"Hello Mr. Gu, hello Mr. Gu, I'm Li Wanru, Mr. Qi's assistant.

"Hello Mr. Gu, I'm Wang Weibing, the head of the security team in the President's Office."

Although he has not officially joined the vice president of Airborne Zhongzhe Power Group, Mr. Qi has said that this is his fiancee, and the vice president of Airborne must be a sure thing, so he changed his words one by one.

Hearing the self-introductions of several people, Gu Qinghan also showed his graceful side and nodded with a slight smile.

"Thank you for picking up people at the airport at this point.

When he said this, Gu Qinghan was full of aura, even Li Wanru, who was used to seeing strong winds and waves with Qi Zhe all the year round, still sighed in her heart, this fiancee of President Qi is definitely a powerful woman, this is her intuition as a woman.

The car has already been prepared for "three six seven" outside. It is different from the security clothing worn by the rest of the company's security department. The security team of the president's office is wearing a suit. Such a group of people is really a bit "big guy". mean.

Gu Qinghan was holding Qi Zhe's arm, but he did such a move with a cold aura, and it was enough to support Qi Zhe's face when he went out.

On the other side, Li Wanru has also been introducing Qi Zhe about the current situation of Zhongzhe Power's entry into Xiangdao.

At present, three rounds of recruitment have been completed, and a total of more than 1,300 front-line personnel in electric power operations and more than 400 civilian positions have been recruited.

Moreover, according to Qi Zhe's request, a total of 26 Zhongzhe Electric Power business halls in various areas of the island are under emergency renovation and are expected to be put into operation in at most one week.

Listening to Li Wanru's introduction, Qi Zhe nodded.

At present, Qi Zhe is quite satisfied with this progress. In addition, the two Airbus A320 transport aircraft of the Group's emergency flight department have completed the seat removal work, and are loading "miniature batteries" overnight at Hongqiao Airport tonight.


At that time, before the power plant in Xiangdao is completed and put into use, these "miniature batteries" will be the power source of Zhongzhe Power Group's power supply to the island.

Stepping out of the airport, it was already nice outside the Peninsula Hotel Rolls Royce.

This is the exclusive use of the Peninsula Hotel to receive top-level customers. During the stay, the guests have full control over the car and will be equipped with a dedicated driver.

This benefit can be said to be a part of the hotel price. After all, the Peninsula Hotel in Fragrant Island is even a bit more advanced than the one in Binhai. The presidential suite costs 68,888 a night.

This was arranged by Li Wanru. If Qi Zhe came by himself, he would still choose Hilton.

But all the reservations were made, and he was not short of money, so Qi Zhe didn't care.

Qi Zhe and Gu Qinghan were in the car, and Wang Weibing was sitting in front of the car in addition to the co-pilot. The interior windows were raised directly, so that even if Qi Zhe and Gu Qinghan were in the back, they would not be heard and seen by the front.

But Qi Zhe didn't have this idea, after all, it was someone else's car.

Not only this Rolls-Royce, but also a Mercedes-Benz commercial car behind, Li Wanru and the bodyguards of the other five security groups sat in it.

The car drove all the way to the Peninsula Hotel Qi Zhe and they went directly to the VIP elevator to the upper floor.

The Presidential Suite of the Peninsula Hotel has taken into account the various needs of customers. Generally, the customers who book this kind of room are big bosses, and naturally have commercial work needs.

So the interior of the suite is directly divided into two parts, one can be used for work, and the other is a private lounge area.

The private living area of ​​Gu Qinghan and Qi Zhe is completely undisturbed by the outside work area.

Compared with the work area, the living area is also a little more luxurious and refined.

Naturally, Li Wanru and the rest of the staff did not stay at the Peninsula Hotel, while Wang Weibing and the three other members of the security team were responsible for the safety of Qi Zhe and Gu Qinghan, and settled in the room in the work area.

Don't say it's really not very pleasant to be in a plane for so long.

So Qi Zhe and Gu Qinghan-discussed the idea of ​​going out and let the hotel deliver the meal directly to the room.

Nothing happened, Qi Zhe knew that Gu Qinghan needed time.

The next day, after having breakfast, Qi Zhe did not rush to contact those chambers of commerce directly, but took the car to the Kowloon side, the Xiangdao staff apartment of Zhongzhe Power Group.

At present, the office location of the branch is still being renovated, so the work during this period is also carried out here...

The car slowly stopped in front of the building, and Li Jian was already waiting outside.

Wang Weibing followed the principle that the work must be done in place. First, he got out of the car by himself, then after observing the surrounding area, several bodyguards opened the car door, and then Qi Zhe and Gu Qinghan walked out.

Seeing this, Li Jian quickly greeted him.

"Hello Mr. Qi, who is this?"

Looking at Li Jian's puzzled eyes, Qi Zhe said directly:

"Gu Qinghan, my fiancée, and the future vice president of the group, came to accompany me to finish the Xiangdao project this time. 35

After hearing Qi Zhe's introduction, Li Jian nodded hurriedly. After all, the proprietress is such a big beauty, and it's not very good for her to shake hands, so she just nodded.

"Hello Mr. Gu, I'm the person in charge of the operation department of the group, and my name is Li Jian.

After nodding lightly with a smile, Gu Qinghan said politely but kept a distance;

"I know, Qi Zhe has already introduced you to me in the car."

As he said that, Li Jian took Qi Zhe and the two to go inside the building, while introducing the general situation.

The two commercial apartments have a total of more than 1,700 rooms available for employees to live in, and there are currently more than 400 rooms available. In addition, the training of employees is also in full swing.

Not surprisingly, the first batch of trained employees 1.0 will be able to go to work directly tomorrow.

After speaking, Li Jian also took Qi Zhe and Gu Qinghan to the training site to have a look, and randomly selected some employee information. After reading it, Qi Zhe was quite satisfied. The personnel department has never lost the chain in this regard.

But while Qi Zhe was looking at these new employees, those employees were also looking at Qi Zhe.

Now that they are members of the Zhongzhe Power Group, they naturally know what Qi Zhe looks like. After all, their own boss is not less in the news.

However, Gu Qinghan obviously didn't know it very well, but looking at the closeness of the two, he quickly guessed the relationship.

"Why do you want to enter Zhongzhe Power?"

Guo Wenjie was stunned when he heard the sudden question, and then stood up immediately.

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