Shen Jingyu has never believed it since Qi Zhe put forward the "Lighting up the Countryside Project".

Even if Qi Zhe was at the old office building in Qidu District and told him very seriously, those 430,000 villages also needed to be connected to electricity, and there were residents there.

They are also born, raised, and consumed in areas without electricity.

At that time, Shen Jingyu was really moved by Qi Zhe, but after the blood slowly poured down from her head, she chose a rational ending.

She began to question this matter, she did not believe it.

After all, more than 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 were thrown in this piece of yellow land, who would be willing?

Shen Jingyu didn't believe that Qi Zhe would do that, she always thought it was just a stunt.

Even if Zhongzhe Electric Power Group began to invest in the "April 77" action in various places, front-line electric power workers began to settle in various regions, and began to carry out local basic power construction.

With these facts in front of Shen Jingyu, she still maintained a skeptical attitude.

After all, Qi Zhe is the person in charge of Zhongzhe Power Group, so what he says must have weight.

Since he said that if he wants to launch such a "lighting up the countryside" plan, there must be some action on the surface.

These electric power workers stationed in the southwest and northwest regions are just the scene they put on, just tens of thousands of individuals, stationed in rural areas.

This can be put on a show, where so many people have been wasting.

Anyway, the attention of the public will be diverted from it. No one will care about the "Light Up the Countryside" plan, everything will be the same as before.

For this reason, Shen Jingyu even made preparations. Once it is confirmed that this matter is a "show" behavior of Zhongzhe Electric Power Group [the plan proposed by Qi Gang is basically empty talk.

She just exposed this incident, which can definitely cause a devastating blow to the reputation of Zhongzhe Electric Power Group.

After all, relying on word of mouth to survive to the present, the importance of Zhongzhe Power Group to word of mouth is self-evident.

They made a fortune by word of mouth, and they can also collapse by negative word of mouth.

At that time, Shen Jingyu had already thought about it, and the funds were even secretly connected. Once Zhongzhe Electric Power Group faced criticism from the public, the opportunity for Jingcheng Electric Power would come.

At that time, with the help of this "east wind", not only will Jingcheng Electric Power not have to worry that Zhongzhe Electric Power Group will go north to merge their market, and they will even be able to take the initiative to turn defense into offense.

Take advantage of the trend to complete a wave of market competition for Zhongzhe Power Group.

When the crisis is resolved, and their Jingcheng Electric Power can keep up with the next level, Shen Jingyu admires himself.

But when she was thinking about this matter, news came from the front continuously.

The second batch of "Lighting up the Countryside" electric power operators of Zhongzhe Electric Power Group settled in the southwest region, and the second batch of 4,200 people.

The emergency flight department of Zhongzhe Electric Power Group entered the southwest mountainous area for deployment and provided support for front-line electric power workers.

At the beginning, Shen Jingyu felt nothing.

Qi Zhe is really willing to spend a lot of money, so many people have to be put into it for a show, and the scene is really big.

But later, with more and more news, Shen Jingyu also began to waver.

In the fall, the third batch of front-line electric power personnel of Zhongzhe Power Group's "Lighting up the Countryside" plan settled in rural areas, with a total of 12,000 people per day.

Zhongzhe Electric Power Group has reached a strategic partnership with Buick Automobile, and purchased more than 2,000 Buick pickup trucks to provide a helping hand for Zhongzhe Electric Power Group to build electric power.

Sixty percent of the Buick electric vehicles recently purchased by Zhongzhe Electric Power Group are allocated to rural areas.

Seeing that Shen Jingyu had already

"Damn, Qi Zhe won't come true."

"Just these, there must be billions of dollars to spend, right? Is he really willing?"

"A show, is this a show? This scene is really naive."

When he arrived here, Shen Jingyu was still clinging to a life-saving straw, which was that Zhongzhe Electric Power Group still had the possibility of putting on a show.

But with the arrival of June, a piece of news completely crushed Shen Qingyu...

Zhongzhe Electric Power Group started its recruitment during the graduation season, and a total of 65,000 electric power workers were deployed in various regions, and they were completely engaged in basic electric power construction in rural areas.

Along with this, there were also purchase orders from Zhongzhe Power Group and some circuit manufacturers, and the steady stream of orders could be known after a little inquiry.

Don't even think about it now, Youzhe Power Group and Qi Zhe must be for real.

After all, not to mention anything else, the numbers on those purchase orders alone are enough to add up to ten of the markets they currently occupy in Jingcheng Electric Power.

What is the purchase of so many circuits for? It must be the basic power construction in a vast rural area.

So Shen Jingyu completely gave up.

It was also after confirming this matter that Shen Jingyu felt that she was completely convinced. For Qi Zhe, she really admired Qi Zhe from the bottom of her heart.

She has never had such admiration for a person.

But Qi Zhe did it, and Qi Zhe made so much money by doing real work.

Just to electrify places that don't have it, which he did.

After saying this, Shen Jingyu was still a little excited, and then he simply asked the waiter to bring over a bottle of Erguotou.

"Mr. Qi 5.1, we people in the capital drink this. I respect you. The lowest price I disclosed to you is because I admire you and think that you are open and bright in electrifying rural areas. I am willing to let you pay less. Come out a little, so I've done a good job."

After finishing speaking, Shen Jingyu opened Erguotou directly, then poured himself a glass slowly, then lifted it up and said:

"President Qi, whatever you want, I respect you, I gave birth."

After saying that, Shen Jingyu directly picked up the wine glass, making a gesture to drink it all down, but just as he took a sip, Shen Jingyu sprayed it all out.

After spitting out the wine, Shen Jingyu hurriedly rinsed his mouth with water, hissing, it seemed that it was not lightly spicy.

This also made Qi Zha laugh for a while, because she doesn't know how to drink.

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