Hungry Necromancer

Chapter 233: Jungle (P3)

Walking through the forest, stepping over roots and vines as well as forgotten and long decayed bodies of monsters and men, my mind drifts off, mulling on the words Jungle had said.

As far as trust goes, Anselm is openly weary of the man, probing at him every chance he gets and whispering in my ear about how uncomfortable he feels working with the man.

Jungle, to his credit, pretends as though he doesn't notice the blatant mistrust. I assume he is far more concerned with hunting and killing the beast mother, something I'm also looking forward to.

If the beast is as powerful as he says it is, then killing it should warrant a load of experience. I'm all for the quick and easy path, if I only have to end one large monster rather than scurry about hunting smaller ones then I'm good.

In fact, I've requested that he guide us to hunting grounds for larger monsters like the Werebear. If Panda were here battling these monsters would be a cake walk, but I understand cake walks aren't what the system rewards, at least it doesn't seem to be.

The most fulfilling battles have been the toughest. My first with Perlman started it all, then came the battle for Carbina, the first one with Leriva by my side and her men dropping dead like rain. 

The most recent I barely remember, the hunger for Cultist gripped me so bad that I travelled the cold land in a fugue state of murderous wander. Still, it was worth it as far as I can tell.

Very much so given it was the battle that unlocked [Soul Manipulation]. 

I expect the battle with this Beast Mother to be rewarding, could be the most rewarding yet. Looking back on my battles since coming to this world my stomach churns, my thoughts branching in fury as I recall my first utter defeat.


Even my failure to end him haunts me. Not only because I lost out on a bundle of experience, but also because I have to deal with the man and his bothersome illusions once again.

I am certain he is behind the incident at Autue. In fact, there isn't much to doubt about his involvement in it. He escapes and suddenly the Marquess wants to do check ups on her fiefs, sending powerful Mages to carry them out?

No way he isn't behind that.

Determined to grow stronger I trudge forward, walking beside Jungle and paying little mind to Anselm's mutterings.

There is so much to do now, so much waiting on me and even more that will start without me should I fail to grow in strength. But with Jungle, hideous man that he is by my side, guiding me through the Forest and on to the sweetest spots, I trust I will achieve what I've set out for.

Still, excited as I am to have him, I cannot ignore the inconsistencies that even Anselm has yet to point out. There is something odd about the man, I'm not sure what but it is right to be on guard.

Adding to my suspicion is my doubt about this Beast Mother, rather than let it fester I ask, "Jungle, how intelligent is this Beast Mother?"

The man turns to me and I imagine a cocked brow behind his mask, "What matter does the Beast's intelligence have to do with the hunt?"

I laugh, "Odd that you should ask that considering you are the Hunter here." He turns to me with what I know is a glare, I shrug, unapologetic, "You mentioned that the Beast took pity on you after your defeat. That's rather strange for a monster don't you think? Pity."

Anselm swoops in at this, a sneer marring his face, "I knew it, there's something you're holding out on us isn't there? What is it? How powerful is this Beast?"

Jungle only shakes his head at us, if he had proper lips I'm sure he would hiss, "You fools, how does the Beast not chewing me up mean I am hiding something? What if it had already eaten? What if the taste of humans disgusts it?

Unfazed, I deadpan, "That seems unlikely for a snake." Shaco slithers out my shirt and hisses at Jungle causing him to take a step back, gripping his spear.

Anselm probes at him some more, "Yes, very unlikely and you also said the Beast called back its children as they were about to feast upon you. The fact that a level of communication that advanced has been established tells of an intelligence greater than any mere beast."

"Very well put, Anselm." I praise with a thin smile, one that soon morphs into a frown as I gaze at Jungle, now fully defensive with his spear raised. "There's no need to be so cautious, I still need you, but I need the truth of what that monster is first."

"I should have known, you Lords are a nitpicking bunch, can't just take what is given. Always, always!" He huffs and puffs, a growing agitation that has me readying my mana for an encounter, "Always asking for more...but alright, I suppose you are an ignorant buffoon. I'll enlighten you to monsters and their power."

His shoulders fall and his death grip on his spear lightens, in turn I let go on my pull of mana.

"And how much enlightening can you give?" Anselm asks, his mace out in the open and frosting.

"Enough, this is common knowledge to-"

A thick vine jumps out of the shrubbery at Jungle, but the man is ready within a second. His spear catches the vine and they wrap around it. Grunting he tugs on the vine and Anselm and I can only watch, mouths ajar as he pulls out a mound of thick vines, roots and leaves. 

The mound of plant matter stands in a humanoid form, dead holes for eyes and a mush pile of vines and roots for arms and legs. It moans and in simply raising its arm it flings Jungle across the forest.

"What the fuck is this?" 

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