After hearing what the host said, Qi Zhe almost didn't laugh out loud. What does it mean that he has done his best to support Binhai Power Supply? As early as half a month ago, several other UHV circuits leading to Binhai began to operate at full capacity.

How can you support it now? Does air deliver electricity?

It seems that the power supply companies of all sizes in Binhai are already at the end of the battle. It is estimated that the next step is to give up power supply for some residents and make every effort to ensure industrial power.

After all, the nature of these power plants is like this. Residents can stop and stop the power supply from time to time. After all, each community is scattered. Although the combined volume is large, they are scattered.

Enterprises are different. Large enterprises have a lot of power supply in one month. If you have unstable power supply and power outages from time to time, just like the original Pingdu cement, you can directly change the power plant.

So this is your chance, you must seize this wave of power outages! Don't you want to protect industrial electricity? Then I will start with the residents and leave the impression of Zhongzhe Power Group directly to them.

Then wait for the peak period of electricity consumption to pass, and take advantage of the trend to develop the market in Binhai, starting with the main focus on residential electricity consumption, and win them one by one!


Two days later, in the early morning, a total of two large trucks entered the Zhongzhe Power Plant No. 2 in Binh Duong Industrial Park, and then put all the wooden boxes with the "ant" icon in the pre-laid production pool.

The electromagnetic collector plate installed at the bottom of the production pool of the second power plant was even higher than that of the first power plant. After all, Qi Zhe was quite poor at the time, and Gu Qinghan borrowed the money.

Now that he has money, Qi Zhe will naturally not save these things. In addition, the second power plant also has a huge power plant battery. Qi Zhe also exchanged the power value accumulated during this period for the "Super Battery Plan", directly giving It was upgraded to a super battery with a capacity of 100 million kWh, the same as the first power plant.

And the 500 million volt ants in the delivered ant box are naturally the product of the system. After doing this, Qi Zhe also urgently dispatched two more trucks to transport 300 small batteries in the old factory warehouse. come over.

These batteries have also been transformed and upgraded by Qi Zhe into "micro super batteries", each of which can now store 100,000 kilowatt-hours of electricity, which is also 100,000 kWh.

With the order of Qi Zhe, the second factory area started to run directly, and the circuit value board also started to beat from zero all the time and kept rising.

Five million degrees a day, one battery is 100,000 degrees, three hundred batteries is 30 million degrees, and it takes 30 million degrees to fully charge, which is six days.

The new college students and workers are all busy. According to Qi Zhe's request, a piece of battery is connected to the factory circuit through a special wire for charging.


Two days later, 300 Dongfeng Aurora pickup trucks painted in color and uniformly representing electricity and printed with the text and logo of Zhongzhe Power Group were transported to Pingyang, and the trucks were all vans, that is, the back is the cargo box. , which can cover the battery inside.

With these 300 vehicles alone, Dongfeng manufacturers dispatched ten large vehicles of super transporters.

After the delivery was completed in Binh Duong, Qi Zhe immediately arranged for the previously recruited personnel to drive the car to the second power plant in the industrial park and wait for the battery to be loaded at any time.

There are more than 300 cars of the same model, and all of them are cars of the Zhongzhe Power Group. This will definitely cause a sensation in Binhai, let alone Pingyang.

The length of the convoy alone is nearly one kilometer. Such a scene naturally attracted the attention of the official. Combined with the previous Qi Zhe's statement that he would support the power supply of Binhai, the people above also knew it, so they were very supportive.

The transportation department was directly dispatched to clear the road and escorted 300 vehicles into the industrial park.

The parking lot could not be parked at all, so the apron was temporarily requisitioned, and all the cars were waiting for the workers whose batteries were fully charged, and there were two people in each power supply car, a total of 600 people.

And the good news is that Qi Zhe heard from Zhou Qi, who supported the action of Zhongzhe Power.

The iron cavalry was directly arranged to escort him to clear the way, and then at the critical point from Binhai to Pingyang, he would be escorted by the Binhai iron cavalry all the way into the city. This news naturally excited Qi Zhe a lot, and the attention will definitely be full by then!


Nowadays, many people in Binhai are complaining. After all, the weather is so hot that the electricity supply in the community stops as soon as it stops, and the air conditioners can’t be used. Many people even choose to sleep in the subway passage with their mats. .

But at this moment, a fleet of more than 300 vehicles, escorted by Binhai iron cavalry, overwhelmed Binhai's network because they came to support Binhai's power supply.

Many people who saw the convoy on the road chose to upload the video. After all, such a long convoy is rare, and it is escorted by iron cavalry, not to mention how exciting it is to sound the siren all the way.

Just when this video hit the Internet, the old couple of Qi Zhe's family and the couple of Gu's family also got together to eat melons to relieve the heat and chat, and even the electricity in their high-end villa area was cut off.

Gu Qinghan's father laughed and teased at this time;

"Old Qi, didn't your Qi Zhe go to Pingyang to build a power plant? You really can't let him get some electricity. It's too hot."

After hearing this, Lao Qi sighed, can that kid bring electricity to Binhai? It is estimated that such a long line will sell the power plant and have no money to repair it.

Just as a few people were chatting, there was a sudden sound of a car outside the door, and then a few people looked over and saw a light green car parked outside, and then there was an electrician-like person holding a very sturdy one. The wires are connected to the outside electrical box.

With the connection of the circuit, several people also heard a "di" sound of the meter prompting an incoming call, and various electrical appliances that were originally turned on also resumed operation.

"Zhongzhe Power Group?"

After seeing the sign on the car, Lao Qi frowned directly. This name is not bad, and it has philosophical characters. It sounds great, but his own boy is not up to his expectations. first.

Just when a few people were still stunned, a sound came from the TV in the room.

"This station has a special report that the power supply support team from Pingyang Zhongzhe Power Group has entered Binhai, and we will bring you the first-time news of this time Zhongzhe Power supports the Binhai power supply defense battle."

Pingyang? Isn't that where his son's power plant is located? Zhongzhe Power? When I handed over the power plant to Qi Zhe, I didn't hear that there is Zhongzhe Power in Pingyang?

No, you have to go out and ask the two people from Zhongzhe Power Company outside what's going on.


ps: It's on the shelves at seven o'clock, the last time I've written ink, thank you for your support, I really didn't expect it to come this far, obviously it's because of you that it's on the shelves, and after it's on the shelves, I say that you are my food and clothing. Pass.

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