The two people in the car were very relaxed. Although it was the first time for the two families to have a formal pre-wedding dinner, Qi Zhe had never seen anyone from the Gu family, and Gu Qinghan did the same.

When I was a child, I saw the Qi family members. At that time, the little Gu Qinghan was very popular with Qi Zhe's second uncle and third aunt.

I vaguely remembered that they had made a joke, or they would have ordered a doll for Qi Zhe and the girl from the Gu family. I didn't expect that after so many years, things were coming true.

"By the way, in the back row, I put a gift for those relatives and children later, don't forget it later.

After hearing this, Qi Zhe glanced back. There were some toy boxes on the car, all of which were high-end toys of several thousand dollars prepared for the children who came to the dinner.

After all, there are a lot of children in the seven aunts and eight aunts and so on. Qi Zhe really didn't expect to bring gifts to the children.

After a chuckle, Qi Zhe stepped on the accelerator.

"I know, but I can't forget it. It's still our family that is cold and gentle and caring. Marrying you is considered a profit."

Qi Zhe's words also made the corner of Gu Qinghan's mouth rise in a proud arc.

"Hello, I have a lot of things. Please help me take it out of the car and take it to the Ruyi Hall on the third floor."

Saying that, Qi Zhe took out his wallet from his pocket, and then took out two hundred-yuan bills for the waiter.

This is very common in high-end hotels. Although the waiter will serve well without tipping, the service of the waiter with a tip can be more in place.

"Thank you, I'll send it to you right away."

With a smile, the waiter took the two hundred-yuan bills with both hands and took the toys out of the car one by one, and then walked upstairs.

Qi Zhe and Gu Qinghan walked in front, and they came to the door chatting and laughing.

The old Qi inside was watching the time, guessing that it was almost time, so he ordered the waiter to serve the food.

At this moment, the door opened, and Qi Zhe and Gu Qinghan walked in hand in hand.

Seeing these two people coming in, smiles appeared on the faces of the others.

The principle of one person's success has always been the same. Since Lao Qi was worth seven or eight hundred million yuan, the surrounding relatives have been living well under the shade of this big tree.

Now Qi Zhe is basically unattainable among the younger generation. As long as Qi Zhe is there, his family will not be able to find out where to go.

And the people from the Gu family are naturally happy to see Gu Qinghan marry Qi Zhe, no matter from that point of view, there is no more perfect candidate than Qi Zhe.

"Xiao Zhe Qinghan is here, tsk tsk, Qinghan has been beautiful again recently~'.

Listening to Aunt Qi Zhe's words, Gu Qinghan also smiled and said hello, Auntie. ,

"Xiao Zhe is here? I heard that you have been doing well in Zhong Zhe recently, work hard, it's summer.

"Hey, listen to my uncle."

The current situation is that a Gu family is praising Qi Zhe, and the Qi family is praising Gu Qinghan.

After a while, the waiter also brought the gift, while Gu Qinghan lowered his body and distributed it to the children of the two relatives.

It was obvious that she liked children very much.

After that, there was nothing much to say about the dinner, just eating and drinking, and then the two families communicated about the marriage of Gu Qinghan and Qi Zhe.

"Qinghan is already optimistic about the wedding dress, and it is estimated that it will be ready in a month."

"The Chinese-style cheongsam has also been explained, and it will definitely catch up by then.

After talking about this, Qi Zhe's second uncle also spoke up.

"Old Qi, you see, since it's like this, when did we get married?"

After hearing this, Qi Zhe's father thought for a while, then nodded, the wedding date was already set, but it was a bit inappropriate that the wedding was not set, it should have been set earlier.

"Okay, I'll look at the date when I go back, and I'll set the date.

The older generation was still discussing Qi Zhe and Gu Qinghan's marriage, but Gu Qinghan and Qi Zhe just bowed their heads and smiled and talked about things they didn't want to do.

"Qi Zhe, this shrimp is delicious. I'll give you a taste."

After saying that, Gu Qinghan put half of the prawns into Qi Zhe bowl, and Qi Zhe swallowed it without hesitation.

"Well, it's really delicious, help me get some more."

Gu Qinghan said, "You have no hands?", but he still stretched out his chopsticks to hold Qi Zhe.

On the other side, Shen Jingyu looked at the gray weather outside and knew it was going to rain. When it was raining, he had nothing else to do, the only thing he wanted to do was to lie down and sleep under the covers.

"Forget it, let's go to eat first, and then go to sleep after eating."

After making up his mind, Shen Jingyu got up and went directly from the VIP elevator to the third floor. The restaurant was on the third floor, but to go to the lobby of the restaurant, he had to go through the private room area.

Coincidentally, when Shen Jingyu was passing by the Ruyi Hall, the door of the Ruyi Hall was opened by the waiter, and the waiter inside came out.

And Shen Jingyu also saw Qi Zhe and Gu Qinghan inside, as well as a whole family of people.

Shen Jingyu froze for a moment after noticing this scene, and then understood that it was Qi Zhe and Gu Qinghan who were having dinner with their family, but it was a coincidence that they were able to meet them.

Thinking of this, Shen Jingyu smiled.

At this time, Qi Zhe noticed that he seemed to have eyes, and when he turned around, he saw Shen Jingyu with a smile in his mouth.

After seeing this, Qi Zhe frowned. He didn't expect to meet this woman. Looking at her smile, Qi Zhe felt a little bad. This woman won't make trouble, right?

It's okay to wink at yourself when the company is gone, but if you get into trouble here (Wu Ji's situation is not good.

Both families are there, and I can't afford to lose that person.

So I thought about it, Qi Zhe wiped his mouth, and then gently spoke to Gu Qinghan:

"."I went outside for a cigarette. "

After hearing Qi Zhe's words, Gu Qinghan nodded lightly, now that Qi Zhe has seldom smoked cigarettes under her "control", he can leave it to him for a dozen or so.

"Go, go back early."

He walked to the door as if nothing had happened, then Qi Zhe closed the door of the room, and then turned his eyes to the passage.

Shen Jingyu was still walking out, and quickly chased after her, there was no one in the passage, Qi Zhe stretched out his hand and grabbed Shen Jingyu's collar without saying a word, and then pressed her against the wall.

This time, Shen Jingyu was very frightened, and when she saw that it was Qi Zhe, she stopped the thought of screaming. .

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