Hungry Necromancer

Chapter 137: Hence We Fight

I'm seated all by myself now. In the midst of the tall grasses and the painful biting ants that crawl in the dirt.

I can feel the wind billowing softly on my skin and the waving scent of the grasses waft through to my nostrils.

Everything is serene. Or at least I think so.

Currently I'm blind and deaf, unable to see any bit of my surroundings but the trade-off is far better.

Yes, far better. 

Seeing through the eyes and hearing through the ears of my familiar, the snake is boundlessly useful. Especially seeing as the entire city is on high alert, everyone is on some look out for a Mage of wearing civilian clothing and bound to coming in from the North with a bounty of weapons.

The Mayor of the city is quite ruthless when it comes to information gathering it seems. The guards have all the details of the operation that was going on, as well as all the names of the participants.

Kaylin is named as one of the major ring leaders. However, I oddly can't find any writing or utterance of Aren's name from them despite all the slithering about I've been doing.

I think they're trying to make this an all elven thing, even with one human participant, it would look pretty bad for a human to be aiding elves in their goals to prosper and overthrow the Mayor.

But that's the least of my worries though. From listening to the rampant gossip at nearly every post, there's one piece of the discussion that is always blown up, the one that draws in everyone's attention.

The story of the Mayor versus the first free elf to be discovered in the Kingdom in years.

It's a relief they don't know about Maylin and Merlara yet, but hearing about this battle sends chills down my spine.

I know none of the storytelling wannabe bards here were around for the apparent battle, but I can't help but be sucked into it, in the end, I'm choked up with fear and anxiety.

It's been two days since we arrived at Aste and the Merchant Of Blue Death warned us about the encampment of men waiting for us, meaning it's been two days longer than I promised Kaylin.

Worse is, I've yet to find her or any of the leaders of the Eleven North. The North itself is still intact, barely. 

The Mayors men occupying the area have taken to committing rather unspeakable and unnecessary acts to the unfortunate population of elves. And starvation has made a comeback as well with the men refusing the elves any food or drinking water.

Seeing these acts strikes me with a great pang of guilt. If I hadn't interfered with the North none of this would have happened, all these deaths would have been prevented and they would still have some hope.

But it also inspires me with the anger and fury I'll be using at great liberty when I'm ready to march in and slaughter the lot of them.

In the meantime, however, Anselm and I scour the city looking and listening for any clues that would point to where Kaylin is being held.

My snake familiar, whom is quite intelligent and pending a proper name, allows me to see through its eyes and hear through its ears as well as travel unseen and unimpeded to the farthest places.

Except for the Mayors little, not little palace. 

As expected of a Mage capable of taking down an elf, the man has taken several precautions against magical penetration in his home. As such, I would need to personally make a visit to the place before I'm let in.

Moving with the familiar near his palace causes undue pain to the poor thing. But seeing as it's so far been the only place, I don't have unmetered access to, and the fact that Anselm and I have yet to hear a sniff about the surviving leaders of the North as well as Kaylin. 

It's almost certain that they'll be held captive underneath the Mayors giant palace.

But the trouble is finding an entrance.

Anselm has tried phasing through the ground but all he sees while blindly traveling through it is dirt and more dirt and a lot of disgusting things.

It's positively frustrating.

There's a light humming in the back of my mind and I open my eyes, my actual eyes and prepare a lob of mana.

"Summon Spirit." I mutter dejectedly.

Anselm materializes and the look on his face undoubtedly matches mine.

"Nothing still?" 

"No, if I had something I wouldn't look like such shit, would I?"

He frowns.

"Sorry, I'm just…I'm a bit..."

"Anxious, scared, angry and more than a bit on the edge of running mad?"

I give an affirmative grunt to all the options.

"I understand. I'm feeling the same way too." He floats down gently and sits beside me. "Should we just attack?"

"But then-"

"Yeah, but then the Mayor would threaten their lives and we would be helpless."

I nod, "Especially since we have no idea what this man is like, what kind of powers he has. But if anything, I've heard is true, which it is, then he's a very powerful Mage."

"Wouldn't want to underestimate him then." Anselm says, pointing out the obvious.

"Nope, he took down Kaylin. I don't know how, but that shouldn't be a very easy thing to do with just human blood."

"You're human."

I roll my eyes at him and he resigns, "Okay, you're human…for now."

"I had a look at the scene of their battle." I mutter. Anselm doesn't say anything, he's likely had a look too, it's common knowledge the elves attacked the lodge outside the city.

"I can't even tell what damage was done by her. The place is so…confusing." I sigh, falling on my back, not minding the ticklish feeling of the grass. "And there aren't any damn hints to where they might have taken her."

Anselm falls silent at this. I don't say a word either, for the moment, albeit swimming in anxiety, I'm content to just stare up at the night sky.

The stars litter it with their shine and I wonder, if the stars I currently perceive will one day be within my grasps.

Lately, ever since Frozia pronounced I'm supposed to be some candidate for Godhood, it's a thought that pops up quite often.

I mean, it would be strange if it didn't. What would the powers of a God be like? What would I be like?

I'm not sure bu-

"Master." My familiar suddenly hisses in my ear, causing me some fright. 

I breath a sigh of relief seeing it's just the cute little corn snake familiar of mine. A beautiful power it wields is the power to change its shape and species. For recon it's taken the shape of a corn snake, completely harmless and very small.

However, if it so wished it could take the shape of a more venomous, and large constricting snake. 

"What is it…" I trail off, as I've yet to come up with a name for the thing, a bit incompetent of me given that's the first and only thing it has asked for since I created it.

"I have discovered something, Master."

"A way in?" 

"Yesss." It hisses.

"Brilliant!" I clap, "Where is it?"

"When you released me, I took it upon myself to explore some of the more…soiled crevasses of the city."

I blink and it explains better

"I went into the sewage, the drains for rain and the gutters."

I fail to cover the cringe of disgust that spirals across my face, "You're not riding with me until you clean."

"Of course."

"So, what did you find?" Anselm pokes in, impatient.

"There is a dungeon outside the city."

"Wait…outside the city? Not inside?"

The snake shakes its head, although it seems like its dancing at first.

"The dungeon is deep underground and outside the city walls. There is a shed right above it." It turns and faces the direction it speaks of.

"Well, then. Let's go."

"Wait." Anselm cuts in, holding back my arm.

"Why? You want to save Kaylin, don't you?" 

He nods, "But we also need to set the elves free. If Kaylin is the least bit able then she can carry out her own escape while we cause some trouble over here."

I hum, gladly falling into his line of thought, "And then the Mayor will scramble to get his hostage but find none. He'll be cornered."

"Yes. But not just that, we'll a head start on the fight before Kaylin and whoever she's with make it here."

Clapping once more I grin as for once things are easy. Well…easier.

"Great, snakey here will head over to Kaylin and help set her free and prepare her to witness me kill a second Mayor. While we make our grand entrance."

"Snakey?" my familiar whispers, "Is this my name, Master?" there's a brewing excitement in its voice that scares me.

"No, no it's not. It's just a placeholder, I'll think of something for you." I spew out nervously.

Shit. What do I name this thing?

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