Hundreds Of Millions Of Ants Generate Electricity, And I Open A Power Plant To Become The Richest Ma

219 Assists from the old couple, when your grandfather got on the bus first and then bought the tick

The next morning, Qi Zhe rarely got up early when he wasn't going to the company.

Although he is no longer "pretending", he can behave as he should, but he must have some courtesy. In order to help out, Dad gave him his "unforgivable" Bentley.

The SUV that Gu Qinghan was driving was definitely not suitable. After all, compared to comfort, a sedan was much more comfortable than an SUV.

Older people don't like those bells and whistles, they just want comfort, and the longer version of the Bentley is naturally the best choice.

When they came downstairs, Gu Qinghan and his mother were chatting and laughing, not knowing what to talk about.

After walking to the kitchen, Qi Zhe glanced at the breakfast and took a bite, then took a look at the time, then went upstairs to take a shower, then dried his hair and came downstairs.

Although the time is not in a hurry, it is better to leave early.

After all, it would be bad to be late in case of a traffic jam or the like, and being late is the most taboo in the eyes of the older generation.

"Stop talking, go out to pick up your grandparents."

After hearing Qi Zhe's words, Gu Qinghan, who was dressed as a "girl" today, pouted and said in a low voice:

"Got it, why are you yelling so loudly, Qi Zhe and I are leaving, auntie.

Seeing the daily bickering between the two, Qi Zhe's mother also showed a "aunt smile".

"Well, let's go, be careful driving on the road, Xiaozhe."

367 "Got it, Mom."

Not to mention, my father's Bentley is not as cool as a Lamborghini URus, and its field of vision is not as wide as an SUV, but it is really comfortable to sit in and the space is large enough.

After driving all the way to the airport, Qi Zhe checked the time, and then when he got in, Qi Zhe also smoked a cigarette.

While Qi Zhe was smoking, Gu Qinghan kept "teasing" Qi Zhe with his sweater and hat on.

An hour later, the two saw Gu Qinghan's grandparents in the corridor of the airport.

Gu Qinghan, who was far away, went straight up, and Qi Zhe recognized it when he saw it.

I have to say that the old couple looked very kind, and Qi Zhe greeted them "beautifully" after he took the suitcase.

"Hello grandparents, my name is Qi Zhe.

First, I chatted with my granddaughter, but they both focused on Gu Qinghan, and now after hearing this, they raised their heads and looked at Qi Zhe.

Then the old man smiled and said:

"My dear, the little boy who was still crawling on the ground back then is so big now. 99

Hearing this, the grandma next to him also smiled and said:

"That's right, even if you're older now, you're going to marry your granddaughter. 39

Hearing this, the old man happily stretched out his hand and shook Qi Zhe. This kid is handsome when he grows up, his face is angular and his eyes are bright enough.

Moreover, according to the care of Zhengde, these two children are serious childhood sweethearts, and it is a good thing to be able to come together now.

"Okay, since we returned to the capital, Xiao Gu has come home to see us every year, and I don't come to Binhai very often. I'm quite relieved to see you like this this time. It's good to leave Qinghan to you. "5

Hearing this, Qi Zhe was stunned.

Co-authoring his side is already a first-level early warning response, and as a result, the old man has approved such a "breezy breeze" as soon as he arrives?

Seeing where Qi Zhe was confused, Gu Qinghan also smiled, then stretched out his hand and pushed Qi Zhe lightly.

"Why, aren't you satisfied that my grandfather recognized you?"

After hearing this, Qi Zhe reacted and nodded again and again.

"Satisfied, I am quite satisfied, grandparents are going this way, let's go back first. 99

On the way back, the old couple was like a normal old man, asking Qi Zhe various questions along the way.

For example, work problems, and some things about the future.

After hearing Qi Zhe say that their marriage has been decided by the adults, the old man and grandma also looked at each other and smiled.


They had already heard about this from Gu Zhengde.

"We know about marriage, but we just want to ask how long do you plan to have children when you get married?"

After getting along for a while, Qi Zhe can be considered to have grasped the temperament of the old couple. They are good people, and they have a good image of themselves. They don't need to be restrained when they talk, just play it freely.

So Qi Zhe thought for a while and said with a smile:

"Grandpa, of course you can want the child anytime, but the main decision-making power is where Qinghan is. She wants it whenever she decides."

Seeing Qi Zhe throw this "hot potato" to himself again, Gu Qinghan also blushed.

But at this time, the old couple obviously did not intend to let go, and continued to ask:

"Qinghan, Xiaozhe's attitude is clear, you should rest assured about this matter, we don't know how many years we can last, and we still want to hug our great-grandson."

After saying this, the grandma sitting next to her did not forget to "make up for the knife".

"That's right, Qinghan, you have to rest assured about this, it's really not good, isn't it still popular among you young people to get pregnant before marriage, when your father was the old man who got on the bus first and then made up the ticket. 99

Hearing this, Gu Qinghan's face turned even redder, and Qi Zhe, who was driving next to him, was also having fun.

Unexpectedly, these two elders are so "lively", and they don't have the seriousness of their elders at all. This is not bad, but it gave me an assist.

He also thought about not saying anything else, and got into Gu Qinghan's car first.

Driving home all the way, when the car drove downstairs, Gu Zhengde and Qi Zhe's parents were waiting outside the door. No matter what the old man said, he was an old man, and the etiquette must be in place.

After Qi Zhe's car stopped slowly, Aunt Gu and Gu Zhengde hurriedly stepped forward to open the car door, and then Qi Zhe's parents also stepped forward to say hello.

It can be seen that the atmosphere is quite harmonious.

While the adults were chatting, Qi Zhe gently leaned his head and said in Gu Qinghan's ear:

"The old man has spoken, do you want me to get into your car first?

Hearing this, Gu Qinghan stretched out his hand and gently pinched Qi Zhe.

In the car, he was shy in front of the adults, but Gu Qinghan is basically not shy in Qi Zhe's place. After all, after establishing the relationship, this guy has a lot of words in front of him.

"Where's Xiao Zhe? The two of us are planning to kill a game of chess just because of the rise in the car."

Hearing this, Qi Zhe hurriedly walked up with a smile.

"Here it is."

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