Hungry Necromancer

Chapter 114: Hard Choices

Fuck, fuck, fuck!

None of this is good news. I can't believe how quickly things fell apart, goddamnit Lotar.

"The elves are easy enough to keep in check, I've gathered a trustworthy few, the ones who truly understand what's at stake here and we've been moving around convincing others to understand what we'd lose if the slightest thing goes wrong. It helps that one of the Five is on board too."

"One of the five?" The five leaders of the elven North, I'm not familiar with any of them given I only saw them standing from afar but, if one of them has enough brain cells to understand me then I'm grateful. 

"Yes, the archer, there are two archers, one male, and one female. He's been middling about the mess for a bit but he's finally made a choice on where he stands. He stands with us."

"What's his name?"

"Rariza, he's a pretty good shot too, and his technique with the bow will come in handy."

I nod, relieved a bit hearing that, "You've gotten awfully close to the mission, Kaylin, you weren't meant to be there, only Aren was, what happened?"

"You fell out of contact, some things demanded that I oversee them personally, Aren is still in good position, in fact, he's the one that got me a meet with the five, a pair of arrogant fools but they're definitely skilled warriors."

None of that should matter when it comes to magic so I brush her compliments aside, "Do they know who you are?"

"No, Aren just introduced me as an elf he trusted deeply, there are hundreds living in the North so I don't think anyone noticed I'm new to the neighbourhood either."

Let's hope so.

"Asher," she huffs, "It's getting a bit much for me to handle all by myself, the true reason Audwin came over with the boys wasn't because he promised he would, but he needed some excuse to step in and drill me about my connection to the North."

Fucking Audwin. I'm starting to really hate that guy, "He glean anything reasonable?"

"No, I told him I'm part of the elves that live underground though."

"Isn't that supposed to be a secret? Why would you tell Audwin?"

She chuckles dryly, "They know all about that place, they just don't choose to act, besides, with the undesirables underground and hidden away, Aste looks much brighter doesn't it?"

Right, nobles and their aesthetic.

"Listen Asher, I can keep the elves from doing anything stupid, Rariza's influence is significant, especially since the other three aren't doing anything about the turmoil yet…yet."

"Yet? Three? You mean four, right?"

Again, she huffs, "Daria isn't standing still, she's pushing for the enforcement of the cap policy they have in the North, she really hates Aren…"

I heave a sigh, this…this is exhausting, far more than I expected.

"If we don't do something about the Mayor, he'll catch up to Aren and I, if I get caught, I'm going to be killed, and so will my family." Desperation and fear lines her voice as she speaks, "So tell me Asher, do you have a plan? Tell me now so I know what I've got to do."


Do I have a plan? No. Heck no!

I'm just waking up from a week of wandering the outskirts of Frozia, biting into corpses and stuffing my face with snow. I have no plans!

I haven't placed any order with Ferio, the smithy in Spol. I didn't even place a preliminary order to test the value of his work!

Wait…but, he mentioned his business is stuck because of the Cultist's presence in Frozia, if I go to the main site of his company and get them to contact him…I could leave Frozia with some bulk of weapons.

I don't have the kind of gold on me to purchase such but surely Matthias would be endlessly grateful for me clearing out his Cultist problem. Yes, he ought to. If he isn't then I'll simply threaten to leave the Cult alone or make undead out of him and Leon.

It's a mess of a plan but if I succeed, I can leave Frozia tomorrow and arrive at Aste with exactly what I promised…weapons, armour…not enchanted but still.

But the question still lies unanswered; what do we do about the Mayor?

I'll need him to get all the way off my back for at least five days before I'm fully equipped to handle him, but how do I do that all the way from here?

Shit. It's the obvious choice but certainly not the prettiest, I've got to give a solid threat of dethronement. I have to flex some power.

"Kaylin…" I say in a whisper, "You're not going to like my plan."

I hear her breath rise and fall, laboured and clear, "What is it?"

"Mevir and Nelvar. We need to kidnap them."

Silence falls over the call and for a brief moment it's just me, standing in the velvet-coloured hall in the cold city of Frozia, staring anxiously at my ring, waiting to hear the words that'll come through.

"How…how do we...I mean why?"

"I'm mighty exhausted from wandering around semi-insane for over a week. I can't take on another Gamma tonight, not to talk of two, my side needs to be rushed prepped but if everything goes well tonight and tomorrow then you can expect me at Aste in five days."

She sighs, "I…I'm not seeing how kidnapping those boys has anything to do with this."

"The Mayor needs to back off of our business while I travel over. The lodge is the only place with lax enough security to risk an attack like this…You're going to need to become a villain for this, Kaylin, are you sure you can handle this?"

Again, she falls silent.

"Why can't we just take Audwin instead?" She asks, pleadingly almost.

"No one cares about Audwin." I sigh. "The Mayor won't bat an eye if he goes missing."


"Wh-why do I have to do such a horrible thing? Why?" Her voice…I can't read it, I don't want to.

I have to harden my heart at all emotions and distractions.

"Why do I have to hurt those boys?"

"You don't have to hurt them; you're just taking them away briefly." I try to explain.

"The Elven North is not so accommodating Asher!" she lashes out. "The elves there, they'll call for their harm, they'll line up with knives to give their cuts, and drool for a chance to snap off a finger. Mevir loves books! He loves history! Just like Anselm."

"What are you going to tell Anselm when you find him? Will you tell him that you sent me to bring the Mayors kids to the cabal that hates humans and the Mayor the most?"

I can't answer that. Not right now. My teeth dig into the inside of my lips as I purse them together harder and harder until I break skin.

I breath a deep breath and say the words, "It's for our Kingdom, Kaylin." I feel like puking saying this bullshit, "We have to make sacrifices for our vision and our convictions…"

There's a short pause before she speaks, I can hear her scoff in this. At my bullshitery perhaps, or the sick situation I'm shoving her into, "Convictions…" she mutters

"I had a long talk about convictions not too long ago." Her words are slow, and precise, she speaks as though she's thought of her words long before this moment, "I said my convictions lie with you, Asher, and I believed I was doing things the right way, the way it ought to be done from the very beginning."

"But…kidnapping kids? For the sake of the Kin-"

"You're right!" I don't let her say another word, it'd be too painful to be called out so foolishly as it stands, "You're right. This…this isn't because of the Kingdom. I'm sure if you and Aren left Aste right now, there'd be another way to take over eventually."

I breath, my chest feels stuffy and my palms are unusably sweaty, "But the truth is, the truth is, Kaylin, I'm asking you to kidnap those kids for me…to cover up my mistakes. I fell into something I shouldn't have and I set things in motion too quickly, I brought you in in a rush without properly preparing you. It's all because of my mistakes, Kaylin."

She doesn't say a word at this. I'm stuck, stewing in the silence of my disgusting confession on my many, many shortcomings that I don't even notice someone creep up behind me and tap my shoulder.

I swirl around, shocked but it's only Leon. "What do you want? I'm still on a call."

The Marshal of Frozia straightens up and recites, "The Mayor wishes to know when you will return."

Right. More headaches await me.

"Sounds like you're busy." The voice is Kaylin's coming from the ring. "I'll get the job done but-"

"Wait!" I cut her off for a second time, ignoring Leon completely, "Before you say anything, you should know that I trust your judgement."

I swallow the large lump hanging in my throat but it still aches, "If you want to leave, if you want to quit, I understand. If you want to send a message to the Mayor differently, taking Audwin instead…I understand that too. But please just…understand why I'd ask you to do such a terrible act."

"I understand. And I'll take your words to heart. Goodbye, Asher, see you soon."

The call ends. I feel there's a lot left unsaid and unresolved, and I feel like a turd for asking her to do that. But if she can find another way then…well.

"Women problems?" Leon asks, the corner of his lip slightly upturned, "I suppose even Necr-"

"Oh shut it, Leon."

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