After hearing the news, the children who couldn't hold back their breath immediately cheered.

In recent days, adults have been talking about the Zhongzhe Power Group the most, and they are also talking about it. After all, electricity means that the game consoles they see in the city can be plugged in.

When they go home for dinner at night, they can watch TV for a while, besides books, they have a better way to see the wonderful world outside.

As soon as the principal left, the always prudent Chinese teacher hurried out of the classroom door after leaving an exhortation.

"You naughty bastards, do you hear? Don't leave the classroom door!"

The teacher said that they are not allowed to go out of the classroom and not to the playground, but now that there are no teachers in the classroom, they can naturally lie on the edge of the window and look out.

"Nine Thirty Zero"..

Not only a few teachers in the school were busy, but the town mayor and the town official staff were also running out of breath.

Ten minutes ago, the mayor received a call, claiming to be from Zhongzhe Power Group.

The chosen landing spot was the most open and flat area in Mayin Town on the satellite map, the playground of Mayin Town's Nine-Year Volunteer Middle School.

When the mayor heard the call, he almost jumped out of his chair in excitement.

After all, Mayin Town is a "backland", let alone a plane. There are very few cars passing by. Now, in order to energize the town, a helicopter is actually used.

This was something none of them thought of.

Therefore, after confirming the news, the mayor of Ma Yinzhen immediately called the town's staff, and everyone went to the playground to help.

After all, the helicopter is used to transport personnel and materials, and they will be able to do their best to move it.

In the past, everyone did things in a hurry, but after today's news, everyone gathered quickly and rushed to the playground together.

On the way to the playground of Ma Yin Town, the mayor and more than a dozen towns on the working day saw a huge helicopter whizzing past. The helicopter was painted in light green representing electricity.

Because it was approaching the landing site, it was flying at a low altitude, and the people under them could clearly see the logo of Zhongzhe Power Group printed on the exterior of the helicopter.

"Come on! Everyone's planes are here!"

After hearing the mayor's call, the rest of the people also quickened their pace.

In the town, the passing of the emergency helicopter of Zhongzhe Electric Power Group also caused a burst of surprise.

"Is that a plane?"

"Yes! It's a helicopter! The name of Zhongzhe Power Group is also written on it!"

"My dear, this is my first time to see a plane in my sixties. Where is it? I'll go and see."

"On the school playground, where is the widest and flattest, and where do you look at that direction!"

"Go and see!"

The arrival of the plane attracted the attention of everyone in the town. Many people put down their farm work, put down the cards in their hands, and rushed to the Nine Years Volunteer Middle School in Ma Yinzhen.

On the playground, the first helicopter crew to land was a Bell-56 medium-sized helicopter, and it was full of people wearing the wages of the electrical workers of Zhongzhe Electric Power Group.

As the first group of people landed, the Bell-56 propeller continued to accelerate, and then flew into the sky to make room for the arrival of the next helicopter group.

Because it takes a long time for the cargo helicopter crew to clear the supplies and remove the supplies from the plane after landing.

So the previous two helicopters were transporting people, and the cargo helicopters would come after the people got off.

As the first batch of personnel descended, the mayor and teachers from the school also came to the edge of the playground.

The helicopter hasn't even looked twice yet, so it's time to go back?

Just when the mayor and the others were wondering and wanted to approach the playground, the employees of Zhongzhe Electric Power Group in overalls stretched out their hands to block them.

"Hello, I'm sorry, please don't approach the playground, there will be a helicopter crew landing next, we need to keep a safe distance.

Hearing this, the mayor nodded quickly...

By this time, some fast-paced villagers had already arrived at the gate of the school.

"Attention everyone, there is still a helicopter crew landing, Xiao Li, you go and help maintain order, don't let everyone approach the playground, just stand around and watch."

The mayor gave orders, and the town staff hurried to the periphery of the crowd to maintain order.

This is just the first batch of more than a dozen staff members of Zhongzhe Power Group. It seems that they are really determined to electrify all the villages in the town.

At this time, there were more and more people at the gate of Mayin Town Nine Years Compulsory Middle School, even more than when all the students and parents came to the school for the school celebration.

After all, for an ordinary town, it is a big deal to come to a few helicopters and come down and electrify such an old man.

Many old people on this land have been to the farthest place in their lives, which is the county seat. They who have never seen a helicopter naturally want to come and see it with their own eyes.

Seeing the helicopters fly over and then fly away, everyone stretched their necks and waited to see.

"What's the situation? What about the plane? Why isn't there?"

"I don't know, it seems to have flown away again.

"Ah? Flying away? Then come again? I just wanted to see what the helicopter looks like after I came here for nothing.

"Haha, Uncle Wang, turn on the electricity and ask your grandson to show it on your TV. There are pictures of airplanes on the TV.

Listening to the discussions around them, the eyes of some old people were full of disappointment.

It would be great if you came earlier, at least you can see the appearance of the helicopter with your own eyes, now it’s good, maybe there are still, if not, I probably won’t be able to see it again

Not only them, but also some village women in the town also have the same idea. Men go out to work and see the world, while they raise their children here and tidy up the fields. I don’t know if there is any chance.

Just when these people were disappointed, the roar of propellers came from the distant sky.

People with bad eyesight can see a small black spot when they follow the source of the sound, while people with good eyesight can see it at a glance.

"Here it comes! The helicopter is coming again!".

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