Hundreds Of Millions Of Ants Generate Electricity, And I Open A Power Plant To Become The Richest Ma

232 draws from the bottom of the pot and signs up with all corporate users in Hong Kong!

Jiao Cailiang hadn't encountered such a thing that made him blush for a long time. Just two days ago, he was thinking of joining Qi Zhe, and now he has to take the initiative to find someone else.

Although the old face couldn't hang up, Jiao Cailiang still had to make this call.

After taking a deep breath, Jiao Cailiang called Qi Zhe.

"Hey, Mr. Qi, I'm Jiao Cailiang, I wonder if you have time today? There's a nice tea room on Xinjie, can I buy you a cup of tea? 35

Qi Zhe on the other side of the phone smiled when he heard Jiao Cailiang's words.

Jiao Cailiang, the old fox, can bend and stretch, but that's fine. If Zhongzhe came one by one, the efficiency would obviously not be comparable to Jiao Cailiang's chamber of commerce.

Now that he is willing to put down his old face and take the initiative to find him, it doesn't matter to him. Anyway, he is doing business, and he can't have any petty grudges with him, and everything is for the benefit.

"Okay, it's just that President Jiao has to be troubled and spent."

Hearing this, Jiao Cailiang breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Mr. Qi didn't hold grudges, and he made Xiao Kangzi's family not take it seriously.

"Why, it's just a cup of tea, then I'll be waiting for President Qi in the tea room. 39

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Xinjie Xinglong Tea Room.

Unlike last time, this time Jiao Cailiang was obviously the weaker side, and he kept a very low stance since Qi Zhe arrived.

Jiao Cailiang also went straight to the topic after the tea was all ready.

"Mr. Qi, I heard that Zhongzhe Power has recently provided power supply services to some factories in the industrial park?

Hearing this, Qi Zhe didn't deny it, and said helplessly:

"Yes, this was originally to listen to President Jiao's letter. It would be better for everyone if we act together, but I can't stand some people I know, and contact me through friends or something, asking me to provide them with electricity. .

Speaking of which, Qi Zhe showed a wry smile, embarrassed and polite.

"Tell me, it's all related to my family, and I can't refuse people when they come to the door. It's spread out that I am reluctant to supply electricity to others. It's not a joke."

What Qi Zhe said was reasonable and well-founded, and Jiao Cailiang knew that he could only laugh at it.

As for the owner of the Weiss Garment Factory, who was close to Qi Zhe, Qi Zhe was really unfamiliar, and he didn't know his name, so he arranged for Li Jian to contact him.

But doing business is like this. It's good to say this kind of scene. There is a reason not to make the scene too ugly.

"That's right, Mr. Qi is right. There is nothing you can do when you encounter such a thing. You can understand it."

Since he could understand, Qi Zhe also smiled.

Last time, it was because Qi Zhe had to ask him for something, so he was relatively passive, so he didn't even smoke a cigarette. Now, it is Jiao Cailiang who is passively "drawn from the bottom of the pot" by his own trick.

Qi Zhe didn't care so much, so he naturally had to have an attitude of asking for help.

After taking out the cigarette without any hesitation, Qi Zhe lit one directly, and saw that Jiao Cailiang, who had never smoked, did not show any dissatisfaction.

This made Qi Zhe take a high look.

To be honest, I still have a little bit of quality. Others don't smoke, and I generally don't smoke in front of non-smokers.

This is mainly because Jiao Cailiang put him in front of him, and now he is just giving him a "playing horse power".

Since he can hold his breath, it means that the cooperation can still continue.

Qi Zhe snuffed out the cigarette without taking a few puffs, and then said:

"Then, since President Jiao is like this, why don't you talk about your purpose for inviting me to drink tea?

Hearing this, Jiao Cailiang was also in high spirits. He was a little dizzy from the smoke just now, and after drinking a sip of tea, he said directly:

"Mr. Qi, do you think this will work? Within a day, I will hand you the collective signing letter of all members of our chamber of commerce in Hong Kong, and they will sign me to guarantee that they will sign a power supply contract with you Zhongzhe Power Group, and then you will start to How about starting power for all businesses?"

In Xiangdao, which attaches great importance to the relationship between the chamber of commerce, basically, companies that are a little bit on the table will join the chamber of commerce. Therefore, since Jiao Cailiang said this, he represents most of the companies on the island.

At least between 80% and 90%.

As long as they can sign a contract, it can basically be said that Zhongzhe Power has won all the enterprise users on the island.

For this condition, Qi Zhe is very satisfied, and this is his original purpose.

"Okay, then this matter will have to trouble President Jiao to deal with it."9

Hearing Qi Zhe readily agreed, Jiao Cailiang also smiled and stretched out his hand instead of pushing him to make things difficult for him.

~Mr. Qi, you are really refreshing, but I am a little shy. The list will be sent tomorrow. We will sign the contract at that time, and we will find a time for another day. I will be the host, and I will invite you and your wife to have a light meal.

Holding his hands together, Qi Zhe still kept a smile, just for the benefit.

That night, Ke Yilan, as the head of the legal department of the group, flew directly from Binhai overnight, and then several people from the legal department worked overtime overnight to formulate a signing plan based on the local situation in Xiangdao.

I have to say that although Jiao Cailiang was very unhappy about this matter, but the matter was settled, he, the chairman of the whole island chamber of commerce, still had influence, and many people bought his account.

Moreover, now I see that Zhongzhe Power is supplying power to individual enterprises, allowing them to resume work.

The roar of those machines that have resumed work is (good Wang Zhao) roaring in the factory, it is clearly roaring in their hearts.

It was agreed that we would go to Baitou together, and we would live together in hard times. As a result, there was someone here who could activate the money-counting machine, and they were still struggling to get on the phone.

This made them not anxious, and now Jiao Cailiang said that they will sign a power supply contract together.

One by one wished to sign their name on it earlier.

The next day, Ke Yilan and the others stared at the black eye at the temporary office area of ​​the Xiangdao branch of Zhongzhe Power Group and the representatives of the chamber of commerce stamped the official seal of Zhongzhe Power Group on a joint agreement signed by all members of the chamber of commerce. this.

So far, all corporate users in this area of ​​Xiangdao have been taken down by themselves.

As the group president, Qi Zhe also smiled and shook hands with Jiao Cailiang in front of the camera.

The photo was soon published in major newspapers and media on the island.

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