Hundreds Of Millions Of Ants Generate Electricity, And I Open A Power Plant To Become The Richest Ma

296 Went To Shencheng On A Business Trip, Made It Superficially For Binhai To See

It's definitely not so easy to ask for money.

Even Qi Zhe is the number one taxpayer in Binhai, so Qi Zhe has to pay attention to a method.

"Mr. Cheng, we Zhongzhe have already launched a new energy vehicle project in Binhai. Have you heard of this?"

They are all smart people. Cheng Hui also understood what Qi Zhe meant when he heard Qi Zhe's words.

"Oh, this? I'm really ignorant. When did you start a new energy project? How about it?"

Seeing Cheng Hui pretending not to know here, Qi Zhe didn't break it, just smiled and continued to talk.

"Not long ago, it was in the research and development stage. I heard that we officially have subsidies for the new energy vehicle project, and it is easy to get land. I want to ask, after all, the cost is quite large recently, and it can be reduced a little if it can be reduced. Well, haha."

Seeing that Qi Zhe spoke directly, Cheng Hui was not ambiguous.

"Indeed, there is a saying in Binhai that there are subsidies for some qualified high-tech enterprises, new energy, etc. In this way, I will arrange for someone to verify this matter, and finally give you a subsidy according to the specific situation. How are the metrics?"

After getting this sentence, Qi Zhe also smiled and nodded 12 times.

"Okay, then trouble Mr. Cheng."

Then the two of them chatted for a while and then Qi Zhe got up and said goodbye.

After walking out of Cheng Hui's office, Qi Zhe's face was a little unsightly. This Mr. Cheng was a bit stingy, so he gave a subsidy to Kukou.

I can't wait anywhere for my own new energy vehicle project. More than half a year has passed, I have bought all the equipment I should buy, I have taken all the land that I should take, and what kind of big subsidies can fall? ?

So Qi Zhe's goal, don't look at what he said in the office just now, it's just procrastination.

It is impossible for him to spend time with him here. Since he is not willing to give subsidies happily, he will have to find another way.

He took out a cigarette case from his pocket, lit one, and walked to the car when the door was opened by the security team of the president's office.

After sitting in, Qi Zhe spoke directly to the driver and said:

"back office."

After hearing Qi Zhe's instructions, the driver nodded, then started the car and returned to the company steadily.

After coming to the company, Qi Zhe went directly to Gu Qinghan's office, and then told her that he was going on a business trip for a few days, and that all the affairs of the group would be left to her in the past few days.

After listening to Qi Zhe, Gu Qinghan was also puzzled.

"We haven't done much recently. Where are you going on a business trip?"

Put down the jacket, and then Qi Zhe spoke directly to:

"Our Mr. Cheng from Binhai is a bit stingy, and I want to delay and give a little subsidy. I will go to Shencheng to find someone to talk to.

What Qi Zhe said about talking about Zhao people is naturally to go to the official personnel of Shencheng. For a city, attracting investment has always been an important matter. Now there is a signboard of Zhongzhe.

Qi Zhe is welcome wherever he goes.

Hearing this, Gu Qinghan nodded, and then said:

"What's that? Are you going to move our new energy project to Shencheng? It's a lot of trouble going back and forth.

What Gu Qinghan said is the truth. A project, especially such a large project, has just landed and entered the preliminary stage. If it is moved to another city, it is obviously not very good, and the price is a bit high.

However, Qi Zhe just smiled slightly, stretched out his hand and flicked on Gu Qinghan's head.

"I'm putting pressure on Mr. Cheng, but I'm not really moving. If I put a little pressure on him, he will naturally give up. Of course, if he really doesn't pluck his hair, I'll really move. I can still afford it. ."

When he said this, Qi Zhe had an inexplicable aura.

As the largest enterprise in Binhai, Zhongzhe Power Group, if Mr. Cheng doesn't want to help, Qi Zhe really plans to shift its focus to other cities in the future. After all, official support is very important.

Two days later, the official scarf and official website of Zhongzhe Power Group posted a photo of Qi Zhe and the director of the Shenzhen Investment Promotion Office. The two people in the photo were smiling happily in front of the camera.

Naturally, this matter was reported to Cheng Hui.

Cheng Hui's face was not very good-looking after seeing this photo and knowing that the identity of the person in the photo was not Qi Zhe.

This is a clear sign that he has to bleed himself, and the new energy project of Zhongzhe Power Group has moved from Binhai to Shencheng without paying any price.

If the follow-up development of Zhongzhe's new energy project is not smooth, that's fine, it doesn't matter.

But if the new energy project of Zhongzhe Power Group develops well, and if it becomes a one-hundred-billion or even trillion-dollar project, then I will regret it.

He didn't dare to hold down this gamble, and he couldn't take this risk.

Thinking of this, Cheng Hui patted the table and then called his subordinate.

On the other hand, Qi Zhe in Shencheng didn't actually chat with the staff here, just had a friendly exchange, and by the way, the host invited him to a meal.

The main purpose of my trip is to show the Binhai side, and I won't talk about any practical things.

However, the officials here in Shencheng did not know that, no matter what, the president of Tianzhe Power Group was entertained when they came to Shencheng.

It doesn't matter if we can't talk about the project now, and establish a good relationship with Zhongzhe Power Group. There will be more opportunities in the future, not to mention that the power of the whole city in Shenzhen is now supplied by Zhongzhe Power.

That in itself is a good partnership.

However, although he had no idea in his heart, Qi Zhe still talked a lot about the new energy vehicle project to the officials in Shencheng, and euphemistically expressed his idea of ​​investing in Shencheng.

This also made the staff here excited for a while. Although it was a bit inauthentic, he could only be a "scumbag".

As someone who has been in this circle for so long, Cheng Hui still has connections in Shencheng.

"Hey, Lao Liu, how are you doing?"

"Sorry, I don't have anything to do, I just want to ask you something. I heard that President Qi of Zhongzhe has gone to your deep city. I don't know what he was talking about when he went there?"

Cheng Hui is testing, if Qi Zhe really has the idea of ​​moving to the place, then he must find a way to keep it, if not, then he will just add some more symbolically to appease him. .

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