Hungry Necromancer

Chapter 139: Hence We Fight (P2)

Watching Kaylin sob profusely through the tinted lenses of my familiar's eyes was absolutely not on the agenda for today.

Shaco, as I've deigned to name the fella after one of my more memorable acquaintances from my old life, had slithered his way through all the crawls and crevasse he needed to go through to get my inspiring rallying message to Kaylin down at the dungeons far out of the city.

I had wondered why she hadn't busted out yet, for the most part I thought for sure she had some kind of endgame plan in the works since the dump they've thrown her into was really just that, a dumb.

But now, seeing her weep uncontrollably as she cradles the slippery pile that is Shaco, I realize there's ought to be more to the story.

She doesn't look good, not one bit. Her previously white as snow hair is now stained with what looks like dung and surely smells like dung. There are piles of filth all around the place, and a lot of it I can't really tell the difference between what was made here and what was dumped her.

But none of that truly matters. Anselm and I were right in our assumption that the leaders of the North would be imprisoned right next to Kaylin, however, just like it's such a shock to see Kaylin crying while desperately hioldign onto a snake.

It's just as shocking to see the Eleven leaders living in such squalor. None of them have said a word since Shaco slithered in and I spoke through him, however, I'm sure they're all eager to get out of here, and quite shocked at the presence of a talking snake too.

"Kaylin, Kaylin." I call out, trying to get her to stop crying, "It's alright now, I'm sorry I couldn't make it sooner, you've had such a hard time it seems."

She nods, sniffling and trying to get her sobbing under control.

"I got here on the fifth day, I got some forewarning about a trap waiting for me in the North so I had to stay behind and prepare an entirely new plan."

Chains rattle at this, and up on her feet is the woman who couldn't be anyone eles if not Yelenia, "And what's that plan? You just here to get your magic elf, Master?"

The word 'Master' comes out awkwardly from her lips as she shuffles as closely as the chains on her feet and hands will let her.

"Of course not. The Elves will be redeemed as well, this was not how it was meant to go, but you can take some satisfaction in the fact that I intend on ending it all today."

"In broadday light?" the woman asks, she somehow manages to sense my intrigue at how she knows what time of day it is without any natural light pouring into the dungeon and clarifies, "I've had a lot of time to master my routines, the time of day is ingrained into my head now, Master."

There's that awkward 'Master' again.

For now I ignore it and simply nod with Shaco's body, "Once I figure out a way to free Kaylin out of her bondage and have her free the rest of you, Shaco will lead you to where you can suit up and prepare to join the assault."

"Shaco?" Kaylin asks, her sobbing finally subdued.

"The snake." 

"Oh, right of course."

"What's keeping you from escaping, Kaylin?" I ask, there's got to be something inhibiting her movements or her use of magic in some way. "Don't tell me the Mayor has Merlara or something."

She manages a chuckle but shakes her head nonetheless, "No, but he does have Aren."

"I figured as much. I'd hate to lose him but I can't waste any more time looking for him, the Mayor has to die as soon as possible and the city has to fall under my control."

"But-" She starts but I cut her off.

"I know, if the Mayor tries to use him as some kind of bargaining chip then I'll have to force Aren to be a matyr. I don't want to but…" I trail off, finding no soft and cuddly way to explain to Kaylin that Aren is a bit more expendable than she is.

"Either way, I don't think he's going to bother, if he would try pulling a bargaining chip then you'll be the person to use, as well as the leaders of the North, not Aren. By the time he figures out you've been freed I'm sure I would have stormed his little big palace by then."

"How are you going to get us out though." A dry voice croaks from behind me, or rather, behind Shaco. Turning the serpents head I see it's the main leader. 

I see more proof of how ruthless the Mayor of Aste truly is; the man no longer has his hands.

"Kaylin will bust you out. I just have to bust her out." Saying this I rip my eyes away from the downtrodden looking man and turn my attention back to Kaylin, "Kaylin, what's keeping you down?"

She sighs and nods at the strange rock with inscriptions written all over it, "It's sucking out all my mana and converting it into natural mana, I can't use any kind of magic."

It's a wonder how I hadn't noticed the glowing, thrumming rock placed not too far away from Kaylin. Even through my familiars senses I can feel how much power it radiates simply converting her mana into natural mana.

"It's not touching you though." I mutter.


"There's no physical contact, so how exactly does it know the specific person to steal mana from? If it's anything like the mana crystal I have on my ring then there's got to be some kind of physical bonding between the two of you."

"But it's just a rock." She swallows dryly, likely too starved and dehydrated to think too much.

I slither off her hand and onto the floor where I inspect the rock. I can't exactly destroy the rock because Shaco here is certainly not physically capable and I don't have the right spells for it.

Necromancy isn't exactly the most destructive type of magic.

Or is it?

Perhaps it isn't, but it can be with a little brilliant thinking. And I'm quite the brilliant Mage.

This is where I'm grateful I've levelled up enough to have the proficiency to achieve the kind of feats I'm about to pull. If I hadn't, I likely wouldn't be able to save Kaylin right now.

Looking around there's clearly quite a bit of blood littered around the place, most of it from the still healing, crudely bandaged stumps of the Elven North leader.

"Blood Scythe." The utterance and transference of mana from such a long distance to Shaco will undoubtedly leave me quite drained as this is the first time, I'm attempting to use the familiar to perform a spell, but the pay off will be several folds more valuable than the cost.

Blood long dried on the ground evaporates off it and swims into the air as a wafting red mist. With a terrified scream, the Eleven leader seemingly attempts to back away from his own bleeding stump as the previously clotting wound breaks open anew.

His blood leaks forth, dancing through the air and forming a thin, red glistening blade above Shaco.

With a single swipe of his tail the blade pounces on its target.

The result. A giant blast of mana.

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