Hungry Necromancer

Chapter 172: Prep For War; Camping (P2)

To be honest I wasn't expecting that to happen, any of that.

I really thought I had them good there, but I suppose it's never going to be that easy. The question now is…what now?

The people, whether or not beguiled by the short, grumpy Mayor have spoken, and while this may not be a democracy, I'll still need a bit of consent before bulldozing into the village, especially with my entourage of fifty armed and armoured men.

I knew I should have just come with Anselm.

It's too late to lament the mistakes now, the Mayor is glaring up at me all while his people still chant out with their strange gestures to the 'Benefactor'

"What now, child?" He rumbles, an obvious challenge.

I reply with a tense smile, the continued chants of the warriors behind him are beginning to grate on my nerves.

"This is just the word of the few, you must have at least a thousand other denizens in there, it's a big village after all."

"The Benefactor has given us the grace to expand even these tough times." He says, raising a hand and silencing the crowd. "But you will not be bearing witness to any of the Benefactor's generosity today nor any day. Begone."

He shoos, waving his hand at me like I'm some sort of dog with rabies.

"It's night time, surely a Mayor of your standard wouldn't leave visitors out in the cold, give us some shelter, a barracks perhaps? Or even your Mansion will do." 

I resist the urge to chuckle while he sneers at me, "You will be fortunate to be alive long enough to feel the ant bit your buttock tonight, child. Thank my mercies I have not taken your impudence as is but simply as the resounding lack of knowledge and proper teachings meant to be bestowed unto a person of your age."

…Is he…is he trying to say I have no home training? I think he is!

I take the slight to my upbringing with stride, clenching my fists rather than bash it into his skull

"And what of the two I came all the way for? The man and woman that are within your walls as we speak?" I huff, and look past him to the Warriors behind, "Your Mayor, Alric intends to leave me and my men out here, in the night with no shelter and no protection from the monsters."

Alric is quick to retort, "You! You come here with a force and dare claim helplessness?" He strains, nearly popping a vein on his old wrinkly head.

"Why, I am by no means unprotected…from humans, but my men have never once faced monsters before, these are new, novice warriors from Aste, their opponents have only ever been humans."

I shake my head dramatically as I summon a lie, "In fact, even now they tremble at the sounds coming from within the forest!"

"Followers of our Benefactor!" Alric yells, "Do not be deceived by this man, if he is truly a Mage, if he truly dares boast a way to stop the Monsters, then surely he alone will have no problem facing the Werebears, the Spiders, the angry forest spirits!"

Unfortunately for me, it seems I've been outmatched. The Mayor has obviously had more time to practice his lies than I have, and on the same set of people over and over again…it becomes more of truth.

"What now genius?" Anselm grits out in a whisper, "Juri and the others are thinking about just razing these guys down just for insulting you, and I'm not sure how many times I can say that's a bad idea."

While I'm touched by their loyalty, that would be a bad idea, "Relax, I've got this."

Anselm gives me a doubtful look; I ignore it and face the Mayor and his Warriors once again.

Letting a defeated, sheepish smile crawl over my face, I resign to Alric on this front, but in his victory, he's given me the means to my ultimate win.

"Very well then!" I clap my hands, excited at what the Mayor has gifted me, "As your Mayor has said, I will survive the night out here, with not a single one of your fine Warriors aids."

Alric turns back to look at me, horrified. I'm not sure what this man has against me taking over his village but he's really passionate about stopping me.

"And to prove that I can indeed protect you, that you only need me and no 'benefactor' I will be keeping the scouts I captured this night!"

"What!" Piol screams, "No, no, no!" He shuffles, pulling his comrades forward with him, all of them frantic and scared.

"No! Don't let him take us!"

"Bwahahah!" I laugh out loudly and with exaggeration, "Piol, do you doubt me so much?"

He glares at me, "I don't doubt that you think you know what you're up against, but you can't imagine what we face each night!"

Alric, the snake, uses Piol's hysterics to cut me down even more, "Of course he wouldn't, he's an outsider! He can never understand the true suffering we, Demme, have gone through, and he cannot truly appreciate the Benefactor."

Piol noticeably deflates at the mention of the Benefactor. More suspicious behaviour.

"Be that as it may. Your people need food, Alric, so you can either have me and Piol here prove that Aste is the help you and the people of Demme sourly need or you can turn me back, and have the seeds of doubt forever planted in their heads."

The look on Alric's face tells me all I need to know. He's trapped.

All this time talking about an alternative to this 'benefactor' something the people do not appreciate, only to shut it down the moment that alternative may just prove itself…

He'd have trouble within days. It may not be effective trouble since they still rely on his powers and his obvious connection to the Benefactor, but it'd be enough to rattle and destroy whatever plans he has in place for Demme.

He has no choice, but to resign.

"Very well, if you wish to throw your life away, do me the favour and do so at my doorstep. The Hunters need the break anyway, and you are plenty in number, your corpses will surely feed the Monsters for days."

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