After explaining the matter, the people from the finance side also arrived. After receiving Qi Zhe's request, they immediately went to the nearest bank to withdraw 130,000 in cash from the VIP counter.

"Mr. Qi, this is the cash you asked for, a total of 130,000."

The person from the finance department handed Qi Zhe a paper bag, and the banknotes in it were all bundled, 10,000 per bundle.

After nodding and waiting for the people from the finance department to go out, Qi Zhe picked up the paper bag without looking at it, and walked out of the office to the office of the public relations department.

As soon as he walked to the door, there was a lot of noise from inside.

"Fuck! It's over 100,000 brothers!"

"Niubi, looking at all the comments in the comment area, I wonder if we have invited the navy. 95

"Hahaha, please, you big bastard. It's not like people from our public relations department should be invited to the navy. You really did not know if you were invited."

"I just used an analogy to express my shock, I didn't expect such a good work to be made by me.

Hearing the laughter inside, Qi Zhe also smiled, then pushed open the glass door of the office and walked in directly.

Now that there is no work at hand, everyone gathers together and stares at the computer screen. The screen displays the real-time background data of "The Red Flag Flying at the 4,625-meter-altitude Post" that was sent out first.

It can be seen that they are also satisfied with the good data.

Zhao Decai, the head of the public relations department in the independent office inside, just came out and planned to inform his colleagues outside that Mr. Qi asked for the second article "There are only seven families here, but it's not just the smoke and the wires that are rising." Rod" was also sent out.

But when he walked outside, Qi Zhe, who he noticed, smiled and stood there holding a paper bag.

And his subordinates were staring at the computer screen and didn't notice Qi Zhe.

"Cough cough.

After a cough, someone turned his head.

He first followed the voice to see the head of the department, and then he saw Qi Zhe standing behind them.

"Zhao Jing... President Qi."

After hearing this, the others also turned around, and after seeing Qi Zhe, they quickly got up and planned to return to their workstations.

After all, in the company, it's a bit bad for everyone to get together so casually to be looked at by the boss.

But Qi Zhe smiled and stopped them from wanting to go back to their workstations.

"Don't worry, everyone is here, I'll let you know.

Upon hearing this, Zhao Decai also walked into the crowd, and then thirteen people looked at Qi Zhe with curious expressions on his face.

Qi Zhe has never been to the public relations department, after all, it's just a small department with a dozen people, but he came suddenly today, but it doesn't seem like a bad thing.

After all, Mr. Qi seemed to be in a good mood.

"I'm here because I'm very satisfied with everyone's work after seeing the two videos. You guys have done a good job, and in terms of corporate promotional videos, you still maintain the highest level in the industry in my opinion.

Upon hearing this, the employees of the public relations department below also showed a smile.

In Zhongzhe, they are very happy because the benefits are very good, and now the boss affirms their work, they are also very happy.

Seeing the smiles on everyone's faces, Qi Zhe continued to smile and said:

"Since everyone works so well, there are naturally rewards. I am a vulgar person, so I came here in a vulgar way. Everyone has a share, so don't grab it.

Saying that, Qi Zhe walked directly to the crowd, starting from the left.

Take out a thick stack of 10,000 yuan banknotes from the bag, and distribute them one by one.

"Damn it, Mr. Qi is a bully!

"Mr. Qi, we are all lay people, so that's fine."

"Thank you Mr. Qi, we will work harder!"

"Thank you Mr. Qi, 10,000 yuan, what the hell!"

Who is not a layman? Welfare, you should have some real gold and silver.

There is no better way to satisfy everyone than to send 10,000 yuan to the hands (beba).

After walking out of the door of the public relations department, Qi Zhe had no bag in his hand, and at this point he planned to leave work early.

The public relations department cheered for a while after Qi Zhe left, and then immediately uploaded a second video as requested.

"There are only seven families here, but it's not just the smoke and the telephone poles that rise up"

Driving a Lamborghini Urus, Qi Zhe stopped while passing a flower shop.

Apart from pulling out my mother's flowers and plants in the backyard and giving them to Gu Qinghan when I was a child, it seems that I have never given her flowers.

At that time, the bunch of flowers that were pulled out still had roots, and Gu Qinghan said that it was not good-looking, so Qi Zhe even took scissors to cut the roots, for which he was beaten by his mother.

What should I give, Qi Zhe doesn't like roses very much, I think it's too gorgeous.

After stopping for a while, Qi Zhe came to his own decision, a bunch of sunflowers.

"Boss, pack a bunch of sunflowers, I gave it to my fiancee, it's a little more beautiful.

After hearing Qi Zhe's words, the boss quickly agreed.

"Okay, don't worry, I promise to give you a beautiful bag."

There were no customers in the store when Qi Zhe came in just now, but he watched Qi Zhe get off the Lamborghini. Such customers must be well maintained.

If you can become a long-term customer in the future, then there will be an owner who is not short of money, and the high-end flowers in the store will be sold.

Just when Qi Zhe got the flowers and drove home, there were online articles about "There are only seven households here, but it's not just the smoke and the telephone poles" and "The red flag at the 4,625-meter-altitude outpost." The discussion of "Flying" exploded.

No one thought that the article "We Light Up the Night Sky of Ancient Ni Island" originally released by Zhongzhe Power Group was enough to compare.

Unexpectedly, two high-quality film-level corporate promotional videos were released in one day.

The pictures in the video are really beautiful in the eyes of people in the city.

Especially the picture of "The Red Flag Fluttering at the 4,625-meter-altitude post" in the wind and snow is very shocking.

And in "There are only seven households here, but it's not just the smoke and the telephone poles that rise", the real side of the workers makes people feel inexplicably moved.

No matter from any point of view, this is an excellent film, and it also makes people understand that to light up the world, Zhongzhe's actions are not just words.

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