Hungry Necromancer

Chapter 128: Meeting Snow Crystals (P2)

I'd pat myself on the back for how well I'm doing in the presence of an actual, bonafide Goddess. A deity on the level of Anera, Phien and even the supposed Ferth I've met before.

Ferth and Phien are the only ones who have had a one-on-one discussion with me, at least, according to that damned Wolf Lotar. But I remember not one thing of our interaction, I suppose I could accredit that to them being levels above deities like Lotar.

So, would this meeting end up like that as well? Just another far off forgotten, likely never to be recalled memory?

If so, then her bargaining with Anselm's location is an indirect lie. A lie of future omission if you will, seeing as the moment I leave her realm all that we discuss will be wiped clean of my unknowing head.


"I don't doubt you know where he is, after all, you have something to do with his disappearance."

The giant floating snowflake doesn't answer. 

I bet she's reading my mind as I think these very words.

Still, nothing.

Then why doesn't she soothe my obvious worries.

"Have you ever heard the phrase; Ask and you shall receive?"


"Right," I chuckle nervously, "But you know already, what I'm thinking. Why don't you just answer my thoughts?"

The snowflake shifts in its axis, "It wouldn't be pertinent to. If a Deity simply answered the questions and wishes hidden deep within or most times, at the forefront of their thoughts, then there wouldn't be a need for prayers now would there? And if there were no prayers, no worship, no reverence…there would be no Deities…"

The snowflake spins rapidly in place and I can almost attribute that as a sign of disgust or displeasure.

"Do not pay mind to that invasive thought of yours. You cannot eliminate Deities, no one can."

Mind readers…

"Even if you were to eradicate all life and consciousness that were to exist, two things would occur. Either you become a Deity yourself for the mere achievement, or the collective souls of your victims coalesce and smite you as well as restart life once more."

"Well, that's certainly interesting…" I mutter, not sure how to take being told there would be no fruitful end to taking action on a runaway thought of mine.

"But I think I get your…earlier point. I'll voice my thoughts from now on."

The snowflake bounces, pleased I think, "Good."

"So, I trust you have the information I need, you're a…Major Deity, but every time I've come in contact with one of you Major Deities, I have my memory wiped clean. So how can I be sure I'll remember any of this when it's all said and done?"

"Of that you cannot be certain."

I narrow my eyes at the curt, simple reply and fold my arms in annoyance. I notice I don't feel the cold anymore.

"And why can't I be certain? Why bring me here and have this conversation if I'm left to walk away with nothing? Heck, why even bring me here at all?" 

It's getting frustrating dealing with these Gods.

"For my purposes of course."

"What purposes?" I resist the urge to grate my teeth at the representation of the Goddess.

"I wish to know why you pursue Phien, I wish to know what your actions with the Synagogue who serve him are."

"The Synagogue who serve Phien?" I repeat, confused, "Don't they serve Anera?

Again, the snowflake spins with great displeasure, "Do not utter that foul name."

Uhhh…what am I missing?

"The Synagogue are a congregation of mortals who would serve whomever would be quickest to give them what they most desire for. It could never be I and it couldn't be her either. But Phien…Phien is just as vile and as sinister as they are. A perfect match."

Lord am I confused.

"So, you're saying that the Synagogue doesn't worship Anera, the Synagogue who actively spreads her faith and religion all across the Kingdom and forces elves to be striped of their magic at birth for the sake of the Kingdome and more importantly, to please Anera."

"Did I not just say not to speak her name?"

"Right, sorry." I mutter.

"Yes, it seems you are far more ignorant that I previously presumed. I suppose I won't be needing you in the end."

"Wait! Needing me for what?" I ask, she may be a rather prickly Deity but she's one of the stronger ones still.

"To regain my power over this continent. Although she may not be the Deity the Synagogue worships any longer, she is still the one they adhere to. They abide by the rules she set all while running around licking that boy, Phien's feet."

The snowflake spins and spins and spins as she says this. There must be a very good reason why Frozia here hates Anera so much.

"One of those rules is to maintain and propagate her religion, her faith. And because of said rule, she still controls this continent…which rightfully belongs to me."

"Because…you say so?" I dare to question her reasoning.

"Because it was stolen from me, by her."

"So…this continent used to worship you?"

"My presence on the surface has been reduced to a mere speck that is that city you're leaving. Most of the population still have some faith in me, but not enough for me to do any of the usual things I have done in the past."

"Making Cyromancers?" I ask, remembering what Leon said.

The snowflake bounces, "Yes, it seems you're not entirely ignorant after all."

"Well, thank you? But none of this answers what exactly you want with me."

"I need an agent, someone to help me pull down the basis of the Synagogue continent wide and propagate my religion and my worship. That Goddess and the boy stand in the way of that."

"I too have been observing you and I've spoken to your companion, for all intents it seems like you are against Phien, but not Anera…yes, not her…it seems you still hold out hope for…Ha!"

She laughs? At my thoughts? What's so funny about what I'm thinking?

"You believe she could bother to bring back your friend, bring him back to life for you? This is why you hold out hope, why you do not outright spite and curse her name as all on this continent should? As all in this world ought to?"

I shrug, rubbing the back of my neck, "Well, she is the Goddess of Life and Light. If anyone could, it'd be her."

"Ah…you believe that because of her the dominion she reigns over, that solely she is capable of bringing a soul back to the living?"

I blink. That is exactly what I thought.

"She reigns predominantly over the living and all that lives gives her power and enhances her divinity. This only means it is far easier for her to gain power through a living being, it is easier for her to create living beings, it is easier for her to give life."

"But I am just as capable, it may be far from my domain and will take some bit of divinity, but I could resurrect over thousands of men should I so wish." The snowflake bounces eagerly, full of mirth it seems, "Even that mutt you foolishly pray to can achieve such…although with time, perhaps a few more eons with the way it is growing in power…power much accredited to your efforts in slaying the minions of Phien in its name."

I try not to get excited hearing any of this, but it's nigh impossible to stop my heart from beating so fast in my chest.

"So, you can bring Anselm back? Why don't you? I'll do anything."

Frozia's snowflake avatar floats so still I begin to doubt it heard my plea, but then her voice projects into my head again.

"Well, I haven't and won't until I get something of my own…I'm sure you can give a guess what that is, Necromancer."

Just like I couldn't help my throbbing heart, I can't help the disgusted scowl that crosses my face at those words. "You want your continent back."

The snowflake bounces again.

Damned selfish Deities, can't any of them do something out of the goodness of their hearts?

"But how the hell am I supposed to change the general religion of a freaking Continent? Not just a village, or a city or even this damned Kingdom, no, the entire Continent!"

Again, I get the feeling the snowflake is smirking. "Why, the same way your predecessor did…with the power of the undead, with her legions, with towers of death and nations soaked in sepsis and the land gone stale with death. All those five hundred years ago…you'll do the same for me, as she did for Anera."

Hearing all this my eyes, not for the first time this week, or day even, become wide as saucers.

"You mean…The previous Necromancer went on that rampage…that killing spree, turning into a Lich…"

"Yes," the snowflake bounces, positively delighted, "all because she made a deal, a very similar deal to kick me out and have her child restored to life."

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