will go directly to Xiangdao to prepare for the recruitment work.

There is no action yet, and Mingde Electric Power naturally did not find it.

But when the personnel recruitment work starts, it is estimated that they will have to know, and Qi Zhe also intends to go to Xiangdao in person to have a "hard steel" wave with them.

After coming out of the airport the next day, Qi Zhe still saw that familiar figure. Every time he came back from a business trip, Gu Qinghan would definitely be waiting beside the car.

This makes Qi Zhe have an indescribable emotion, as if someone always came to pick you up from school when he was a child.

"Master, is Xijing Garden going?"

After hearing this, the corner of Gu Qinghan's mouth slowly raised an arc, then nodded and said with a smile:

"Go, it's only a hundred yuan, it's not easy for our sports car.

"I don't have money, let me be aggrieved. Is there any other way to pay the fare?"

After hearing this, Gu Qinghan rolled his eyes, and then laughed and scolded:

"Don't be poor, if you can't go back, get in the car."

ps: Thank you "Xiang Yu 1999" for his 20 urging tickets! Thank you.

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