Qin Hongfei is a sophomore student at Binhai University. He is well-behaved in school. He belongs to the majority of those schools. His academic performance is not bad or bad. He occasionally skips classes, but basically he goes to most of the courses. superior.

Treating teachers is also the attitude that an ordinary student should have. Treating the level of the principal, especially Chai Yunde, who has a cold face all the year round, is also embarrassing when he sees it from a distance.

The most crowded place after class at noon is definitely the cafeteria, so in order to avoid the peak period, Qin Hongfei also came for a 100-meter run early after class. After sprinting to the cafeteria, he had already made up his mind that he must come to Qinyuan today. Large pork chop.

I've been wanting this bite for a long time, but every time it's late, it's gone.

Just as he was walking towards the pork chop meal window, he was stopped by someone, looking up in confusion, Qin Hongfei saw the last scene he didn't want to see during this time.

It was the principal who stopped him himself.

"Could it be that he was running too fast and the principal saw disgust?"

"Maybe it's because I'm in a hurry to come to the cafeteria after class, which is not very popular with teachers."9

Just when he was thinking about it randomly in his mind, Chai Yunde smiled~ opened his mouth.

"Classmate, borrow your meal card and come to my office in the afternoon to pick it up. 35

Hearing this, Qin Hongfei froze in place, and he was fine, but why would the principal ask himself to borrow a meal card? Can he get it back if he borrowed it? And the principal would spend dozens of dollars if he borrowed it.

It's not that I'm stingy, I must be embarrassed to ask for this money after being consumed.

Dozens of dollars are enough to eat a bowl of hot and sour noodles, then a big bottle of happy water and a pack of ten yuan cigarettes.

Just when his mind was full of wild thoughts, Chai Yunde spoke again.

"What's wrong, classmate? Are you inconvenient? It doesn't matter if it's inconvenient.

After hearing this, Qin Hongfei finally reacted, and then took out the meal card directly from his pocket.

"It doesn't matter, Principal Chai, you can take it, I'll just borrow from other students. 99

"Okay, then you remember to come to my office to pick it up in the afternoon, and I will pay you back then."

After speaking, Chai Yunde took Qin Hongfei's meal card and went directly to the window to make dishes, and Qi Zhe also ordered one by one the food he liked when he was at Binda University.

With a few dishes and the staple "buns", you don't have to eat lunch by yourself.

Chai Yunde also didn't put on airs, and he also prepared a few meals and the two sat directly in the cafeteria full of students, eating and chatting.

Originally, the cafeteria at this point was usually crowded, and there was basically no seat. Many people originally planned to eat in the cafeteria and could only pack it back to the dormitory.

But today there were four or five empty tables around Qi Zhe, and no one came over.

There is no way, who asked the principal to sit where, although it is okay to sit there, but I feel a little uncomfortable, and I can't even use my phone to eat, so no one goes there.

And Qin Hongfei also took out his mobile phone at this time, and then Aite everyone in the dormitory group.

"Where are the brothers? I'll come to you and borrow the meal card."

Soon after the message was sent, someone responded.

"Borrow a meal card? Call Dad.

"Hongfei, the old man's meal card is out of bullets? I'll send it to you, Dad.

Looking at the news in the group, Qin Hongfei also smiled helplessly.

"No, no, my meal card was borrowed, and you may not believe it. The person who lent my meal card was Principal Chai [serious face]"

After the message was sent, someone in the group responded quickly.

"I testify that it is true that I am the meal card. 35

"Principal Chai? I can really believe what you say about the teacher or counselor who borrows your meal card, but you say Principal Chai? I'm sorry, I don't believe it.

"Hahahahahaha, yes, I'm Principal Chai, I borrowed Qin Hongfei's meal card for a meal, and now I'm still short of 200 yuan for the fare to go back to Binda University, who will give me 200 yuan, wait for me to return to Binda University The high and low will arrange for you to have a dean or something. 99

Seeing what several roommates in the group posted, Qin Hongfei couldn't help laughing and laughing. These guys are used to joking on weekdays, but now no one believes the truth.

.....for flowers.0

No way, standing in the corner of the cafeteria, Qin Hongfei took out his mobile phone and took a photo.

It is a photo of Chai Yunde and Qi Zhe sitting and eating together. You can vaguely see Chai Yunde's profile and his iconic shirt tucked into his trouser pocket.

Select a photo and click Send.

Except for Xinjiang Province, because during that time Qi Zhe did not miss TV stations in Xinjiang Province, but local TV stations in Xinjiang Province were basically not watched by anyone except the local people in Xinjiang Province.

And now people, especially the younger generation, basically don't pay much attention to the news, and few people will watch the "Face to Face" column.

So Qi Zhe and the others don't know each other, but Chai Yunde is familiar. Who else is the person sitting at the dining table in the cafeteria other than Principal Chai?


"Fuck, what's the situation? Is it really Chai Yunde?"

"Really, this Principal Chai went to our student cafeteria for dinner yesterday."

His fingers moved on the keyboard, and then Qin Hongfei sent a message.

"I don't know, that young man should be a former senior in our school or something? I just heard him call Principal Chai Teacher Chai. Anyway, my meal card was indeed borrowed by the principal, and it's at the third window on the first floor. Come over there, any of you." 5

I have to say that the taste has indeed changed, and if you go back and eat many things in your memory, 80% of them will have a different taste.

But it's still pretty good, at least Qi Zhe didn't have any left over.

Here Chai Yunde had almost eaten, and the two walked out of the cafeteria side by side.

After walking out of the cafeteria, Yunde, the meat dish, personally delivered Qi Zhe to the side of the car, and then said:

"Don't worry Qi Zhe, leave this to me, and then I will contact the surrounding colleges and implement it."

After hearing this, Qi Zhe also smiled and nodded.

"Okay, then I'll trouble Teacher Chai, I can rest assured if you arrange it, then I'll go first. 39

Saying that Qi Zhe started the car, and Chai Yunde waved his hand with a smile on his face next to the car.

This scene happened to be seen by many passing students.

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