Hungry Necromancer

Chapter 150: Frustration(P3)

From the cold, careful placement of his footfalls, his thin, unassuming smile to the cool, jet black wave of hair on his head. The Mayor is far more of a slithering creature than even my familiar.

His slow clap as he steps out of the tear in space has my blood boiling. This, this wasn't even on the very long list of how he could get a jump on me. Kaylin feels the same, perhaps even worse as she's already flaring with mana.

I, on the other hand, isn't so quick to battle. His slow clap means something, and like the dodgy man he appears to be, I know he is set to gloat.

So I'll let him, but preparedness is a priority. With little fanfare I pull out the remaining souls I have left over from my battle so far. All seven hang around loosely at my waist, ready to be set free.

Or otherwise, set on my target, or targets.

The Mayor does not step out of his tear in space alone. Following closely behind is none other than Audwin. I can tell at a glance because of that permanent sneer he has etched onto his face and the classic butler look he seems to rock at all times.

He steps out of the tear and stands right beside the Mayor, the Matron and even the two little boys, Mevir and Nelvar.

Looking away from their scornful looks, no doubt they've been told some…truths, I set my gaze on the Mayor.

"Hello, I'm Asher, and you?" I wave, slapping on the friendliest smile I have in my arsenal.

"You disastrous fiend, may Anera strike you where you stand!" 

I ignore the help and keep my focus on the true threats, the Mayor and the Matron. The Matron doesn't seem to be too vested in any of this, if anything she holds a far off look, like she'd much rather be anywhere else than here.

And the boys? Well, they've got their heads filled with scorn, and at their tender ages, it's rather easy to ignite such fierce, fiery feelings.

"Ah, the fabled Necromage that terrorizes my people." Are his firsts words, he looks to Kaylin and with a sickening twinkle in his eyes he waves, "Hello again, Kaylin. I see you made it out of the…well, best not to mention such crude words when we're having a giant family reunion."

"Family reunion?" I can't help asking.

He nods, his stiff, thin smile unmoved, "We're all a big family, aren't we? My sons, my Matron, my favourite butler and the set of people who want all I have and are willing to harm my staff to do it."

Oddly, the tone in his voice never shifts once as he says this. It remains cordial, as though he's about hosting a dinner party for one of his poshy, noble friends.

"That's right, and frankly, I'm starting to regret not killing you when I had the chance." Kaylin postures, her hands ready for spell casting.

But it's all a bluff, I know this much. Kaylin isn't anywhere near ready for another go at this man.

So, "You've yet to introduce yourself, wouldn't be such a brilliant family if we hadn't the slightest clue what each other's names was, would we?" I spew out without the slightest bit of hesistation.

I need to figure out what game this obviously mental man is trying to pull.

He nods as though trying to shake a monkey off his head, "Yes! What sort of family would we be? You are Asher, she is Kaylin and your unconscious friend there is Aren!"

He claps his hands, "And I'm the Mayor of Aste, Serue of House Ire."

At that I quickly piece out just how fucked I am. House Ire?

"As in, the ruling family? You're a relative of the King?"

With his eyes wide as saucers for some reason he begins to approach, his arms spread out just as wide, "Not just a relative, we are the Kingdom, and the Kingdom is ours. I hear from your unconscious friend you're trying to do something along the lines of a coup?"

Well, not really but…

"What did you do to Aren!" Kaylin barks, flaring out some more.

"Oh, Kaylin!" He claps again, the man is so excitable, "I haven't done a thing to Aren except…promise not to kill every single one of you…" 

He loses his thin smile for the first time since stepping out the tear, "But I don't keep promises with peasants. You would dare covet that which belongs to me? To my family?"

A silence falls. A surprising silence given Kaylin's anger.

Then he snorts, "Oh I'm sorry, I can't just seem to get too serious over this."

It's surprising this man is father to the two boys.

"My Lord, allow me to smite these sinners down in your name!" Audwin all but falls onto the ground, begging to be let at me.

Annoying. The Mayor seems to think so too if the sneer that snakes its way to his face is any indication.

"No! How many times must you be put in your place before you stay there Audwin!"

And now he sounds angry.

Serue catches himself, hand flying to his lips as he ignores the apologizing Audwin, "Oh, I'm sorry, you weren't meant to see that. But the man gets me so riled up at times…I wonder…no, I shouldn't."

Whatever that thought was I'm sure it doesn't bode well for Audwin.

But now I'm through waiting around, I can't glean a single bit of information about what this man wants or what he's about to do. 

But I don't care either. House Ire or not, he still stands in my way. I suppose he would always stand in my way.

"Serue, how about you go on a vacation? Just hand over the city to me and go spend sometime with your kids?" My suggestion is heard by all, said kids perk up at the thought but the adult's reaction is much different.

The Matron who has been out of here since she stepped through now suddenly pays attention.

Serue shakes his head, tutting at me as he wags a finger, "Oh, it won't be that easy my dear Asher. This has to be resolved in the manner you first chose."

A warm smile spreads across his face and I can tell he's genuinely happy, "Violence."

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