Chapter 65: A Fist Blasts Your Head

Lei Qianjue’s Blood Qi is good, but in front of Lin Xiu, it’s not enough.

He just cultivated Blood Qi a few days ago and tempered the body of dragon blood. Now Blood Qi is no weaker than Lei Qianjue.

“Blast me!”

With a burst of shout, Lin Xiu changed from a gentleman to a super God of War at this moment, and he blasted out with a fist, bursting out with a terrifying Blood Qi!


The two fists touched, and the space shook.

With the two as the center, a shock wave erupted, and the surrounding air gradually became violent, and was quickly expelled.

The flowers, plants and trees were all washed down, and the coercion of suffocation crushed almost everyone out of breath.

Only the strong people above the Great Master can barely breathe spontaneously, but they are also unsteady and have a wobbly feeling.

“Are you also the Great Master of Transformation Realm?” Lei Qianjue felt incredible.

Before the match, he thought that Lin Xiu was just a better Great Master than Lu Mingyue, but now after the match, he found that Lin Xiu was underestimated.

This kid is so strong, he can be equal to him!

Without saying a word, Lin Xiu just blasted out with a palm like this, with the other hand behind his back, and never moved.

“Arrogant!” Lei Qianjue was annoyed by Lin Xiu’s actions, his hands opened and closed, and the violent force urged the air.


The surrounding air seemed to be twisted, forming a small whirlpool, which was controlled by Lei Qianjue between his hands.

It seems that Lei Qianjue is the master of the world!

“This is the power of vitality and blood control that the Great Master of Transformation has!”

“So strong, too strong, it’s over, our super martial arts gym is over…”

“Run, you will die if you don’t run.”

At this time, I don’t know how many disciples of the Super Martial Arts Gym were scared to run away after seeing Lei Qianjue using this trick, frantically looking for a cover to hide.

“It’s terrifying blood.” Wang Qingming frowned, he didn’t dare to step forward.

Blood Qi is too strong, more than twice as strong as his!

This is no longer a battle he can intervene, I only hope that Lin Xiu can withstand this violent attack!

“Die to me!”

That dominates the world, the single-step transformation of the realm is like a prehistoric stunt, under the control of Lei Qianjue, it suddenly rushes!

“I give you a hand, don’t let me down!”

At this time, Lin Xiu still carried one hand on his back, only fighting with one hand, and let out Lei Qianjue’s rhetoric.

Arrogant and domineering, madly out of the sky!

With his fists clenched, Lin Xiu quietly punched when the killer move that destroyed everything came.


With this punch, Lin Xiu used a nine-fold increase, and exploded with the terrifying force that blows your head with a punch.

In an instant, millions of combat power burst out, just like flood discharge from a dam.

In an instant, the power of Megatron blocked Lei Qianjue’s ultimate move, and he pushed it back in the blink of an eye!

Seeing the rustling air turbulent, Lei Qianjue couldn’t help it anymore at this moment, “You, you…you are not a realm…”

He stammered in place, never expected that Lin Xiu’s power would surpass him by a lot, which made him instantly fall into an unforgettable place!

But even if he felt regretful, he couldn’t look back.

The terrifying explosive force hit him, drove straight in with a punch, as if an out-of-control train hit Lei Qianjue.

In an instant, Lei Qianjue was crushed by a huge force and exploded alive!

It’s not an exaggeration, but under the gaze of everyone, he was blown out by a punch!

Blow your head with a punch, worthy of the name!

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