Hungry Necromancer

Chapter 130: No Choice

It's not every day a normal bimbo like myself gets told by a Goddess that they've been marked by some kind of over deity as someone of potential, potential to become a deity.

Because of this absolute rarity, I'm left at a loss. How is one supposed to react to such? I'm not sure, but I doubt laughing hysterically like I am now is the right reaction either.

I laugh and laugh in the face, or perhaps helical structure of the snowflake floating in front of me. I can't help it either, in the end I'm on the floor, my hand slapping my cheeks and my lips struggling to keep a grin off my face.

"Are you quite done?" Frozia asks, not at all impressed or amuse by my antics, "I do not blame you; such knowledge was not for you to know as of yet. But you asked."

Sitting on the snow, I smile and nod, "Yes, I did ask. But I certainly wasn't expecting something as bizarre as this. Honestly it sounds like bull, but at the same time, it all makes sense."

It makes a whole lot of sense. Why Anera would tell her minions at the Synagogue to leave my predecessor alone, and to keep off the System. It wasn't just because the previous Necromancer fulfilled her end of the deal and kicked out Frozia all while Anera used the Synagogue to propagate her religion on the continent, it was because she, the Goddess that stands above all would be scolded by…Father.

The more I think about it the more it makes zero sense and all the sense.

"What would have happened if anyone of the Deities killed a bearer of the Mark?"

"I do not know, no one has ever tried to disobey the All, and no one is quite foolish enough to do so."

Well, that's certainly interesting.

But then…

"What about Phien? He's actively trying to have me killed and turned into some servant of his."

"Phien is a Deity, but at the same time, not. He does not count as one of us, yet he does."

"Talk about grey areas." I mutter and the snowflake seems to agree with a spin.

"Since Phien does not exist in his realm of power, his domain any longer. He is regarded in the same way Demon Lords from Reais are. On the cusp of attaining Divinity, but not quite, not without the permission of All."

Well, I understand very little of that but I have heard of Reais. 

Nothing much to say on this matter, I believe I'll only get more overwhelmed if she tries to tell me anymore. 

"What about you? You don't have any worshipers on this continent, why are you still at the level of power you are now. I mean, I heard there are levels to Deities, Lotar unfortunately being one of the Lower ones."

"Is this truly a relevant question?" the flake asks, a bit of irritation easy to read in her intonation.

I shrug, "Well, I want to know if I'm really getting into a deal with a Deity capable of helping me when I need, not…Lotar." I groan.

"You question my capability?"

Again, I shrug. I get that Frozia is still a pretty powerful deity, but the fact remains that one of her most loyal followers has already given up hope and moved over to Anera.

I catch myself in the thought. I am questioning her abilities, normally that would be an insane thing to do as a mortal speaking to a Deity but now…I think I'm far past the point where Gods and Goddesses would frighten me.

Certainly not a sign my life will have any bit of normalcy to it in the near future.

"Very well, I understand your doubt, your overexposure to HarlFary's mutt has demeaned the power of a true Deity in your eyes."

I nod, not denying any of it.

"I will give you a demonstration of my capabilities…once you accept my offer. Spread my worship through your lands and I shall bring gifts to the people and blessings unto your lieutenants."

What a bribe, I scoff.

"Not how this works, and I'm still not quite sure why it has to be me, you could give anyone this offer, anyone of your believers. Leon still believes, even if he's begun to doubt your presence."

I tilt my head to the side as I immediately answer my question, "Or is this some kind of poetic justice? Some kind of reverse uno you want to pull on Anera, using her own machinations to get back at her?"

"That is part of it. However, for my purposes I need someone of great potential. An Elf, a Dwarf, a roaming daemon, an exceptionally skilled human or any being with the Mark of All."

"Guess the System makes me fancy." I yawn.

"Indeed, it will give you the potential and power to see through whatsoever goals you have, whatever you wish to accomplish. It has the power to bring you to the very cusp of Divinity…the rest will be up to All."

Hearing about how I'm a candidate for Godhood puts me a bit on edge, that's a level of power I've never thought about. Being a God? What would that even be like?

I can't imagine it, right now my biggest problems are trying to survive Phien's Beta Warriors whom will be coming after me in time and getting two cities to fall under my control.

And here I am, being told that with the System, these things will be all but trivialities.

If I'm a God, what's a Beta or even an Alpha Warrior going to do to me? I could make and unmake it if I wish…right?

I look up to the flake floating in front of me and shake my head. Perhaps not, not if Frozia is like this.

"You still haven't told me why I should believe you have the capability to not be a hinderance. You don't have any power on this continent and from what I've hear followers, worshippers equal more power. Yet you're here, I don't doubt you have power, some kind of power anyway to keep you at this level, but I doubt you can use that power for my purposes."

"You are quite liberal with your words, human."

I spread my arms out and grin, "I'm the bearer of the Mark, aren't I? Future God and what not? If I aren't lib now, when will I?"

The snowflake seems to shake in disgust and annoyance, "To address your baseless concerns, I am what you would call…a multi-faceted Goddess. My Domain exists in nearly every reality, and in those realities, there are other versions of me reigning over the worshippers. Because of this my level as a Goddess is unchallenged."

"But that doesn't mean I mustn't make efforts to regain my power in this reality, in this world. I am not in the business of being powerless, especially not when I can do something about it. Anera has taken this continent away from me, and through great and conscious effort, has made it so that it never snows…except for here of course."

"However, snowfall still exists in a great many other places on this planet, I still have followers, I still exist in the hearts of many others. Just not here. My power doesn't extend past the borders of Frozia, borders that are reducing with each year that passes as Anera still pushes at me."

"But my business is on this continent." I remind.

"That's why I've made use of your companion, my Knight."

"Anselm…what exactly have you done to him?"

"I have made him into a walking beacon, a lightning rod for my power to travel through, a means to conduct my Divinity and aid you in our common goals."

"You made him an ice sculpture?"

The snowflake stops moving at this, "No. I have made him an acolyte imbued with the essence of my Divinity, when you summon him next, you will understand."

"When I summon him next? So, you've finally let him go."

"He was never in my company against his will." Frozia tunes.

I merely roll my eyes, "So what kind of help can you offer? Just Cryomagic?"

"He would surely be more useful if he had magic, wouldn't he? But no, not just Cryomagic, wouldn't instantaneous travel be something you need?"

"Teleportation?" Now a smile creeps up my face, "Can you do that right now? I have someplace to be."

"If that place is a place that sees no Winter, then I cannot."

I groan, rolling my eyes. "I'm still not quite convinced, there's a lot of conditions to your 'help' and it reminds me a lot of a traumatic first meeting with a certain Wolf. Besides, if I'm going to become a God at the end of whatever the System has in store then, well, do I really need you to bring Anselm back?"

I shake my head at the hovering snowflake, "You've been useful for information, and I'm quite grateful, but I'm not really looking for another Deity to cater to, the first a quite the handful and the workload I'm under is heavy enough without Winter and Ice added on."

"Well, then, since you are so confident in your future Godhood, I'll simply keep Anselm's soul with me until you become a God and can take him away."

"What!" I yell, springing up to my feet, no longer able to sit idly as she begins to threaten me.

"Be still!" 

A cold force knocks me back on my ass as the snowflake begins to grow to unimaginable sizes, looming over me as it does.

"You forget yourself, mortal. Just because I have indulged you so far does not mean I am to be taken for a fool. Your companion's soul lies in the palm of my hand, and the essence of my Divinity can and will destroy his soul should you forget your place one more time."

"So, you're saying I have no choice in the matter?" I shiver and sweat; a paradox caused by the paramount fear I'm feeling.

"There was a choice, you simply picked the wrong one."

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