Hundreds Of Millions Of Ants Generate Electricity, And I Open A Power Plant To Become The Richest Ma

298 Mobilize Equipment To Speed Up The Progress Of Zhongzhe Electric Power Building Again!

After a meal, Cheng Hui chatted with Qi Zhe for a while before getting in the car and leaving.

And the next subsidy and land acquisition discount will be done in a short time.

Because it is in the factory area of ​​the "Zeus" project on the outskirts of the city, when I go back, I will not make a detour through Century Avenue.

So when Qi Zhe passed by, he took a look at the construction progress of the Zhongzhe Electric Power Building. I have to say that for an extra-high building, the progress of the Zhongzhe Electric Power Building is already very fast.

But Qi Zhe felt that it was still a bit slow, and at this rate, it would take several years for him to move into the office in the building.

And with the continuous increase of personnel, all kinds of staff have taken root in Zhongzhe Power Group.

Originally, the office building in Qidu District was very spacious, but now Qi Zhe feels a little crowded.

So after thinking about it, Qi Zhe still found the person in charge of the China Construction Company in Binhai, which was the construction company of the Zhongzhe Power Group Building, and was also the person in charge of the Zhongzhe Power Building project.

After arriving at the construction site with him wearing a safety helmet, Qi Zhe was led around by him as usual.

Looking at the building in front of him, Qi Zhe spoke.

"Manager He, you and I will give you the bottom line, how long can the entire project be ahead of schedule?"

Looking at Qi Zhe's dignified face, the project leader also nodded seriously and said:

"Mr. Qi, according to our current progress, it is estimated that it will take at least two years, and at most three years later, anyway, there will be no default and delay in the construction period."

After getting the answer from the project leader, Qi Zhe nodded, then sighed and took out the cigarette case from his pocket.

Facing the person in charge of the cigarette project handed over by Qi Zhe, he quickly waved his hand.

"Thank you, Mr. Qi, but I don't smoke."

After exhaling a puff of smoke, Qi Zhe opened his mouth.

"Manager He, do you think the construction period of this project can be accelerated a little bit while ensuring the quality?"

Hearing this, Manager He also smiled bitterly. This is what he has heard the most from Party A since he has been in this business for so many years. Can the construction period be accelerated a little bit?

He will speak directly about other small projects, but this is the president of Zhongzhe Power Group.

Manager He could only sigh helplessly and said:

"Mr. Qi, this is really our limit, and I can't help it no matter how fast it is."

"I'll add money."

Hearing this, Manager He was stunned. To be honest, if he was willing to pay the price, the construction period would indeed be accelerated a lot.

After all, people can rest, but construction machinery can be rotated as long as it is properly maintained.

With extra money, you can recruit more workers and use more equipment, so that people stop machines and the progress will be accelerated.

"Mr. Qi, now there are two shifts on the construction site, do you want to work three shifts? Re-recruiting one-third of the workers means that wages will increase by one-third [there are thousands of people in the entire construction site, this is not An indiscreet."

After hearing his words, Qi Zhe nodded. It stands to reason that such a super project has a long construction period, but he can't wait any longer, so he will just take out the energy of the construction of the Qidu District power plant at the beginning of Binh Duong Construction.

After three shifts, the construction period can be advanced by one third.

"That's no problem, as long as the funds are used for the project, I will approve it."

Now that the gold master has spoken, Manager He naturally does not bother.

"Mr. Qi, then I will arrange it in the afternoon, and I will transfer a few construction teams over tomorrow, and then complete the schedule for a three-shift all-weather operation."

Another advantage of Century Avenue is that it is a commercial area, not a residential area, and construction can continue at night.

Originally agreed to this, Manager He thought that he could only do this, but Qi Zhe's next words surprised him (bcee).

"Manager He, the staff can be increased by one third, but what about the engineering equipment? Can it be increased a little more?"

After hearing this, Manager He was completely helpless, and President Qi was too anxious, but if there were more equipment such as mixers and so on, the construction period could indeed be shortened again.

But I can't do it myself.

"Mr. Qi, it's possible, but I can't do anything about it. Each project of our group has the number of approved equipment. The project of Zhongzhe Electric Power Building was approved for so many equipments and could only be used so much. I I can't call you in.

Hearing that there was a play, this Zhe also showed a smile.

The equipment has been proposed by itself, so naturally there is no need for a manager.

"Manager He doesn't have to worry about this, I'll just ask the machinery or something and I'll get it for you. Can you speed up the construction period?"

Qi Zhe said so, and Manager He could only grit his teeth and nod.

The big deal is that I stay up a little longer and lose some more hair. Anyway, the Zhongzhe Electric Power Building project has a lot of commissions.

After getting the answer from Manager He, Qi Zhe also nodded to confirm the matter.

Three days later, Binh Duong Construction Engineering's car drove into the construction site of Zhongzhe Electric Power Building, and the car was full of all kinds of gadgets that the construction workers needed.

In addition, a full 20 cement mixers plus high-altitude transmission equipment were also driven.

These are all engineering equipment of Pingyang Construction Engineering. Under the transfer of Qi Zhe, Boss Chen of Pingyang Construction Engineering also cooperated with all his might, and he transferred all the equipment that could be mobilized in Binhai and the vicinity of Binhai.

Not to mention, Pingyang Construction has also grown rapidly since he handed over 51% of the shares of Pingyang Construction to Qi Zhe and got the opportunity to undertake the construction of various projects of Zhongzhe Power Group.

In less than a year, the scale of Binh Duong Construction has grown several times.

If the original Pingyang construction was worth 100 yuan, then Boss Chen gave 51 yuan to Qi Zhe and kept 49 yuan for himself.

After such a long period of development, the scale of Pingyang Construction has expanded several times, and the one hundred yuan has become a few hundred yuan, and the forty-nine yuan in Boss Chen's hands has also become more than one hundred and close to two hundred.

After giving the 51% of the shares, he not only did not lose money, but also made a lot of money.

He bet right again, which is why Boss Chen is extremely "obedient" to Qi Zhe, and makes money with Qi Zhe.

With the blessing of these engineering equipment, the project of Zhongzhe Electric Power Building can be accelerated a lot, and it is not impossible that it will be completed next year.

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