Hundreds Of Millions Of Ants Generate Electricity, And I Open A Power Plant To Become The Richest Ma

Hot search on 087! Millions of netizens pay attention to the K2077 train trend map

This time, many people at the Binhai Railway Station took pictures of this action of Zhongzhe Power, and then began to post some circles of friends and scarves.

With the text, pictures and video, it spreads very quickly within the same city. Many people swiped the video, and then some people immediately forwarded it to each other.

Ran Zhi is a native of Binhai. She studied in Binhai at university. After graduation, her classmates from the university also came from all over the world to develop their own development.

She stayed in Binhai, then passed the official exam and became a railway bureau worker.

This time, she was a little stunned when she received the above notice that a special train was temporarily dispatched to transport people and vehicles from a company.

After all, I have been working for more than a year. This situation has never happened before. There are trucks on the railway, but these need to be applied for a long time in advance, and then there will be special trains.

But this time it was more sudden. If it was an official transfer, it would have been said in the past, but for a company, it made her more puzzled.

However, when she was ready according to the above requirements, and then saw the cars and people being transported in the station, she understood.

This is the power company of Binhai to support Shudi and Shancheng. Now she understands it all. If this kind of thing is delayed, she thinks it can be accepted even if other trains are delayed.

Although she is not allowed to take pictures during work on weekdays, but this time she secretly chose "violation"


In the mobile phone, I took a few videos of Zhongzhe Power Group's mobile electric vehicles being gently driven to the cargo compartment one by one, as well as photos of Zhongzhe Power Group's neatly dressed employees getting on the car.

After the K2077 special train is sent out, it will be time for Zhi to hand over the shift.


Back in the dormitory, Ran Zhi turned on her mobile phone, and then posted these photos and videos online.

After thinking about it, she also edited a text, Binhai Power! These lovely people from Zhongzhe Power Group are taking action! Friends of Shudi and Shancheng, come on!

After posting these, Zhi thought about it and opened WeChat, and then opened the chat box of the college roommate.

There are two girlfriends in her university dormitory who are from Shu, and they also chose to go home after graduation. The temperature in Shu has been so high in the past two days, and I can't find anything about them.

After typing inquiries and chatting for a while, Ran Zhi also understood something.

My friends in the big city of Rongcheng are okay, and they are working from home recently. Because of the power outage in the office building, although the power is cut off from time to time at home, it is okay and can survive.

But the other town in Shudi is not so good.

After chatting for a while just now, her friend told her that their town and several nearby towns were all out of power, and the power supply was restored for an hour at night to charge the phone or something.

In addition, there are a lot of people engaged in farming in the town. This wave of extreme high temperature weather combined with the power outage has also caused many people to suffer heavy losses. Even her mother-in-law's house kept a few fat pigs, and she just suffocated yesterday.

Originally, some big farmers in the town had their own engines, but for such a long time recently, most of the engines couldn’t stand it, burning a lot of them, and it was so hot at night that they couldn’t sleep at all.

After reading these words from her friend word by word, Ran Zhi felt very uncomfortable.

But she still felt that she could bring her some good news.

Ran Zhi: We have Zhongzhe Power Group in Binhai. I work on the railway. Today, a special train is arranged on it. There are many cars and employees of the power company. They are here to support Shudi and Shancheng.

Ran Zhi: [Video] [Video] [Picture] [Picture]

Ran Zhi: Come on, this special train is K-2077. You can find the current location on the official railway website. It should be able to reach Shu in two days.

On the other side, Ran Zhi's friends also widened their eyes when they saw the videos and pictures she sent, and hurriedly called her family.

"Mom, come and see, there is a company in Binhai to help us.

"It's real, it's fake.

"Really, look, so many cars and people on the video belong to the power company.

Because there are 200 mobile power supply cars on the train, there is no way to take the high-speed rail or the bullet train. It can only be transported by this so-called "express train", which leads to the fact that the time is not continuous.

The main reason is that the distance from Binhai to Shudi is too far. On weekdays, an ordinary express train will take three days and two nights to pass by. This special train will speed up as soon as it can speed up, and there is only one mountain city stop in the middle.

So the speed is much faster, but it also takes a day and two nights of travel.

And after Ding Dun told her friends in Shu the news, her friends reposted it in the local city and circle of friends.

The local people are looking forward to the K-2077 train arriving in Shudi soon.

And those scarves that Binhai had posted before were slowly noticed, and they started to spread in the same city. Not only users in Binhai and Shudi but also in Shancheng noticed it, but also netizens in other places.

In the beginning, Qi Zhe used the official account of Zhongzhe Power Group to send the article "Come on in the mountain city of Shudi, the electric power will help, we Zhongzhe are on the road!" was also turned over.

Then one by one began to leave messages.

And Qi Zhe just returned home at this time, Lao Qi and his mother went to the company, and he was alone at home.

Qi Zhe's phone rang just after he was about to go upstairs and squint for a while. It was his assistant.

"We Zhongzhe Power have been hot searched?"

After hearing this, Qi Zhe was a little puzzled. Although he maintained the principle of "doing good deeds, you should leave your name on the list", but this action did not make the media hype. How did this become a hot search?

After putting down the phone, Qi Zhe turned on the phone, then clicked on the scarf to see this picture.

The number one in the current hot search is that I don't know what celebrity broke the derailment, followed by a [burst], but Qi Zhe's heart has no turbulence, this star ghost knows that it is the fresh meat, cheating or lying on the track is none of his business .

The second most popular search is the advertising space that is unstoppable for thousands of years, a confusing advertising word.

The third hot search "K-2077 train, we are all waiting for you!" [Hot]

The fourth hot search "Zhongzhe Power Group's rescue across 1,786 kilometers! Come on Shu! Come on the mountain city!

Click on the third hot search, Qi Zhe saw the photo of the k-2077 special train full of mobile power supply vehicles of Zhongzhe Power Group, and the video of the departure, followed by a real-time update of the K-2077 train circuit diagram.

There is a small red dot on the picture, which is the special train K-2077, and it is almost seen that it has left the sea.

After this, Qi Zhe saw the scarf he sent out, and now it has 80,000 likes? And there are 20,000 comments below.

After clicking on it, Qi Zhe noticed that most of the comments were from netizens in Shudi and Shancheng.

"Thanks to Zhongzhe Power, the friendship between Binhai and Shudi will last forever!

"Zhongzhe Electric Power Niubi! I will use your electricity in the future when I have the opportunity!"

"I don't want to let people know if I do good things in obscurity? I caught it [Love]"

"It turns out that in addition to the official, some people still feel sorry for our people in Shu and Shancheng, thank you [tears]"

"It's a pity that we don't have your power plant here, otherwise if there is a product, I'll have to spend some money to support it!

"I am from Binhai, and tomorrow I will work with the residents in the community to see if I can sign a contract with Zhongzhe Power!""

"I am from Dapingyang, we are all using the electricity of Zhongzhe Electric Power, there is nothing to say about the service and quality!

"Corporate Responsibility! [Like]"

Looking at these comments, Qi Zhe smiled, maybe it is a reward to do good deeds to be recognized by others, at least Qi Zhe was very happy after seeing these comments.

Then, after scrolling down, Qi Zhe found that many news media had reprinted this incident. "Binhai rushes to help Shu, Zhongzhe 240 has a huge power investment!"

After clicking on it, several experts analyzed it based on economic behavior. How much did Zhongzhe Power cost for this rescue operation, and the power reserve of 50 million kWh was announced, so they finally came up with the figure. It's about 40 million.

After seeing this figure, Qi Zhe suddenly felt a little blush. They didn't know that their electricity was free, and it was still calculated according to the traditional cost. In fact, this trip to Zhongzhe Power Group may cost less than 10 million.

With less than 10 million dollars, doing 40,000 or 5,000 things and gaining the favor of tens of millions of people seems to have made a lot of money.

Then there are Digital Youth Daily and Peng Pai News. These media only praised the good work of Zhongzhe Power, and then reported the assistance data published on the official website of Zhongzhe Power Group.

A total of 500 "miniature batteries", more than 500 people, 200 mobile power supply vehicles and so on.

The comment area is similar to the comment area for your own scarf, and it's all thank you-based comments.

Scrolling down again, Qi Zhe lost his phone and planned to squint and rest for a while.

However, what Qi Zhe didn't know after lying down was that the reports between the media would also attract the attention of other media, and this time, Zhongzhe Power's rush to the mountain city in Shu has also been noticed by one of the largest media in China.

ps: First of all, thank you for your subscription. In addition, I would like to thank the "17361.." boss for his two 588vip points and two reminder tickets. Thanks to the boss "Fleeting Nian" for his reminder tickets, and thank you to "13785.."" It is the monthly pass of the three big bosses "Guang" and "Ding Dun". "What time do you arrive, no no no?" Two reminders from the boss.

Suddenly it's better... I didn't sell badly at the end of the last chapter. I'm not bad. The results of this book are already very good for me. It's good for you to subscribe and support. unnecessary.

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