The Jingcheng Electric Power side was worried, while the Zhongzhe Electric Power Corporation Qi Zhe turned the globe in front of him with great satisfaction.

Beijing, Binhai, Pengcheng. In fact, Shenzhen and these places add up to only 0.33% of the country's area, and the so-called new first-tier cities such as Rongcheng and Shancheng can only reach 3%.

There are more than 300 prefecture-level cities, more than 3,000 county towns, more than 40,000 townships and more than 600,000 villages on the remaining 97% of the land.

Where more than half of the country's imports are grown and consumed.

The so-called market sinking is nothing but that, because in any case, there are a large number of ordinary people everywhere.

The big cities that various power companies compete for are nothing but a concentration of resources, and then the data looks good.

If the electricity market sinks, it will cost a lot more.

In the face of a big city with a population of over 10 million, the power company only needs to build basic power facilities in the city, and then it can continue to get electricity revenue from the population of 10 million.

However, for those 14 towns with smaller population and wider branches, the cost to be paid is obviously much higher.

In cities, if the cost of 10 million poles, towers and wires can maintain the power supply of 10,000 people, then in rural areas and towns, the cost of 10 million may only be enough to power up a few villages.

And the population of those few villages may add up to a few hundred or a thousand people.

This exaggerated difference also leads to the fact that power companies are basically not thankful to carry out power supply business in rural areas and towns.

Qi Zhe's plan is to develop a strategic layout in these more than 600,000 villages, and then complete the power supply of Zhongzhe Power Group to these more than 600,000 villages.

With "Volt Ant", Qi Zhe can do it with confidence and boldness.

And even the up-front cost of electricity infrastructure can be transferred from the profits of other big cities.

Thinking of this, Qi Zhe came to Gu Qinghan's office. They are more or less married, and Gu Qinghan's brain is not stupid at all. With her support, Qi Zhe can expand his hands and feet more.

As soon as the office door was opened, no one was there.

After closing the office door, Qi Zhe went to the office of the finance department, and sure enough, Gu Qinghan was inside.

"Qing...cough, Mr. Gu, please come out."

After hearing Qi Zhe's words, Gu Qinghan put down his work, and then followed Qi Zhe to a place where no one was in the corridor outside.

Then Qi Zhe directly said:

"Qinghan, I plan to build basic electricity for villages across the country, what do you think?"

After saying this, Gu Qinghan thought about it seriously, and then said:

"There are so many villages in the country, if every village is powered, the amount that needs to be spent should be a sky-high price, are you willing?"

For this, Qi Zhe already had the answer in his heart, otherwise he would not have made the light of the world the goal of Zhongzhe Power Group.

"Of course, and there will be a day when the cost will be recovered after the operation, and it will not necessarily lose money.

After getting this answer, Gu Qinghan smiled and nodded.

"That's fine, I'll support you if you want. 39

Since the second-in-command of the group has supported it, Qi Zhe did not hesitate, and immediately notified Li Wanru to start a plenary meeting.

Before the meeting started, it took a little time for the people in the president's office to assemble the staff, but Qi Zhe and Gu Qinghan came inside ahead of time, and then Qi Zhe leaned on Gu Qinghan restlessly.

Feeling Qi Zhe's dishonesty, Gu Qinghan reached out and patted him lightly.

"What do you think? This is the conference room. If the next person comes in and is seen, it will be embarrassing."

"Then you mean it's okay not to be in the office?

"It's ridiculous, you can't do it before you get married, so don't think about it."

When he said this, Gu Qinghan's ears were still red.

Hearing this, Qi Zhe laughed immediately, and he took Gu Qinghan into a ditch.

"I said Gu Qinghan, your little brain is not very pure, what I said was that I wanted to hug you, where do you want to go?

This guy, sure enough, was making fun of himself again, and he knew where he would go.

Gu Qinghan simply turned his face to one side and ignored Qi Zhe before the meeting started.

With the arrival of the heads of various departments, the conference room was full of people, and Qi Zhe started immediately after seeing that everyone was there.

"There are more than 600,000 villages in the country, and more than 40,000 townships, you know?

As an electric power company, and now it has become the number one electric power company in the country, the people under these data naturally know, and someone will soon report more detailed data to Qi Zhe.

There are now more than 690,000 villages in the country, of which 260,000 already have electricity.

Most of the power supply villages are provided by Zhongzhe Power Group, and only a very small part of the villages in North China are powered by Jingcheng Power Group 400.

The characteristics of these villages without exception are basically that the traffic is extremely convenient, the villages rely on the national road, and the population is considered a large village.

Because they are close to the county seat or town with a power plant, they enjoy a benefit in disguise, and they all have electricity supply.

The remaining 430,000 villages have no electricity supply, and most of them rely on diesel generators or solar panels to generate electricity.

Those villages are basically far away from the local county town, and the roads are basically connected, but the electricity has never been supplied.

Qi Zhe smiled and nodded after the person introduced him, it seemed that he understood it thoroughly.

"Very well, it seems that everyone sitting in this position is still doing nothing in vain, knowing to think about some things about the future.

After a pause, Qi Zhe looked around for a week and told everyone what he thought.

The "Light Up the Countryside" plan is officially launched!

On the way to light up the world, the first thing that Zhongzhe Power Group has to do is to light up the domestic villages, so that every household can be connected to electricity, and none of the remaining 430,000 official villages can be missing!

As soon as these words were said, there was also a shocked look underneath.

As electricity people, they clearly know how difficult and costly this "lighting up the countryside" plan is.

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