There are quite a few like Fuli Community. After all, Binhai is so big that there are not a few communities with circuit aging problems.

And because of this wave of "power outages", Zhongzhe Power Group has made a strong response, which has greatly improved the impression and favor of ordinary people on Zhongzhe Power in Binhai.

Therefore, many communities that need to replace the circuit have chosen Zhongzhe Power.

In just one week, Qi Zhe just saw the expenditure report, the expenditure of various wires was more than 4 million, and the harvest is that the daily output of Zhongzhe Power Group in Binhai has increased from 14 million kilowatts. When, due to the increase of many users, it has grown to 17 million kWh.

It is still three million degrees before it can become a full-load power plant power supply state.

At this stage, Zhongzhe Power Group has naturally been noticed by many original power companies in Binhai.

The internal conference room of Binhai Lanfeng Power Group.

A gloomy middle-aged man threw away a report on the table.

The report listed in detail the various data of the recent Lanfeng Power Plant, as well as the power supply data of Zhongzhe Power.

They did not expect that the largest company in their hands, "Liyang Biotechnology", was snatched away, but when they saw the "strategic cooperation" announcement jointly issued by Zhongzhe Power Group and Liyang Biotechnology, they could only pinched their noses. .

After all, they were the ones who couldn't vacate electricity and chose the one with the largest number in front of the large number of small and medium-sized users and Liyang Biotechnology.

After being "taken advantage of" by Zhongzhe Electric Power, there is nothing that can be done.

But now, with the entry of Zhongzhe Power Group, many residential areas of Lanfeng Power Plant have been taken over by Zhongzhe Power, which makes Lanfeng Power very annoyed.

After rubbing his temples, the originally gloomy middle-aged man slowly calmed down, making people unable to see joy.

He opened his mouth after tapping his fingers lightly on the table.

"Zou Shu, what happened to what I asked you to do. 35

After hearing this, the next person stood up quickly, and then said softly:

"Dong Zong, it has been investigated clearly. The main building of the Binhai Qidu Power Plant of Zhongzhe Power Group is under construction, but the construction of the adjacent location has not yet started. This is the information of all the owners of the original land.

Then Zou Shu directly handed a piece of paper to the middle-aged man.

The area under Qi Zhe was originally a primary school and several surrounding communities. The owners of the community all signed and agreed to get the compensation. It was not difficult to find a few owners at that time.

The increasing pressure on power supply also made Qi Zhe reconsider. At that time, due to time constraints, he did not choose to "cover" the power production pool, but temporarily built a plastic and alloy sunshade.

It doesn't seem to be a bad thing now, as long as the strength of the cement and steel bars is enough, you can completely add a layer up to the same scale as the first floor, so that the 20 million-level power production pool can be directly doubled , become a power plant of 40 million level.

Just when Qi Zhe was considering the feasibility of this idea, Boss Chen called.

"Mr. Qi, come to the construction site to see, why did someone suddenly make trouble.

Hearing this, Qi Zhe was also puzzled, and then went out and drove directly to the construction site.

After arriving at the construction site, Qi Zhe found Boss Chen, and the guard at the construction site was saying something with a face of self-blame.

"Boss Chen, I really don't know what's going on. I can't see the door, and I don't know where these two people came in. 55

It sounds like there are two people who are not here at the construction site, but Qi Zhe can't blame him. After all, although there is only one entrance to the construction site, the temporary fence around it can't stop people who really want to come in. .

After smoking a cigarette with Boss Chen in the past, Qi Zhe finally understood the whole story.

It turned out that there was a middle-aged woman and a man who came in directly without knowing where they came from, and then stopped them from being repaired, saying that they were the original owners of the place, and now they were not satisfied with the compensation, so they refused to allow repairs.

I am also happy to hear this Qi Zhe. I have only seen the nail households "holding the ground" before the demolition. I really didn't expect that someone would sign the signature and get the compensation. After the house was demolished, they came to be the nail household. of.

"Come on, Boss Chen, let's take a look. 99

There were already some workers watching the excitement around. Originally, they were going to level the place today and then lay the foundation. As a result, the machine was driven to the front, and the man lying on the ground was seen in front of him.

People tried to persuade them to leave, but they made it clear that they were here to make trouble.

The workers had no choice but to notify him, but Boss Chen couldn't pay attention. After all, this is the Zhongzhe Power Group. If you can't handle it yourself, it's hard to tell, so he notified Qi Zhe to come over.

You must know that Yang Wenjie said at the beginning that there is absolutely no "dispute" in this piece of land, and the land rights are clear.

So Qi Zhe was not in a hurry, he smiled lightly after coming to the two of them, and then said:

"You two are not satisfied with the compensation?"

After hearing Qi Zhe's words, the two of them were obviously stunned, and they may feel that this is different from what they imagined.

The picture they imagined should be that the boss informs the security personnel below, and then comes over "fiercely" and beats the two directly or throws them out of the construction site, so that they can take the opportunity to make trouble.

But now this young man came over and asked the two of them with a smile, which made him confused.

But the man still reacted, and then he bent his neck and said:

"Yes! We are just not satisfied with the compensation, and we will not sell this house!"

After hearing this, the surrounding workers all talked about it one by one.

"Damn, who is this, shameless.

"The house has been flattened, and now it's not for sale?"

"Look at how badly they both look, I really want to go up and beat them.""

After hearing these words, the excited look on the man's face deepened, yes! He just wanted to wait for someone to beat them, the harder the better, if he could break his arm and break his leg and make news, then he wouldn't have to worry about it for the rest of his life .

"Mr. Qi, what's the matter? How about I arrange a few workers to throw them out directly, and then strengthen the management of the construction site, so that they won't have the opportunity to sneak in again."

After hearing Boss Chen's words, Qi Zhe shook his head. He knew that the project had reached this stage, and these two clowns suddenly jumped out. They must not have come for compensation.

These people are all monkeys and monkeys. If they were not satisfied with the compensation at the beginning, it would be impossible to sign that letter.

So Qi Zhe thought about it and crouched down, then looked down at the two people lying on the ground, and made a phone call in front of them both.

"Hey, Mayor Yang, yes, I would like to ask if there was no dispute over land rights in this area at the beginning? Did all the residents sign it?"

"Well, yes, that's it."

After putting down the phone, Qi Zhe got up and took out the cigarette case again, and then smoked with Boss Chen and talked about adding a second floor to the power generation pool, as if he didn't care about the two lying down.

This made the two of them feel very ".~ Aggrieved", big brother, you are such a big boss, as long as you open your mouth, a bunch of people will pounce, can't you show some prestige?

Qi Zhe stood there and didn't move, the woman was a little flustered, and the man quietly whispered in her ear:

"Don't panic, he must have called the police like this. At most, if we go in, we will be questioned and reprimanded, and we will be able to come out in one night. When we continue to make trouble, we will get 10,000 yuan when we go in."

After hearing this, the woman didn't panic anymore, she felt comfortable going to the ground, as long as she waited for the police to come, she would get 10,000 yuan.

After chatting with Boss Chen for a while, both of them agreed that this plan can be used. A power production pool of the same area and scale is superimposed on top of the power production pool.

But it will have to wait until the other work here is completed.

At this time, Qi Zhe also received the message from Yang Wenjie. After taking a look, Qi Zhe walked up to the two of them with a smile and said:

"You two, the farce should end, you have violated the contract law, and I only know that the money in your name has been transferred, but coincidentally, it is found that the money in your name, including the compensation, has been transferred to your son and daughter. 35

"So guess what? I froze all the bank cards in your children's names, and it's probably going to be a little more difficult. After all, it doesn't cost anything now, and your grandson's money for breakfast may be a problem.

The faces of the two people lying on the ground had changed when they said this. They didn't expect that they could still be like this? And they suspected that Qi Zhe was cheating them.

But at this time Qi Zhe said with a slight smile:

"You guys, times have changed, this kind of rude means really doesn't work, and I won't use rude methods to deal with it, so you can leave a handle, so hurry up and pack up and prepare to go to the police station."

Just when Qi Zhe finished saying this, the phone in the man's pocket rang.

"Hey Dad, what's the matter with you? I invited a client to dinner today, but the card was frozen and I couldn't swipe it. I lost my life. The bank said it was suspected of fraud and was frozen. Because of you, what's the situation?"

Before the man's son's phone hung up, the daughter's phone rang again, and it belonged to their daughter.

Compared with their sons, their daughters are much more aggressive, and they are a scolding when they come up.

This time, the two of you look at you and I look at me and you don't know what to do. Why? Before he came, didn't the person say that he would beat them at most, and the harder he beat, the more money they got?

Or go into the game, can you get money that way?

Why is it like this now? Are times really different?

ps: Thanks to the boss "Fan Yuanyuan" for the reward, and thanks to the boss "No Return" for the monthly pass.

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