Hundreds Of Millions Of Ants Generate Electricity, And I Open A Power Plant To Become The Richest Ma

072 Won the leading coastal enterprises and announced a strategic cooperation!

This electricity bill is close to 800,000 a day, and the output value and additional output value that can be created are more than ten times. If this is stopped, it will be fine for a few days. The capital chain will be greatly moved.

Thinking of this, Cheng Jianye couldn't sit still, and put the brewed tea aside, then took the ashtray and lit one before asking for details.

Cheng Liche also told Cheng Jianye everything in the first place.

With the continuous high temperature in Binhai reaching the peak, the current power supply crisis in Binhai has been seriously lacking. Even if there is a company called Zhongzhe Electric Power Group, which dispatches 300 mobile power supply vehicles with a capacity of 100,000 kWh, it seems to be a drop in the bucket. .

Especially in the past two days, with the continuous decline of the water level of the upstream rivers, power outages are basically inevitable. In the past, power companies were protecting their own interests, and residents were cut off when electricity was not available.

But now, as Binhai residents complain about the increasing impact of power outages, Binhai officials have also issued a notice.

The power companies in Binhai are required to protect residents and light enterprises.

In the case of limited power, the first is to ensure the power consumption of each residential building, followed by the industrial power consumption of enterprises.

And Lanfeng Power Plant has been controlling the electricity market in these districts. After this announcement, there is no way but to transfer the electricity originally supplied to enterprises to supply residential buildings.

In order to minimize losses, they can only choose the largest enterprise user, that is, Liyang Biotechnology, to stop first.

After all, Liyang Biotechnology consumes more than 1.3 million kilowatt-hours of electricity a day. If one Liyang Biotechnology can be stopped, it will be able to retain a larger proportion of enterprise users with smaller electricity consumption.

Therefore, they have also made a choice to keep a larger number of small and medium-sized users, and temporarily stop Liyang Biotechnology, which consumes the most electricity.

This is understandable. After all, Liyang Biotechnology is a company, and if the power outage caused them to be dissatisfied, they can still recover through discounts. As a company, it is not difficult to do.

But if so many small and medium-sized enterprises lose 14%, it will take a lot of manpower and energy to restore them.

Cheng Jianye couldn't help but smashed the table after hearing Cheng Liche's words.

"What's the matter! These dogs said that when I paid more than 24 million electricity bills a month, they didn't deserve a penny. Now if the power goes out, I will stop my electricity first! 39

Seeing the old man complain, Cheng Liche also sighed.

"Dad, think about what to do now, Lan Feng's side is dead and alive that our power supply will be provided for one day, and we will have to cut off the power tomorrow, and although the high temperature has reached its peak this time, it will take some time for it to come down. At least a week of power outage is estimated. If the factory is closed for a week, there will be serious problems with our capital flow.

"Hmph, can I not know? But what do you want to do at this juncture?"

Looking at Cheng Jianye who was angry, Cheng Liche thought about it and said tentatively;

"Dad, isn't that what Zhongzhe Power has supported 300 mobile power supply vehicles in Binhai, one is 100,000 kWh, then we only have 1.3 million kWh a day, and the problem of dispatching more than a dozen vehicles to come to us every day Wouldn't it be resolved?"

Hearing this, Cheng Jianye, who had a dull face just now, also suddenly realized, yes, isn't there a Zhongzhe Power Group? They have mobile power supply vehicles. If they can be persuaded to mobilize more than a dozen vehicles, the factory will not return them. Can it continue?

And don't they supply electricity to the residents for free and support Binhai? Then as an enterprise, they can always pay Liyang Group according to the average price of electricity?

Thinking of this, Chen Jianye hurriedly said:

"Quick, right here, hurry up and contact that Zhongzhe Power Group to see if this can be done.

The old man had spoken, and Cheng Liche naturally didn't dare to neglect him. He immediately turned on the computer in the office, found the official website of Zhongzhe Power Group, and followed the contact number left on the official website.

After arranging the work in Pingyang, Qi Zhe returned to Binhai and went to the construction site again. He was relieved to see that the entire substation and large-scale storage battery had taken shape. According to this progress, he should be able to catch up.

Just when Qi Zhe was about to turn back, the phone suddenly rang, and it was Uncle Liu who called.

"Mr. Qi, the boss of a Liyang Biotechnology in Binhai called and said he wanted to talk to you. I'll send him your contact information? 99

Liyang Biotechnology? After thinking about it, Qi Zhe directly searched it on his mobile phone. After a look, Qi Zhe's eyes were also bright, and his size was really not small, and he was ranked first in Binhai.

"Okay, Uncle Liu, give him my phone number.

"Okay, Mr. Qi."

The phone number to Qi Zhe was called again shortly in the past, and Qi Zhe chose to connect after seeing Binhai's phone number displayed on it.

"Hello, is this Mr. Qi? I'm Cheng Liche, the general manager of Liyang Biotechnology, I want to talk to you, and I don't know if you have time? 35

The person who took the initiative to come to the door must have something to do, and what else can the owner of an electric power company find him? The corner of Qi Zhe's mouth rose slightly when he thought of the lack of electricity.

Unexpectedly, there are unexpected surprises. I thought that my first step could only start from the residential area. It seems that I can take a shortcut and develop some enterprise users first.

"If I have time, I'm in Binhai now. I don't know where Mr. Cheng is? I'll find you?"

Since he was here to ask for help, and his father was also beside him, Cheng Liche's posture was naturally low.

"No, no, Mr. Qi, are you there? I'm here to find you."

After thinking about it, Qi Zhe randomly said the location of a cafe, and then hung up the phone.

An hour later, Qi Zhe was sitting in a small box in a cafe in Binhai when he heard footsteps.

Then came a young man who looked a few years older than him. It should be Cheng Liche, the general manager of Liyang Biotechnology. Before he came, Qi Zhe took a detailed look and knew that he was the son of the chairman.

Cheng Liche was also surprised when he saw Qi Zhe, but he didn't expect to be so young.

"Hello Mr. Qi, I'm Cheng Liche from Liyang Biotechnology.

"Hello, I'm Qi Zhe."

After shaking hands, the two sat down and ordered a cup of coffee each. Qi Zhe also spoke directly.

"Mr. Cheng, I don't know why you came here in such a hurry?"

Now that Qi Zhe has spoken, Cheng Liche also knows that now is not the time for them to make a show of Liyang Biotechnology, so he directly talks about the matter.

Qi Zhe became excited when he heard Cheng Liche said that the government had recently issued an announcement asking major power companies to give priority to ensuring residents' electricity consumption, but he did not expect the official announcement.

Is this an opportunity for him? Thinking of this, Qi Zhe also suppressed his excitement, and then heard Cheng Liche continue.

Qi Zhe frowned when he heard that they wanted Zhongzhe Power Group to mobilize more than a dozen mobile power supply vehicles to ensure their power supply.

Of course, the residents themselves can supply power for free in an emergency, but this is for the corporate responsibility of Zhongzhe Power Group and to win the goodwill of the society, and to increase the corporate influence of Zhongzhe Power Group.

Naturally, it is impossible to offer free services to companies, but it seems that Cheng Liche said immediately after seeing Qi Zhe frowning:

"Mr. Qi, don't worry, it's for the sake of righteousness that you support the residents in the coastal area, we can't take advantage of it, as long as you are willing to mobilize a dozen mobile power supply vehicles to ensure the daily power supply of our factory area, we Liyang Biotechnology are willing to pay according to the market price. Pays your electricity bill."

After saying this, seeing that Qi Zhe was still silent, Cheng Liche gritted his teeth and said:

"Mr. Qi, we can also understand that your Zhongzhe Electric Power's boats and vehicles have additional expenses, so on the basis of the market price of 60 cents per kilowatt-hour, we are willing to add another 10 cents, and hope that President Qi will consider it."

Cheng Liche felt distressed when he said this bargaining chip, which was already a very favorable condition.

After all, don't look at the extra 10 cents per kilowatt-hour, that day's 1.3 million kilowatt-hours is a full 130,000 yuan, and it's more than one million in ten days.

In the face of the huge quantity, every price move has a great influence.

And Qi Zhe laughed lightly after hearing this. It seemed that Liyang Biotechnology was really in a hurry and took the initiative to raise the price.

After taking out a cigarette and lighting it, Qi Zhe exhaled a puff of smoke.

"Mr. Cheng, you know that our Zhongzhe Power Group is a company with a strong sense of corporate responsibility. A total of 300 mobile power supply vehicles have been sent to major communities for free power supply, and now we have dispatched more than a dozen vehicles to you. It means that dozens of communities will have power outages. Do you think I will sit on this kind of smashing signs?

Hearing this, Cheng Liche felt extremely bitter in his heart. Qi Zhe said it was really the case. After all, he gave up the original power supply users for money, not to mention that the users who are now powered by the Zhongzhe Power Group's power supply vehicles are all contracted users.

Treating your own subscribers like this will not sound good.

But the electricity in their factory area is absolutely unstoppable. There is no way. Cheng Liche can only continue to raise the price, hoping to impress Qi Zhe with the price. After all, sometimes it is not a matter of money, but whether the money is enough. The problem.

A word of "add money" can solve a lot of troubles.

After taking a deep breath, Cheng Liche spoke again.

"Mr. Qi, 80 cents, the electricity price of 80 cents per hour, as long as you Zhongzhe Power Group can guarantee our Liyang Biotechnology Industrial Park power supply during this period, the electricity bill will be paid on a daily basis, and we can even pay in advance!"

Qi Zhe felt a little funny after twisting out the cigarette butt in the ashtray, this guy is really in a hurry.

"Mr. Cheng, don't worry, this mobile power supply vehicle can't be dispatched, but I didn't say there is no other way, I can dispatch a few helicopters to send you electricity, just temporarily in your factory area. Just build a power distribution room.

Cheng Liche, who was sitting opposite Qi Zhe, was almost in tears when he heard this, this guy, Zhongzhe Power Group actually has a helicopter? And there are more than one?

Forget it, if there is a helicopter, you should have said it earlier, he just took the initiative to raise the price in a hurry.

"Mr. Qi, that's really... great 227, so the electricity price is the eighty cents we said?"

After hearing this, Qi Zhe directly waved his hand. Seeing this scene, Cheng Liche wanted to scold his mother. Isn't this Qi Zhe so greedy? The price of 80 cents is not acceptable, but now there is no way to do it. .

As long as the electricity price can be within one dollar, Liyang Biotechnology will use this high-priced electricity! This is also something that can't be helped.

"The price of eighty cents is too outrageous, just follow the market price, sixty cents. 35

Cheng Liche, who was still scolding her mother just now, was completely stunned, wouldn't he really be a philanthropist? I don't want the price of 80 cents, but 60 cents?

Of course Qi Zhe is not a philanthropist, he does so with a purpose.

"I will guarantee the electricity supply for you at the price of 60 cents during this period, but there is one condition that you Liyang Biotechnology must announce that it has become a strategic partner with our Zhongzhe Power, and directly sign the contract with Zhongzhe Power, and the future electricity will also be Provided by us!""

Then Qi Zhe talked about the benefits of Zhongzhe Power again. Just the fact that the power supply is always off and ten times the compensation is enough to make Cheng Liche feel itching, and the price is also the market price.

The key point is that Qi Zhe is quite interesting, and this time he can help them, let alone rob them.

Thinking of this, Cheng Liche directly smiled and stretched out his hand.

"Mr. Qi, you are a bright and bright person, happy to cooperate! 35

Just in the afternoon, the official announcement of Liyang Biotechnology was released on the official accounts and official websites of various social platforms.

Liyang Biotechnology announced that it has reached a strategic cooperation with Zhongzhe Power Group. In the future, all the factories of Liyang Biotechnology in Binhai will be provided by Zhongzhe Power.

After seeing this announcement, Qi Zhe also chuckled, and his goal was achieved.

Liyang Biotechnology's monthly electricity consumption of more than 40 million kilowatt-hours is indeed a sweet pastry, but Qi Zhe also attaches great importance to the meaning behind the signing of this document.

That is to send a signal to other enterprises in Binhai that Zhongzhe Power has settled in Binhai! Even leading companies such as Liyang Biotechnology have chosen Zhongzhe Power, which is a trust.

Big Brothers trust Zhongzhe Power, and they can too.

After turning off the official notice on the computer, Qi Zhe took out his mobile phone and notified Uncle Liu and the others. He immediately used the emergency flight department to fly to Binhai with a few employees of the circuit maintenance department and charged "miniature batteries".

There is no way, Liyang Biotechnology is in a hurry, there will be a power outage tonight, so Qi Zhe can only act quickly and turn on the power supply first.

ps: Thanks to the "evil, ruthless" boss for his monthly ticket, thank you.

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