"There is a happy event at home, let's celebrate, Wenjie, go to my room and take out the bottle of Maotai. Tonight we drink a little less to celebrate, don't drink too much, so as not to affect Wenjie's entry tomorrow."

Regarding the entry, Guo Wenjie had already made a plan in his heart, he directly asked for a long vacation, and then joined the Zhongzhe Power Group. During this period, he was free to submit a resignation application.

As for whether they agree with Guo Wenjie or not, he doesn't care anymore, the fat woman in charge has been upset for a long time.

The bottle of Maotai at home was also a gift that relatives from the mainland brought when they came to play. There are two bottles in total. The eldest brother opened one bottle when he got married, and the father said that he had to wait until he got married.

But today, Guo Wenjie was successfully hired by Zhongzhe Power Group. If nothing else, it is a big event that his youngest son does not need to lie down on the balcony.

It's totally worth celebrating, so when you're happy, you naturally have to take out what's at the bottom of the press box.

While Guo Wenjie and his family were celebrating, Qi Zhe's house on Binhai was also very lively.

Originally, the Qi family and the Gu family knew the bottom line, and since the first meeting of Qi Zhe after getting off the plane and seeing 367 when he grew up, Gu Qinghan's grandfather and grandmother had a good influence on Qi Zhe.

After a whole day of getting along, Qi Zhe can be regarded as a happy old man.

Finally, when the two families got together for dinner, the old man rarely asked for two drinks.

The old man has basically stopped drinking alcohol on weekdays. He only occasionally drinks one or two taels during the festivals. On the one hand, he really wants to live two more years.

The other is that Gu Qinghan's grandmother is also very strict, and even if he wants to drink, he won't let him drink.

But tonight, Gu Qinghan's grandmother also made an exception and allowed it with a smile.

"Drink less, even if it's to celebrate the marriage of these two children."

Hearing his wife's words, Gu Qinghan's grandfather took the wine glass handed over by his son Gu Zhengde with a smile, raised it and said with a smile:

"This is the first time for me and Xiaozhe to drink. I hope the next time will be your wedding with our Qinghan girl. Nian

These words are directed at Qi Zhe, and Qi Zhe is also unambiguous.

Filled up his glass of wine (beba) directly, then nodded with a smile:

"Grandpa, don't worry, Qinghan and I's wedding wine, you will have to drink the child's full moon wine."

After speaking, Qi Zhe directly picked up the glass and touched it lightly, then drank it all.

As for things like having children, Qi Zhe has no plans right now, but he is a professional in this aspect of being pompous, and making the old man happy couldn't be easier.

People can say what they say when they are so happy.

Qi Zhe is so good at doing things like this, Lao Qi and Gu Qinghan's parents have a light on their faces. After all, Qi Zhe is their favorite son-in-law and son, and he behaves so well in front of the elderly, which also shows that Lao Qi and the others are godsons. You Fang, Lao Gu has a good eye.

In this way, Gu Qinghan's grandparents stayed in Binhai for two days. During these two days, Qi Zhe and Gu Qinghan personally went to accompany the old couple to visit various distinctive places in Binhai.

In the past two days, Qi Zhe has also completely put down his work. Anyway, the matter is left to the subordinates to deal with, it is better to accompany the old couple to be happy.

It is impossible to pass the Oriental Pearl on the Pujiang River by boat. The Oriental Pearl is a famous landmark in the whole world.

The old couple also asked Gu Qinghan to take a photo for them against the background of the Oriental Pearl. After taking the photo, the two looked at them with joy.

Then the cruise ship continued down, just passing by the construction site of the Zhongzhe Power Building next to the Oriental Pearl.

Looking at the construction site in the distance, the foundation alone was 70 to 80 meters down, and it took up a huge area, bigger than the Oriental Pearl next to it.

There are four or five hundred busy excavators and cranes that can be seen to the naked eye, not including some fixed equipment.

After seeing this scene, the old man's eyes were also attracted.

Up to eighty-year-olds, down to a few years old children, excavators are inherently attractive to men.

After all, to put it nicely, excavators are the representative of mechanical aesthetics and power, and men are naturally interested in this.

"Huo, this construction site is stylish. It looks taller than the Oriental Pearl Tower next to it. It will be a landmark building in Binhai at that time."

Hearing his wife's sigh, Gu Qinghan's grandmother also nodded.

"That's not it, how much money will it cost for this big project?"

At this time, Gu Qinghan and Qi Zhe just came out with the tea, and after seeing Qi Zhe and the others coming back, the old man couldn't hold back his curiosity and asked directly:

"Xiao Zhe, Qing Han, what kind of building is going to be built in such a big construction site next to the Oriental Pearl Tower?

After hearing this question, Qi Zhe just smiled and did not speak, while Gu Qinghan said with a little pride:

"Grandpa and grandma, the power building is being built here. 35

For the children's industry, the old couple is unaware, but occasionally ask how the development is, and most of them are taken away by the "good".

Now I don't understand after hearing that it is an electric power building.

"Electric Power Building? My dear, isn't the headquarters of Jingsheng Power in our capital? Why is it building one in Binhai?"

It seems that the old couple really don't understand the work of Gu Qinghan and Qi Zhe at all. They only know that Qi Zhe has started a group by himself, and Gu Zhengde said that the development is good, while Gu Qinghan has a beauty makeup company. company.

In their impression, only Jingsheng Power Group, which is currently and has always been ranked first among domestic power companies, has the ability to build such a power building.

Hearing this, Gu Qinghan held back his smile and tried his best to speak without being too proud:

"Grandma and grandpa, this power building is called Zhongzhe Power Building, which is Qi Zhe, where Qi Zhe's power group's future headquarters will be."

Hearing this, the old couple's calm face also showed a color of astonishment.

Darling, how can my grandson-in-law be so powerful?

ps: Thanks to the "Fate and Destiny" boss 588vip for the reward, thanks to the "Yuemian" boss for the reward, thank you.

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