Hungry Necromancer

Chapter 109: Frozia (P2)

While Leon may not be a wholesome fan of Anera or the Synagogue because of his lingering loyalties to the Goddess Frozia, his master certainly doesn't share his sentiments.

Matthias leads us into a perhaps excessively large room fit with all you'd expect from someone of his background and status. 

Portraits behind the desk, luxuriously comfy couches and a small table for guests, what looks like a mini-lounge and a door even leading to another room. If I had to guess, it'd have his living area.

Although I've seen this type of scene many times in the past and I'm frankly getting numb to the frivolous display of luxury, there is a single thing in the room that stands out starkly from the rest.

His desk.

A cursory glance across the room shows that there aren't any elves nearby but yet I've got that tingling feeling wracking through my body and deep in my bones I know it's because of the desk.

Why would a desk hold mana so similar to that of an elf?

Whatever the reason the desk gives me the same response as an elf, I put aside the thoughts under the long list of questions I have about this world.

More important things are present after all.

There may not be an elf nearby but there is a Diviner. A type of person I haven't had the unfortunate pleasure of meeting since Ioina.

The Diviner is seated rather comfortably in one of the couches despite several blades being set on him. Matthias really keeps a tight leash on things I see.

As we walk in the look on the Diviner's face noticeably sours, and I'm not the only one who could tell.

"Disappointed to see me walking with my mind intact?" Matthias mocks.

The Diviner shifts uncomfortably in his couch, "On the contrary, I'm glad I don't have to fight my way out of this dump alone. Albeit the relief is a double edged."

"Double edged? What could you mean by that?" Matthias gestures at a couch nearby and whispers for me to take a seat while he takes off his rings.

The Diviner waves his hands nonchalantly, shrugging, "Well, I'm relived I won't have to fight alone, but I'm also disturbed you're not dead yet truth be told."

"You foul-mouthed-!" Leon starts only to be shut by Matthias' cherry laughter.

"Oh, wow. You know I reflect on the better times you and I had, Surgies. You, advising me on the right way to better propagate the love of Anera to my stubborn hearted people, such good times."

He takes his seat behind his desk and dumps his rings in the drawer, shutting it with a bang as his does. 

"And now…and now you wish me dead. And now we wish each other dead." He sighs, "But you know, Surgies, you have always been a man of your word, haven't you? I've come back alive, Surgies…"

Surgies, the Diviner scowls, his face as sour as a lemon, he looks to me, "You have come back with yet another pair of ears too, do you really want so many condemned by the truth?"

"Are you talking about him?" Matthias asks, pointing at me, "You ought to recognize him though, if you do, you'll know he isn't one to be condemned by much of anything."

Surgies blinks, his eyes bounce around frantically as the cogs and gears in his head wind and try to figure out the meaning of Matthias' words. 

His eyes settle on me once again and slowly, his mouth falls open.

"It can't be. You couldn't…you wouldn't!" he screams, almost on the verge of tears glaring at Matthias.

Matthias responds in kind, glaring right back as he slams his fists on his desk and screams, "I have! Now the truth, Surgies, the truth!"

"What truth is this, Matthias?" I ask, uttering my first words since entering his office.

The Diviner visibly flinches at the sound of my voice, receding into the chair. "I never thought you would bring in a Necromage…into your own city. Things are desperate but…there's room for negotiation."

Tears begin to roll down his cheek, "Who would have thought that you would attempt suicide like this?"

I can't help the chuckle that escapes my lips. True enough, I could kill everyone in this city. My mana is nearly topped up and I am itching to try out some new spells, but killing a city is a bit overboard even by my standards.

"Matthias, Leon? Will someone explain to me what exact truth we are waiting to hear?"

Matthias sighs, rubbing his temple, "Right, I did not have the chance to tell you what the Diviner promised before I left. Before I left, I asked him what made the Synagogue leave you be even thought they knew well your location."


The Synagogue has been well aware about me?

"Wait," I cut him off before he says anymore, "How much does the Synagogue know about me?"

At this is raises an eyebrow, "They know all about where you have been if I am guessing. And even who you have killed."

Who I have killed?

"Perlman? You mean him?" He nods and I sigh with relief. That makes sense, the Diviner of Ioina couldn't do much against me for whatever reason, he left dealing with me in Perlman's hands while he made sure to report my existence to as many cities and villages as possible.

It makes sense for them to know that much.

Matthias speaks again, "They also know about the Bandits at the broken fort on route to Carbina."

My stomach drops.


Matthias looks undisturbed, he turns his gaze on the squeamish Diviner, "That is what I want to know. The Synagogue left you alone too, despite knowing your power as a Necromage, I want to know why."

If the Synagogue has a way of monitoring me…then does that mean they've been at it since I woke up in that cave? Do they truly have nothing to do with me becoming a Necromancer?

No, they don't. They couldn't. Right?

I turn my focus to the Diviner and command, "Answer the question or I'll pluck out your soul."

The room falls silent under my threat. The Diviner squirms some more and the guards at his side cautiously take a look about them.

Matthias however, excitedly asks, "Can you really?"


"Can you really take out his soul? Isn't that some sort of godly power? Well, I guess that's why Necromages are so feared then." 

He is unwittingly turning my threat into a question and answer on my abilities. Ugh.

Well, to be fair, I am not sure I can pull it off, I would not even know where to start. But I know the feeling of manipulating a soul in my palm now, and thanks to that I have a Spell dedicated entirely to that task.

Perhaps the Diviner could be my practice doll.

"You don't want to find out." Is all I say in turn.

Matthias seems satisfied with an inaccurate account of my abilities anyway, so he does not press me any further on that end. Instead, he turns his focus on the one who needs all the pressure.

"Tell us now, Surgies, unless you want to find out. Why did the Synagogue not interfere?"

With a gulp and silent prayer under his breath the Diviner finally begins to spill.

"With his destination, the Synagogue thought it best to get rid of him via the Cult of Phien. Carbina village was sucking in all travellers, during this year no one made it out of Carbina alive."

"But he walked right in, he strolled in and even colluded with the Mayor, your sister in defeating the first Cultist to surround the village. At first the Synagogue panicked when they learned that the Mayor and a Necromage were working hand in hand to defeat the Cult of Phien, and the proposed next action was to stop being docile, to break the promise and kill the Necromage while he was still relatively weak."

These guys…they've been plotting my fate all this time? How? Why? It can't just be because I'm a Necromancer can it?

The promise? Why would there be a promise not to kill me? What brought about such a promise in the first place? Could it be the previous Necromancer? What did she do to the Synagogue to force their hand in such a way, long after her death?

I've got more and more questions, piling up by the second as he speaks but I resist. I can not pull him off track now, I will save the questions for later.

The Diviner continues, "But then the second reason besides the promise arose…the Cult, Phien itself took interest in the Necromage." He looks at me, fear bright in his eyes, "The fallen god demanded that you fall by its hands and you be inducted as one of its minions…it specifically wants you to become the first Alpha Warrior."

I'm sorry wut? 

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