Hungry Necromancer

Chapter 117: Negotiations

I can't help the scowl that deepens across my face as I stare at the unjustifiably smug wolf-head being.

"For a deity you aren't very powerful you know?" I spit, "Why do I have to choose? Aren't you meant to be above all of this, you know, as a God?"

Lotar loses its jovial demeanour and shifts into an obviously defensive one, "Look, I am a Lower Deity, not a God. The title of God or Goddess is reserved for the ones who look on above, the ones who can unmake worlds if they please. I'm several eons away from that, besides, it takes a lot of power to go up a higher rank, I'm still recovering!"

It shakes its head, annoyed at my impatience.

"Sure, whatever, but it's just a boon, surely you can do that and remove my hunger."

"I thought I just said I can't do both and I can't remove the hunger." It shifts its weight about as it stands underneath the giant tree biting down on an apple that appeared from…somewhere.

"The powers involved in creating a pact between higher planed beings and mortals like yourself are not as malleable as you think, it's not something you can pick up and rip to shreds. This is an ancient power even Gods would have trouble defying. You're lucky I'm even proposing to give you a break!"

By this time, I'm rubbing my aching temples, it feels like there's a lot of blood flowing through and it all just hurts.

"Fine then, I'll take the reduction in hunger instead of a boon, but that boon better come soon."

It chuckles, "Don't be so quick to take a pick when you haven't even browsed through your options."

"Ugh, what other options are they? Lay them out quick." I groan.

"Ta! Don't be short with me just because you think you have an edge over; I can still squash you like a bug and survive well and healthy to see the end of Phien." It scowls.

I roll my eyes at the Wolf and fold my arms, my face a picture of impatience.

"Another bit of an upgrade from my glorious transcendence to Lower Deity, I can now see and choose what spells to gift as a boon unto you, since you've prayed to me today, I'm feeling willing to share the information with you…maybe you'll like one of the two options better than the other."

I shake my head, "I doubt, I really don't want to go through that hunger again, and I don't trust you to pick up my prayerful calls…"

Lotar chuckles, "Well, I am reasonably busy, you're not the only mortal I have dealings with."

"Of course not, now, what are my choices, let's get this over with already."

The Wolf keeps its smirk even as it sits under the tree while I stand over it, "Well, you've got a choice between Astral Projection or Necromancer's Flames."

I stare the wolf playing with the grass and ants that march across the roots of the tree, suspicion welling up within me, "Aptly named I'm sure." I state, "But neither seem particularly useful right now, I'll stick to reducing the Hunger, can we get on with it now?"

I may be a tad bit impatient but I want to settle one matter before I move on to the next, the next being my prepared interrogation of what the Wolf undoubtably knows.

I want to know now where exactly I met those Gods, Ferth and Phien, especially Phien seeing as how he wants to make me an Alpha Warrior, even though I'm unlikely to escape should he ever come for me personally, I'd still like some heads up.

"So impatient." Lotar groans, "I'd thought you'd be smart enough to understand there's a reason why these boons are special…well, one of them."

Suspicions confirmed. Lotar seemed far too invested in the boons, even going as far as forgoing dropping it into my System and telling me to wait a bit for its energy to recover before reducing the hunger.

There's something up with one of them.

He must have picked up on the analytic look on may face because it begins to grin widely, "Ah, I see the gears turning. Might need some oil on that, don't you think?"

"You shouldn't know about gears and oil." I mutter, absentmindedly.

"Why? Because I'm a being living in a plane with little what do you call it…technology?" it snickers, "HarlFary made sure I was well educated you know, that God simply can't stand beasts as beasts alone…. especially not his beasts." The cheer in Lotar's voice dies at the end, an odd display.

"As much as I'd like to know about your…owner? I'd much rather hear about the spells. You obviously think them special, one of them at least, so what can they do?"

"I do not have an owner." Lotar grumbles, "If you really want to know you should ask nicely, I could become a God soon you know? Wouldn't you need to be on my good side then, I'll remember this."

"A God? Maybe, but obviously not in my life span." I chortle.

Lotar smiles. It's the smile that makes me uneasy about what he knows and by that smile, it's something he won't spill.

"Very well then, I'll remember all your rude remarks for when you die, I'll visit your soul." It maintains, "Now, the spells, Astral Projection, I'll keep it simple for your mortal mind to comprehend."

"The spell can and has been performed by mere mortals even without Divine intervention such as myself, but the sheer amount of preparation and skill required to pull it off is well above your level, since the spell is from a being of my level, you'll be able to use it with a mere thought, now aren't you just lucky?"

I flash the spouting Wolf a brief, insincere smile.

"The spell allows you to move your soul, your spirit out of your body and gives you the ability to freely travel the realms, with this spell, you could come visit me in my realm…well, that is if you're not smote before you reach here."

It shrugs, "Keep in mind that you can't use any magic while in Astral form, that's not to say you can't fight, just not with magic."

I let out a disappointed sigh, "That doesn't sound as useful, I guess I'll take Necromancer's Fire then, it sounds cooler anyway, what does it do?"

Lotar simply shakes its head at me, "If you're as smart as you say you are, you'd go with Astral Projection. After all, isn't there some pressing need for a spell like this?"

Pressing need? Why would I need to travel to through planes? That doesn't help kill Cultists. As much as I'd love to fly like…Anselm…Anselm!

"Of course, since you're so sure that Necromancer's Fire, a spell that burns its victims with necrosis will be of far more use to you then, who am I to argue, I'll grant you the Boon!"

"No! Wait." Lotar's grin widens, "You're right, I want Astral Projection, please give it to me."

The Wolf chortles snidely as it is rained with the soft green petals of the tree above us, "And you say I'm no help."

"You should have just said you knew a way to help Anselm." I huff. 

"Where's the fun in that? I don't get to see you deny the power to help your friend over and over again like the fool you truly are."

I'm barely holding back a rebuttal.

"You've had your fun." I mutter.

"Yes, one more thing though, I need to recover my strength, the next Cultist you kill, do it while praying."

"What!" I yell, "Heck no, you want to turn me into some religious nut for your sake, don't you?"

"Of course, I do, I need a religion, or at least a cult going in my name, I'm a deity for God's sake!" It grumbles, a surprise for me that's for sure, I thought it'd be sly all through.

"Here the icing on the cake." It starts again, "If you pray while killing the next Cultist, you'll help me get the power I need to reduce that pesky hunger our deal entails." It grins satisfactorily seeing my face light up once again, "I'll take that as a yes, now, goodbye and good hunting."

"No! I'm not done with you yet." I holler just as the world began to fade away.

Slowly, it comes back to focus and the Wolf is still seated under the tree, "What more do you want?" It asks tiredly.

"Answers, I've got a ton of questions, I'm sure you know the answers to each and every one of them."

Lotar snorts, "And what gives you that idea?"

"Uh…" I stutter, "Because you're a Deity? Because you've been around for likely thousands of years? And also, because you act like it."

This time Lotar laughs, it's a deep, baritone laugh that for once in recent times makes the Wolf Deity feel like a big deal.

"Go ahead…ask."

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