Hundreds Of Millions Of Ants Generate Electricity, And I Open A Power Plant To Become The Richest Ma

228 I heard that your boss jumped off the building because of a power outage?

Jiao Cailiang, the chairman of the Fragrant Island Chamber of Commerce, is definitely one of the top contacts and influencers on the island.

In the south, the ties between such chambers of commerce are closer, and Xiangdao is no exception.

If Zhongzhe Power wants to settle in Xiangdao, the ordinary resident users are similar to the previous routines, just give users discounts and do a good job of power supply with real intentions.

But the business side is different, they are more grouped and exclusive.

Therefore, Qi Zhe had to convince Jiao Cailiang that Mingde Electric Power Co., Ltd. is still making every effort to repair the electricity for residents because of the previous typhoon "Tunan" that caused a major power outage on the island.

At present, Qi Zhe has received news that the residents of the island have recovered electricity in the main areas, and only about 30% of the electricity is left in the remote areas.

Once the 30% is restored, Mingde Power will be able to free up its hands to repair the power consumption of the enterprise. It will be much more difficult for Zhongzhe Power Group to intervene.

So Qi Zhe must seize this opportunity.

When it comes to Jiao Cailiang, they are still relatively old-fashioned in their dealings with others. They don't like the bells and whistles of young people. They think that in formal occasions, they should either wear suits or shoes, or they should wear simple clothes.

Qi Zhe simply wore his signature jeans and shirt today, while Gu Qinghan wore a pair of black wide-leg trousers and a black shirt, which looked graceful but still aura.

The two went directly to the tea house from the hotel.

Zuiyuxuan, this teahouse was very famous before Xiangdao returned to its embrace. It is said that many Hong Kong stars like to come here for refreshments, the environment is good, and the privacy is also good.

This time, Qi Zhe also consulted his classmates who were in Xiangdao before before deciding on such a place.

"Hello two, do you have an appointment?"

According to Zui Yuxuan's rules, no reservation is required except for morning tea in the morning, and other time periods need to be reserved in advance to provide a location, which can better serve guests and improve privacy.

"I've made an appointment, my surname is Qi.""


"Okay, two distinguished guests, please.""

After speaking, the service staff took Qi Zhe and Gu Qinghan directly to the third floor, and stopped at the door of a private room by the window.

"Hello, the Spring Breeze Pavilion you booked, the private room service staff will be ready soon."

In Zuiyu Xuan, each private room has an independent name, which is arty to say it, but each private room will have a dedicated service staff.

After picking out a pot of cheap tea at random, Qi Zhe looked at the scenery outside the window, then took out a cigarette case from his pocket and took one to his mouth, just as Qi Zhe reached out to his pocket and touched the lighter.

A white and slender palm stretched out from his mouth and lit the lighter in his hand.

After a chuckle, Qi Zhe lit a cigarette and exhaled a puff of smoke.

If it was someone else, Gu Qinghan would definitely cover his nose and frown, but for Qi Zhe, she is a lover of Wu Jiwu, and she even likes the faint smoke of tobacco on his body.

It was impossible for his fiancé to quit smoking, so he could only control him to smoke less. After more than a day of coming to Xiangdao, Qi Zhe only smoked two cigarettes.

As long as he smokes less, he is willing to light a cigarette for him.

I don't know whether Chairman Jiao Cailiang has the habit of smoking, so after smoking, Qi Zhe opened the window to let the smell of smoke in the room dissipate as soon as possible.

Not long after Qi Zhe opened the window, there was movement from the door.

"Sir, this is the Spring Breeze Pavilion, and Mr. Qi is already waiting inside. 35

As the voice came out, the door was also opened, and then a gentle-looking man in his early sixties walked into the private room.

After seeing Jiao Cailiang, Qi Zhe greeted him with a smile.

"Hello, Chairman Jiao, I'm Qi Zhe, I've chosen the right place today, the spring breeze is blowing. 99

Listening to Qi Zhe's words, Jiao Cailiang didn't hold any air at all. Although Qi Zhe wanted him now, Jiao Cailiang knew very well that the young man in front of him was a monster worth hundreds of billions in one year. .

And unsurprisingly, it won't be long before the market value doubles again.

This kind of "crossing the river dragon" is capable of walking sideways, no matter who the boundary is, and since people are friendly, Jiao Cailiang can't lose face.

"What are you talking about? I'm already in my 60s, but Mr. Qi is a young talent with a formidable future. Is this Mrs.?"

Gu Qinghan also stood up with Qi Zhe, with a faint smile on his face, and stood obediently behind Qi Zhe, doing things very decently.

"This is my fiancee, Gu Qinghan."

After hearing the introduction, Jiao Cailiang also smiled and nodded.

"~The two men are talented and beautiful, they are a perfect match, hehe.


After the greeting, the three sat down, and then Qi Zhe greeted the waiter and started serving refreshments.

While waiting, Qi Zhe also chose to cut straight to the point.

"President Jiao, the companies on your island are not having a good time these days.

Qi Zhe makes electricity. The meaning of what he said is very clear. Jiao Cailiang also understands it.

"That's not right, Mr. Qi, it wasn't the typhoon 'Tunan' that hit the island some time ago, which caused a major power outage across the island. For the sake of public opinion, the official side asked Mingde Electric Power to give priority to restoring electricity to residents. This is because we don't care at all about our business Human life and death.""

Speaking of which, Jiao Cailiang explained it in detail.

During this period of power outage, basically all large enterprises were shut down, employees went on vacation, and the machines in the factory could not operate, and even several went bankrupt because of this.

Because of the orders signed in advance, no one thought that a typhoon would cause a major power outage, and the cycle of critical power outages was still so long, so at that time, several careless bosses did not add the "force majeure" item to the contract.

Directly lead to the date when there is no way to supply the goods and is claimed to double the liquidated damages.

Hearing these words, Qi Zhe also echoed in a serious way.

"President Jiao, I heard that the owner of a foreign trade clothing factory in Tsim Sha Tsui jumped off the building thinking that the penalty was ten times the penalty?

After taking a sip of tea and sleeping, Jiao Cailiang smiled.

"That's to hide from the limelight. People have already gone to Artest's side. It is estimated that they will never come back here in this life."

ps: Thanks to the "Xiao Bai is the most important" boss for ten reminder tickets, thank you.

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