Hundreds Of Millions Of Ants Generate Electricity, And I Open A Power Plant To Become The Richest Ma

240 The local accent is unforgettable, Hong Kong dialect is difficult to learn

Uncle Wang came to Xiangdao from the mainland in the 1970s. At that time, he wanted to come here to work and save enough money to go home and marry a daughter-in-law. In the end, whoever wanted to stay like this has stayed until now.

He has settled down in Xiangdao, and even his granddaughter is five years old.

Their community is already a bit old, and most of the people living there are middle-aged and elderly people. The children have all moved to those newly built communities if they have the conditions.

Fortunately, the children in Uncle Wang's family are more competitive. After graduating from college, his son became a lawyer and his daughter became a doctor.

These two occupations are properly high-income groups in Xiangdao, and they also bought a house early in the newly built high-end community, and Uncle Wang has a good education, and his two children are also filial.

I have been trying to get Uncle Wang to live there, because my wife left "Three-Eight-Three" early, and now Uncle Wang is alone here.

But Uncle Wang has always refused, saying that as long as he brings his grandchildren back every week to see himself, it is his custom to live here.

With a suave and elegant personality, and the children and daughters are all decent occupations, Uncle Wang is also quite popular in the community, so since the millennium, the representative of the owners of the community has always been Uncle Wang.

That's one of the reasons why he refuses his sons and daughters to move to their side, where he can still flex his aftermath in retirement.

Today, he was feeding birds on the balcony, and when he heard a knock on the door, he put down the bird food spoon in his hand and walked out quickly while shouting "come here".

As the owner's representative of the community, Uncle Wang is not idle.

After all, this small difference is shabby. It is an old community, but there are many people here. There are more than 300 households in Building 1 alone, and there are more units in Building 2, and there are more than 500 in total. householder.

The entire community has a total of six buildings, adding up to more than 1,700 households.

In terms of the number of households, the entire community is not too big. Even the former Mingde Electric Power Company set up its service office downstairs in the community.

There is no other reason, because there are many people in the community, and one community consumes more electricity than other ordinary communities, so they naturally have more snacks.

With so many people, almost every day in the community people come to Mr. Wang to do business.

However, he pays attention to being fair, and there are hardly any critics about what he does, so everyone loves to find him.

When he came to the door, Uncle Wang opened the door and saw Aunt Huo who was out of breath.

The two of them had worked in the same company and had a good relationship.

"Pharaoh, the elevator in your unit is broken, the six-story building is exhausting my old bones. 99

Hearing this, Uncle Wang was also a little embarrassed.

"Well, the circuit of the elevator broke down a few days ago. I contacted Mingde Electric Power early, and they didn't send anyone to fix it."

"Come in, I'll pour you some water.

He has been on Hong Kong Island for so many years, but Uncle Wang's accent has always been from the mainland. In his words, the local accent is unforgettable, and the Hong Kong accent is too difficult to learn, but fortunately, he can fully understand the Hong Kong dialect.

After sitting down on the sofa and drinking a cup of warm tea, Aunt Huo spoke.

"I said, Pharaoh, Mingde Electric doesn't pay too much attention to our users. This broken elevator can be repaired for a few days, and your sixth floor is fine. What do you want to do with the residents above ten floors? "

After hearing Aunt Huo's words, Uncle Wang smiled bitterly.

Who said it wasn't, the tenants on the tenth floor or above of this unit alone have been looking for him several times in the past two days.

I also called Mingde Electric Power for several days, and they always said that they would arrange for people to deal with it as soon as possible, but there was no following.

Looking at the wry smile on Uncle Wang's face, Aunt Huo decided to "add fuel to the fire"

"Tell me about this Mingde Electric Power. It took a week for the power to be restored after the last big power outage. This time the elevator is dry again. Also, I remember that the circuit of the third unit of ours was broken before. What happened to the Mingde Electric Power? said."

"I'm angry when I say this. They insist that one household can't spare manpower to repair it, and it takes at least five households to work together. Tell me, what is this called!

Hearing Aunt Huo's complaint, Uncle Wang's face was also a little ugly.

In recent years, Mingde Power has monopolized the power market of Xiangdao, and it is indeed not very concerned about ordinary users...

Seeing this, Aunt Huo decided to speak.

"Pharaoh, in my opinion, our community has replaced Mingde Electric Power. Isn't there a Zhongzhe Electric Power Group recently? Our community signed a contract with Zhongzhe Electric Power.

Hearing this Uncle Wang's eyes moved, just before the elevator was broken.

He also saw the advertisement of Zhongzhe Electric Power in the elevator, and the phrase "you use electricity, I use your heart" also looked very exciting.

But he didn't know much about it, he just felt that it was a bit abrupt to replace Mingde Electric Power, which had been used in the community for so many years, and he only saw Zhongzhe Electric Power from advertisements.

He didn't know how the service of Zhongzhe Power Group was.

Seeing that Uncle Wang was hesitating, Aunt Huo's mouth never stopped.

After a meal, he said that Uncle Wang was outdated, and he didn't even know how to check it online. Zhongzhe Electric Power is quite famous in the mainland, and it is the number one power company in word-of-mouth surveys.

After this communication came down, Uncle Wang was dizzy anyway.

This Aunt Huo is friends with him, and is also a resident of the community, so he can't be bothered by the community and himself.

So after thinking about it, Uncle Wang nodded directly.

"Let's go, let's go to the business hall of Zhongzhe Power Group now. If it's OK, I'll settle this matter."

After hearing that Uncle Wang's 1.0 was relieved, Aunt Huo was finally relieved.

The reason why she contributed to this matter is that Mingde Electric and Zhongzhe Electric are indeed too bad to compare, and Yu Zi is that her son is now working in Zhongzhe Electric, and they provide such a good apartment, so I can do me a favor. Just help.

Moreover, if all the residents in the community use the electricity provided by Zhongzhe Power, her son will work in Zhongzhe Power Group, and her face will be bright.

So that's it, there are many people who have the same idea as Aunt Huo.

In one afternoon, Zhongzhe Power Group experienced an unprecedented increase in a number of community users.

ps: Thank you for the 2,000 VIP points reward from the "Fate and Destiny" boss, and thank you for your support along the way!.

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