Hungry Necromancer

Chapter 132: Do Not Praise

I'm having a pretty hard time understanding Anselm. Hell, understanding the situation I'm in right now.

I've been so excited and desperate to get him back but now, hearing him speak I realize I never too into account that he would change after being exposed to a Goddess for so long.

I don't even know if she's tinkered with his soul. Can she do that? I mean, I think so, she managed to get rid of the armour he died in and clad him in some awkward looking white priest look.

"Anselm, tell me, what exactly happened in there? Tell me everything from start to finish." I plead.

He's got his arms folded and a disgusted look reared at me, still angry I compared his Goddess to Lotar.

"You would only twist my words and defame the Goddess." He scoffs, "You cannot trick me into such."

He's even more exhausting than before, I can't believe he managed to get even more exhausting. I rub my temples and let out an exasperated sigh as I slouch in my seat.

"Fine, don't tell me all the nonsense indoctrination you went through so I can call it out for you because you obviously can't see you've lost your way."

"Lost my way?" He repeats, outraged, "Quite the opposite sir, I have found my way back thanks to the Goddess, she has shown me my purpose, in this life and the next. She is the true Goddess of this land, Asher, do you dispute that?"

"True Goddess huh," I roll my eyes, "Anyone can tell such a lie, any God at least, and I wouldn't know any better because guess what? I wasn't around half a millennia ago to witness it."

"But I was." He says smugly.


"Yes, have you forgotten? I'm over five hundred years old. I've been dead for that long, lingering within that cave for centuries. And through the machinations of the Deities, you found me and brought me to…" he shrugs, "Some kind of life again, and that is no accident Asher!"

"Ugh, why are you so freaking angry? Stop screaming I can hear you quite clearly and I bet the driver and the horse and the freaking wild beasts can as well." I groan, thoroughly annoyed.

He harrumphs but says nothing else.

"You have no proof, do you? Do you have any proof whatsoever that Frozia was indeed the Goddess of this land centuries ago? That this land was covered in snow and set in a permanent winter?"

"I remember it. Clear as day thanks to her, the land was white, and blessed with luxurious winter."

I'm not sure how a drought weather can be considered luxurious, if any of this is true then Anera did at least one good thing ousting her, crops can grow at last.

"Anselm, you do realize that Frozia is a Goddess, don't you?"

"Of course! That's what I've been saying yet your foul mouth demeans her name!"

I ignore his yells and nod, "Then you know a Goddess is quite a powerful being, I mean she took off your armour. As far as I know that thing was part of your soul or something."

"Yes, it was a huge relief to have it off," he stretches, flexing his joints, "I'd almost forgotten how brilliant it was to move without a weight on you. Only a Goddess could hold such powers."

"Great. We agree that she's insanely powerful. Now, do you think it'll be impossible for her to manipulate your memories from centuries ago? Make you remember what she wants you to remember?"

His mouth opens and closes. He says nothing as the setup hits, his look sours and I feel like I'm getting somewhere at last.

Then he shrugs, "Why would she do that? There wouldn't be a need would there? I am vulnerable, a lowly soul." He comments idly, dismissing my theory as farfetched.

But I know why, I know exactly why she would need to get to Anselm before getting to me and why she would need to alter his memories.

"Because Deities, powerful as they are, are subject to us mortals. We give them their power, our worship, praise and believe in them give them power over us and many other things."

He looks like he wants to ask how any of this is relevant, btu I keep talking.

"Since you're just a soul, you're already immortal, you ought to go to Anera or Ferth or whoever, but you're here, you don't give any energy to any Deity with you believe…unless they make you into something more…personal."

"Personal like…"

Its my turn to have a smug smile plastered all over my face, "Like becoming a freaking acolyte and surrendering your soul, yourself over to her stupid!"

I looks like the truth begins to dawn on him as I yell, a warmth spreads through my chest at the sight of this, I rarely ever get to be the smart, logical one out of the two of us.

"But…I remember…"

I shrug, "Look, I'm not saying it's impossible that Frozia actually ruled over the entire continent and the land was filled with snow and curse with winter." I drawl.

"It actually makes some sense when paired with some earlier information, but I'd still like some proof, or at least someone to corroborate her words."

"Like Lotar?" Anselm suggests.

"Yeah, like Lotar, but the damned wolf is always hot and cold with information. Sometimes it tells me everything and other times it just laughs in my face, plus, I can't pray to him right now…not until we leave Frozia."

"You pray now?" Anselm chokes. "How? Why?"

I scowl, "Did you really not keep up with anything that was going on down here?"

He shrugs, "Time moves differently in her realm, it felt like decades for me as I learned to control my new powers bu-"

"Wait! New powers?"

He puts on a proud smile, "She may or may not have manipulated my mind but I still like the powers I have now, I'll be far more useful in combat now."

I scoff and rub my nose, "Yeah, that's if I need you anymore." 

Rolling his eyes, he floats down and takes a seat with me at last, "I've learned a lot about what Frozia is, she's powerful even in this 'weakened' state of hers."

He sounds concerned as he says this, playing with the spiked mace in hand. "And I've learned, or rather, been told that you are the only one who can restore her and from the looks of it, you don't want to play that role."

"Anselm, I told you I-"

He holds up his hand cutting me off. He nods slowly and whispers, "I understand but…I don't think she'll let you off so easy. It's all but prophesized that there will be a battle, you will be at the helm of that battle Asher."

"I don't want to. I just want to make a nation for the elves, for myself and I want to bring you back to life." Saying those last words makes me want to puke as I know full well…I won't be able to bring Anselm back unless…

Unless I become a God.

He snorts, "I think there's so much more at stake than just me coming back to life and Kaylin having a Kingdom to rule."

"What do you mean?" I'm almost afraid to ask the question. Whatever he's learned in Frozia's realm…

"This world could be plunged into an endless warrish nightmare if you delay any further. You've made me doubt Frozia and the memories she showed me but not what I learned, not what I saw."

I narrow my eyes, "And what is that? What did you see?"

"A future, a future where this world, our world is destroyed."

"Don't be so serious." I laugh, "What would destroy this world?"

He shrugs. "I don't know."

Patting me on my back he huffs, "Either way, there isn't much way out for either of us of this mission from Frozia. She wants her Continent back, desperately and you're the only person truly powerful enough to do it."

He shakes his head and crosses his lead over the one of the boxes in the carriage, "I still think you're weak as chicken bones but Frozia is convinced you're the one to win back her continent for her."

"And if I refuse?" I stare back at him, "What happens to me then?"

"Nothing. You're invaluable, and from what I heard, it'll be disastrous for you to die right now."

"Why is that?" 

"Because there isn't time to find another person like you apparently. Frozia offhandedly mentioned something about some chosen, special few that need time to grow into their role, a role you're still growing into by the way."

"I am so confused; you sound so cryptic. Just tell me everything!"

"Hey, don't yell at me, it's not my fault Frozia and her acolytes kept talking in bits and pieces. You're lucky I know this much!" he huffs.

"Where are we headed by the way?" Anselm asks, "Did you kill all the Cultists in Frozia already?"

"Ugh, once I'm in control I'm renaming that place. I'm tired of hearing her name. And no, one remains, but I'll be back for it and we're headed to Aste because Kaylin might be in trouble, the whole plan might be up in flames actually."

"I should've just killed the Mayor." I mutter.

"Back to Aste huh, I wonder what Kaylin will think about my new look."

I roll my eyes, "She'll think you're a sob."

"Hey!" He yells, "Wait, what does that mean?"

I burst into a laugh just staring at his face. 

"It's good to have you back Anselm. Please don't praise Frozia."

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