Hundreds Of Millions Of Ants Generate Electricity, And I Open A Power Plant To Become The Richest Ma

246 Significant progress has been made in Xinjiang power grid construction!

The email shows that the total length of the Xinjiang power grid construction circuit is more than 130,000 kilometers, and this is only the length of the main trunk line, excluding various pull circuits in villages and towns.

Now about 40% has been completed, and it is advancing at a rate of more than 1% every day.

The entire power grid construction project is expected to build 36 750kV substations, 23 of which have been completed.

There are a total of 1,682 high-voltage towers, and now a total of 616 have been completed.

The whole project is still moving forward according to the original plan, and it will be a little faster than the original plan.

Guo Yujun also showed a satisfied look after seeing this.

"Okay, how many days have passed, and the progress of the project has reached 40%, Xiaozhe and Zhongzhe Power Group are really not boasting about their efficiency.

After hearing this, Qi Zhe also smiled and said:

"How is it, is Uncle Guo still satisfied?"

After reaching out and patted Qi Zhe's shoulder lightly, Guo Yujun couldn't hold back his smile.

At this rate, it will take less than two months for Xinjiang to achieve global power grid coverage, which makes him unhappy.

"Satisfied! How can I be dissatisfied, haha, I have to thank you, Uncle Guo, after this is done.

"There is nothing to be grateful for with money to do things."

The project is progressing so smoothly, both Qi Zhe and Guo Yujun are very satisfied.

But Qi Zhe knew that the reason why it was faster was entirely due to the group's power operators and the local people.

Qi Zhe remembers it clearly when a village in Xinjiang wrote an article about Hao Lianyuan's electric work class.

It was because Qi Zhe, a member of the electric power work class in the report, was very familiar with them. Several of them were all people Qi Zhe knew, and they all came out of the old power plant in Binh Duong.

They also signed up to participate in this aid operation, from Binh Duong to Xinjiang Province.

This is a span of several thousand kilometers, which means that holidays cannot be reunited with family members and must be spent on this desolate frontier.

This makes Qi Zhe feel very moved. The front-line personnel of Zhongzhe Power Group can have such a spirit, and their goal of "lighting up the world" can't be achieved?

After reading the article, Qi Zhe immediately approached Guo Yujun and asked him to use the official method of Xinjiang Province to issue certificates to every front-line electric power personnel of Zhongzhe Power Group who aided Xinjiang at that time.

It is because of Hao Lianyuan and the others, and the local enthusiastic people, that the efficiency of Zhongzhe Power Group is so high.

Hao Lianyuan and the others worked diligently, and the villagers saw it in their eyes, and then took practical actions and went to each household to bring the prepared hot meals to them.

Such a good promotion relationship has made them more and more determined to leave a circuit for the local people, so that the electricity can be transmitted to the local.

Therefore, they will work hard, compared to the foreign workers of other companies.

One day's work had to be delayed until a day and a half, and the front-line electric power workers of Zhongzhe Power Group completed three days' work in two days.

While Qi Zhe and Guo Yujun were chatting and laughing, Hao Lianyuan and the others were still working.

But compared to before, the place where they were this time was not so remote, it was in a town called Yirong Fort.

Every day, after finishing the construction of high-voltage towers on the mountains near the town, they would return to the town to rest at night.

Because it is a town, the population is naturally much larger than the people in Wangjiazhuang who worked before, and the town's organizational ability is also strong.

Every day, the official canteen in the town is arranged to prepare meals, and then the cadres in the town will deliver them.

Unlike the village names who spend their own money, this town is an official unit, so although Hao Lianyuan and the others are still grateful, they will not leave their own pockets for food to the town.

Today, as usual, after a day's work and getting off the shelf, everyone is very tired.

But fortunately, at this point, the food is already ready in the dining hall, so if you can take a bite of this hot meal, and then wash it, you can sleep well in the town official guest house.

The breakfast in the morning is the same as that of all the cadres in the town. They are solved in the town canteen before going up the mountain.

For lunch, they went up to the canteen in the town, and for dinner, they went down the mountain and went to the canteen to eat.

"Old Zhou, hurry up when you arrive, you are not active even after eating.

After hearing Hao Lianyuan's words, Old Zhou smiled angrily, then returned to the team after not knowing what to say to the phone.

Then the group went down the mountain while chatting.

"Speaking of which, it will take another three days to set up this shelf, so where will the next place be allocated to us?

"Who can say for sure, I hope that the next place can be a town, which is more or less comfortable.

"This is true, not to mention anything else, just accommodation, there is a guest house in the town, but in this village you can only live in tents.

"Stop talking, I'm starving to death, and I don't know what the cafeteria is cooking today." 383

"What else can it be, if you are a restaurant, you must have a few vegetarian dishes plus one or two meat dishes, what else can you have.

On the contrary, although the employees of Zhongzhe Power Group are working very hard, after all, the town officials can't spend money indiscriminately, and it is good to ensure that the nutrition is in place. It is impossible to give any meat as the villagers do.

Time passed quickly, and everyone came to the foot of the mountain.

I got into the electric car, and within ten minutes, I drove the car to the official compound in the town.

After a simple wash, everyone went directly to the cafeteria, but Hao Lianyuan looked left and looked and didn't see Lao Zhou and Lao Xie, both of them were good friends who came out of the old Pingyang power plant together.

"These two scumbags don't know where to go after a meal, so I'll go and fill them with two pieces of rice first, so as not to run out of food later.

Speaking of which, Hao Lianyuan didn't care, and went directly to the cafeteria with the army.

Outside a braised meat shop in town, Lao Zhou and Lao Xie are standing here.

"Boss, you braised pig ears, give me some cold salad, and then the pork head and meat, and some vegetarian dishes, all cold, let's drink."

The reason why I drink today is because today is Hao Lianyuan's birthday.

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