Hundreds Of Millions Of Ants Generate Electricity, And I Open A Power Plant To Become The Richest Ma

274 Joint Statement Of Zhongzhe Electric Power And Thirty-Six Universities

Two days later, Zhongzhe Power Group and 36 first-class universities announced the launch of special recruitment work for college talents.

Students who graduate from these 36 first-class universities and related majors can have priority to get an opportunity to apply for Zhongzhe Power Group.

Of course, this does not mean that as long as students of relevant majors in these 36 universities can enter the Zhongzhe Power Group, you have to apply for the job, and the Zhongzhe Power Group has to recognize your actual level before giving this opportunity.

Of course, if you can enter these 36 universities, as long as you can successfully get your graduation certificate, basically your business ability will be no problem.

Soon after the joint announcement was sent out, there was a small heated discussion on the Internet.

Especially in some college students who have received more attention.

Most of these people are in the comment area under the official scarf of Zhongzhe Power Group.

"What the hell, you're so good? I knew earlier that I would go to Suwu University of Technology. After graduation, I would be able to enter Zhongzhe."

"I'm sour, the same is 211, why is our school not included in this list."

"Brothers, don't pretend, I'm going to showdown. I'm in Binhai University of Technology. I'm just a junior this year. I've already started to worry about my graduation work. I didn't expect a big gift from heaven, hahaha!"

"The brothers in front are very lucky. I was in the previous years. What's the matter, I didn't know until the society. It's too difficult to find a good job."

"I have to say that the benefits of Zhongzhe Power Group are really top."

This joint announcement was quickly forwarded by the official collars of the 36 universities that cooperated with each other, and there were detailed logos and names of each partner university at the bottom of the announcement column.

From Binhai University to Suwu University of Technology, etc., there are more than 60,000 jobs, and the people in the Binhai Education Bureau are very happy.

Not to mention anything else, most of these colleges and universities on the list are concentrated in Binhai, and they will also be counted in the employment rate of Binhai colleges and universities, and their faces will be bright.

The "Light Up the Countryside" plan needs an initial 100,000 people, and the colleges and universities here have already solved the quota of 60,000 people.

In fact, if Qi Zhe is willing, he can go to other universities to get in touch. It is estimated that there are many colleges and universities that take the initiative to ask for employment cooperation.

But Qi Zhe thinks it is better to leave some jobs for the society.

So in the remaining 40,000 jobs, Qi Zhe decided to go directly to social recruitment.

The personnel side is busy next, and other departments are not easy, and they are all doing their best to prepare for the "Light Up the Countryside" plan.

As for the idea of ​​new energy vehicles, Qi Zhe has had this idea for a long time.

Now Qi Zhe has decided to also make a preliminary investment. If nothing else, the factory will be finished first, and then the research and development work can be prepared in advance.

Now the main source of funds of Zhongzhe Power Group is the source of monthly electricity revenue, which accounts for the vast majority.

In addition, it is the source of income of its "Dianbao" company.

These two sources of income can provide the group with a steady stream of sufficient cash flow, whether it is used to support the "Light Up the Countryside" plan or the new energy vehicle plan.

It is not a problem to carry out two projects at the same time.

In this joint recruitment of colleges and universities, a large part of the majors are professionals who can be used in new energy vehicles, but these are far from enough.

The next day, a special guest came to Qi Zhe's office.

"Hello, Mr. Qi."

"Hello, please take a seat.

Li Wanru was sorting out the information, so Qi Zhe made a cup of coffee for the person who came, and it was considered to express his importance.

The person who came was Huang Junyuan, the owner of the largest headhunting company in Binhai.

If you want to do a good job of new energy vehicles, it is impossible without digging the corners of other manufacturers. Young people who have graduated from college cannot make anything.

So Qi Zhe found Huang Junyuan.

As the largest headhunting company in Binhai, he has huge resources in his hands and can help Qi Zhe to persuade some relevant industry technology giants to join Zhongzhe Power and invest in the research and development of new energy vehicles.

‥…For flowers…

"Thank you, Mr. Qi."

Saying that, Huang Junyuan took the coffee handed over by Qi Zhe with both hands, and then the two began to talk about things.

Knowing that Qi Zhe wanted them to help dig some automotive fields, especially Qi Huang Junyuan, a talent in the field of new energy vehicles, also sighed in his heart.

President Qi's ambition is really not small.

As a company with a monthly revenue of hundreds of billions, Zhongzhe Power Group is now going to get involved in the new energy vehicle industry.

This news is definitely a shock to those incumbent automakers.

After all, Tesla can achieve a market value of $200 billion, how much of the traditional car market has it squeezed?

And now the largest power group in China, Zhongzhe Power Group, is going to enter new energy vehicles again. Who knows how big a stall can be built.


After some chatting, Huang Junyuan walked out of Qi Zhe's office after more than an hour.

During this hour, he chatted a lot with Qi Zhe, about the future prospects of new energy vehicles, etc. Qi Zhe gave him the feeling that he was winning, and his gestures were a kind of confidence.

This made Huang Junyuan a little surprised. After all, the distance between each other is like a mountain, regardless of whether it is related to electricity, but the gap between them may be bigger than the gap between men and women.

Zhongzhe Power Group's involvement in the new energy vehicle industry is tantamount to starting from scratch.

But Qi Zhe just has such a confidence, maybe this is the charisma.

In short, Qi Zhe has given the money in place, and Huang Junyuan has also given a guarantee that he will try to tap some talents in the industry as much as possible, and then join the new energy vehicles of Zhongzhe Power Group.

After sending Huang Junyuan away, Qi Zhe did not stop, and appeared in the suburbs of Binhai in the afternoon.

New energy vehicles need factories and R&D laboratories, etc. Qi Zhe directly took a fancy to the land in front of him.

The entire land area is not small, and it is not a problem to build an R&D laboratory outside the automobile production line.

Therefore, after the visit, Qi Zhe did not hesitate to make the decision. Now Qi Zhe is just a word, rich and powerful. .

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