Hundreds Of Millions Of Ants Generate Electricity, And I Open A Power Plant To Become The Richest Ma

230 Some factories have actually resumed work? The electricity from them?

After the three cars entered the industrial park, they naturally attracted the attention of many people. After all, the words and logo of Zhongzhe Power Group were brightly written on the body.

And the inside of their park has always been powered by the only electric power company on the island, Mingde Electric Power.

Now suddenly there are several Zhongzhe electric cars, which can't help but make people guess.

Some security personnel who stayed in the factory area were also discussing curiously.

"Which power company is Zhongzhe Power? Why haven't I heard of it before."

"It seems to be a company from the mainland. It is very famous and has just settled in our Fragrant Island recently."

"What's the matter with them? How can an electric car drive when the power is out? Do you want to restore the power supply? 35

"You are telling a joke, restore the power supply? Zhongzhe Electric Power only recruited people on the "367" week, and there is no power plant. Do you expect his nemesis Mingde Electric Power to sell him electricity? Electricity."5

"What's that for? You can't come in for a walk, can you?"

"I don't know, who put them in just now? Who called.

"I put it on a call from someone from the Weiss Garment Factory, so I put it in.

Weiss Garment Factory is a garment factory in the industrial park. If someone makes a phone call, it can be released, so the security will be put in.

The three Zhongzhe Power mobile power supply vehicles drove in and soon came to the outside of the Weiss Garment Factory. Someone was already waiting anxiously here. When they saw the cars coming, they rushed up to them.

"You are the masters of Zhongzhe Electric Power, right? You are really looking forward to it. You came here early in the morning this time."

After hearing the man's words, the electricians in the car waved their hands.

"Yes, then let's start now, we need to connect the wiring in your factory, please sign here. 35

The person who said this is Guo Wenjie. After several days of training, the first batch of electric power operators of Zhongzhe Power Group have started to work.

After taking the list handed over by Guo Wenjie, the owner of Weiss Garment Factory signed his name on it without hesitation.

If the power supply can be restored this morning, then in the afternoon, the employees can be notified to come to work in the factory. When the machine is running, the orders that have been squeezed by themselves will be able to catch up.

If you work more overtime, you may be able to catch up with the delivery date of all orders, so you don't have to incur default charges.

After receiving the signed confirmation form, Guo Wenjie and the others all got out of the car, and then directly and skillfully took out the circuit and began to connect the main circuit in the factory.

In fact, one power supply vehicle for Weiss Garment Factory is enough. These three vehicles can directly carry the daily power supply of the entire industrial area, and the other two vehicles are just here to send people.

Now all the electric vehicles of Zhongzhe Power Group have been transformed into mobile power supply vehicles, and this will be the case in the island in the future.

It took a dozen people an hour to complete the circuit connection and safety confirmation. After confirming that there was no problem, Guo Wenjie and others also withdrew to the car, and then left a car.

The remaining two cars returned, and the remaining car pressed the power button directly in the car after notifying the owner of the Weiss Garment Factory.

With the pressing of the button, some lights in the Weiss Garment Factory came on, and the boss also showed an excited look, and then he took out his mobile phone tremblingly and started to notify his subordinates.

Outside the industrial park, a few security personnel were chatting and spanking, and two cars from the Zhongzhe Power Group drove over and honked their horns.

After hearing the sound of the horn, the security personnel also manually pushed the door open, and then let them go out.

"What's the matter? Drive away again in an hour?"

"Wait a minute, aren't they three cars? Why did they drive out two and one?

"I don't know. If you are free, you can go to the Weiss Garment Factory and take a look at it."

As he said this, he turned his head and glanced behind him. Although it took a long time to walk past the Weiss Garment Factory, there was still something to be seen here.

At this sight, he was completely stunned.

"Damn it, how come the lights are on over there?"

"Really! My God, it's the Weiss Garment Factory. The lights are actually on in their factory..."

It was not only the security guards in the industrial park who noticed this scene, but also some employees left in other factories.

The lights of the Weiss Garment Factory became the only lights in the entire industrial park.

After one o'clock in the afternoon, more than 500 employees of the Weiss Garment Factory began to walk into the industrial park one after another, and some people rode bicycles or battery cars.

Because there is no electricity, the security guards can only manually and numbly check their passes one by one.

During the period, they asked curiously, and their eyes widened when they learned that the Weiss Garment Factory actually called to resume work.

Good guy, just a mobile power supply car can support the power supply of a factory.

When you're bored, you don't have to run out of battery before you get home from get off work.

With the gradual arrival of these employees, the assembly line in the Weiss Garment Factory also moved, and the roar of the machine also sounded.

This is particularly prominent in the entire industrial park where all sounds are silent.

At this moment, a few middle-aged people in a tea room in Kowloon are sitting together with sad faces to discuss countermeasures. The entire 1.0 room even if the windows are opened, it is a smoky fragrance.

Almost all of them were holding cigarettes, and they were all owners of the industrial park.

At this moment, they don't have the thought of drinking tea and playing cards. Their purpose today is to discuss how to explain to those manufacturers who signed contracts in advance, and see if the liquidated damages can be reduced a little.

But just when they couldn't come to a conclusion, a person's phone rang.

"Hello, where is it?"

After speaking, a familiar voice came from the phone, the security guard in his factory.

"Boss, I'm the security guard in the factory. The Weiss Garment Factory has actually resumed work. Now hundreds of people are working in the factory. I just took a look outside. The whole factory area is brightly lit!

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