Hundreds Of Millions Of Ants Generate Electricity, And I Open A Power Plant To Become The Richest Ma

250 Xinjiang province's global power grid construction completed!

After hearing this, Qi Zhe smiled, and then answered wholeheartedly:

"That's my life."

Qi Zhe is as pompous as ever, and mothers have long been used to it.

"I'll eat it later, give me a hand, and help me put the dishes in the kitchen.

After wiping his mouth, Qi Zhe took all these meals to the kitchen, my dear, there are so many good things in it, the fist-sized hairy crabs are still struggling.

"Mom, I've put a pool for you with these hairy crabs."

Saying that, Qi Zhe put the crabs in the pool, and then turned on the tap to give them some water.

At this time, Mu Nianci came to the kitchen with an apron.

"You pack up and take Qinghan home early in the evening. This day is the fattest time for crab paste. Eat hairy crabs at night."

"okay, I get it."

After eating the "400" meal and coming to the backyard, Qi Zhe lit a cigarette, and then looked at the koi raised by the father in the backyard, this feeling is not bad.

Sometimes it is necessary to do this, eat when you are full, watch the goldfish in a daze when you are full, and let it go for a while.

Just like that, two months have passed before you know it.

In the past two months, the business of Zhongzhe Power Group in Xiangdao has made great progress. The community users alone have signed more than 12,000 contracts. Mingde Power said that it was forced into a corner by Zhongzhe. Pass.

In addition, the expansion of other areas has not stopped, and there are 18 more prefecture-level cities in the area where Zhongzhe Power Group supplies power, including subordinate county towns. Previously, the expansion was only slowed down by the construction of power grids in Xinjiang.

Finally, it is a major event. The construction of the power grid in Xinjiang is coming to an end.

According to the statement given by the staff over there, the construction of the power grid in the whole region of Xinjiang will be completed in three days, and a total of five power plants in Xinjiang Zhongzhe Power Group have also been completed.

When the grid is connected, it can be put into operation and begin to supply power to Xinjiang.

And Qi Zhe also delivered the "Volt Ant" a long time ago, and everything was going according to plan.

This time, Guo Yujun said that there will also be a press conference, and by the way, another commendation conference, this time, Qi Zhe will attend, and Qi Zhe intends to attend with the vice president.

When on the plane, Gu Qinghan sat next to Qi Zhe. In the first class cabin, the two of them had separate positions and could not rely on Qi Zhe's shoulders like they did when they were on the train.

"Qi Zhe, give me your coat."

Because there was a lot of heating on the plane, Qi Zhe sat down and put down his jacket. After hearing this, Qi Zhe froze for a moment, and then took the jacket to Gu Qinghan, and said suspiciously:

"Is it cold? I'll ask the flight attendant for a blanket for you.

After shaking his head, Gu Qinghan took Qi Zhe's jacket, put it directly on his body and closed his eyes.

Although there is no real relationship between husband and wife, but after the two have been together for such a long time, sometimes when Gu Qinghan takes a nap, she will directly be with Qi Zhe. She has long been used to the smell of Qi Zhe.

The faint smell always made her sleep peacefully.

The flight distance from Binhai to Xinjiang Province is not short, and the flight time across the east-west distance is very long.

Qi Zhe also slept during the flight.

When I woke up, the flight attendant was by my side.

"Sir, sir, Mu Qi has arrived."

After hearing the voice of the flight attendant and opening his eyes, Qi Zhe nodded slightly, then glanced outside, the car arranged by Guo Yujun was already parked outside.

This time, Guo Yujun couldn't even stamp it himself, so he could only ask the secretary to help him, holding his official seal and stamping one by one on those honorary certificates.

After all, there are more than 16,000 electric power workers in China's Power Group's assistance to Xinjiang, all of whom came from all over the country except Xinjiang.

The name of the honorary certificate is "Aided Xinjiang Power Grid Construction Honorary Certificate"


There are copies and signatures of Guo Yujun in it. After all, he must be too busy to sign one by one, not to mention that it is impossible for a provincial leader to autograph more than 10,000 honorary certificates one by one.

So you can only copy the signature, and then the secretary and yourself will sign and stamp the official seal.

In the certificate of honor, there is also a paragraph from the Xinjiang province official to inform the electric power workers of Zhongzhe Power Group to assist Xinjiang......

Dear Zhongzhe Electric Power Group electric power operators, because of your dedication every day, in Xinjiang, every place can turn on the lights in the dark night, thank you for your selfless dedication and dedication.

The people of Xinjiang will never forget this kindness. I wish you smooth sailing in the days to come, and you will have the opportunity to return to Xinjiang to see this land that is more beautiful because of your presence.

Yours sincerely.

At that time, after Qi Zhe approached Guo Yujun and talked about it, Guo Yujun agreed without any hesitation, and in addition to the honorary certificate and a medal, he also gave a big gift.

With this honorary certificate of aid to Xinjiang power grid construction, you can enter all scenic spots in Xinjiang free of charge.

That is to say, if more than 16,000 people from other places come to Xinjiang in the future, all scenic spots can use this free entry, which is their feedback.

And the medal is also made of silver, if you have to convert it into RMB, it can be worth a few hundred dollars.

The 10,000-odd yuan was worth several million, and this money Guo Yujun was cut off from the financial budget.

In his words, thanks must be generous, and there is no pattern in Kukou Soso.

In the Gobi, these workers and masters set up a line of wires on the mountains, so that all villages in Xinjiang Province can be connected to electricity, and 1.0 is naturally worthy of this thank you.

And this thank you is a little light to be honest.

If Guo Yujun said that, that is, the financial part is really impossible to cut down, otherwise he would like to directly give the entire 1,800 yuan to those workers and masters who aided Xinjiang.

While Guo Yujun was busy, the phone on the table rang.

"Hello? President Qi is here, right? Okay, you can bring him directly to my office, um. 35

After putting down the phone, Guo Yujun stopped the secretary who was still there with his arm sore.

"Don't cover it, go and prepare two cups of good tea, Mr. Qi and his fiancee are here. 35

After hearing this, the secretary nodded hurriedly, and now he is eager to do other work, the arm of the stamp can no longer be lifted.

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