After accepting Wright, Eaton continued, “Now I can meet your daughter, right?” ”

“Boss, wait a minute, I’ll go and call Nion out.”

After that, Wright walked to the safe house at home.

I have to say that Wright is indeed a very motivated and far-sighted gang boss.

Although the size of the Northra family is not large at present, the security measures of the entire estate are configured by him according to those large gang bosses.

Although it looks like a low-end version because of the lack of manpower and funds, it is enough to illustrate Wright’s ambitions.

In the comics, it is not for nothing that he can climb to the level second only to the ten old men.

Although this is helped by Nion’s divination ability, Wright’s own ability cannot be ignored.

If he didn’t have some ability, he couldn’t keep his daughter Nion.

After a while, Wright led four-year-old Nion out.

A long pink and white dress with Nion’s blue hair, and her big light blue eyes, which are extremely cute.

(The image of Nion from the new anime is used here.) )

Just as Eaton looked at Eaton, Eaton was also looking at Eaton.

Despite surviving in the wilderness for a month, Eaton’s appearance is definitely not scruffy.

With the ability to swallow fruit, Eaton can keep his body clean at any time.

It’s nothing more than using the mouth of gluttony to swallow the dirty things on the body and then spit it out.

Although it sounds a little disgusting, it is not really eaten in the mouth and swallowed in the stomach.

The stomach pouch space also has an area dedicated to digesting food, and the whole process is absolutely clean and hygienic.

Eaton even tried to shave with a gluttonous mouth, which is really convenient.

On the way here, Eaton also bought a set of well-fitting clothes by the way.

A slim trench coat paired with Eaton’s sword-eyed looks, and slightly longer hair that hadn’t been cut for more than a month.

Although it is not so handsome as earth-shattering, it also looks very good-looking and attractive.

After a large amount of life energy strengthening, Eaton’s height rose to a height of one meter and eight meters, and his body was also very well-proportioned.

The whole person looks like an older young man who is about to run three before crossing to an eighteen-year-old sunny big boy.

It immediately attracted Nion.

“Dad, who is this handsome big brother?”

“This is your dad’s boss, and dad will do things for him in the future.” Come and say hello to him. ”

“Oh, nice boss.”

Eaton waved his hand and said with a smile: “Hello little Nion.” My name is Eaton, just call me brother in the future. ”

“Yes, Brother Eaton.”

Nion nodded obediently.

She prefers the closer title of brother to boss.

After the greeting, Eaton began to get down to business.

“I heard that Little Nion can divination, can you give divination to my brother once?”

“Does big brother want divination? No problem! ”

Hearing Eton’s words, Nion’s big eyes lit up directly.

She was still depressed that her father didn’t believe she had divination skills.

Unexpectedly, the good-looking Eaton brother in front of him now needed her divination.

This is undoubtedly a recognition of her ability.

In this sense, Eaton’s brother is much better than her father.

Wright didn’t realize that his little padded jacket was leaking from this moment.

Nion excitedly picked up the paper and pen on the table and handed it to Eaton.

“Brother Eaton, please write your name, blood type, and date of voice on this.”

Eaton took the pen and paper, hesitated for a moment when writing the date of birth, and finally wrote his birthday truthfully.

He is a post-90s generation, and the current hunter world is only 1986, but it does not belong to the future.

I don’t know if Nion’s divination is useful to him, a person who does not belong to the hunter world.

However, since he can appear in Nion’s divination prophetic poems, it should be no problem to divinate directly to him.

While Eton was pondering, Nion’s divination had already begun.

Although Eton couldn’t see it now, his intuition told him that there was some kind of existence on Nion’s right hand that he couldn’t resist right now.

It is reminiscent of the scene in the comics where Killua is too scared to move when he confronts his brother Il fan’s evil thoughts.

Eaton realized that even if he is physically strong, having the ability to think and not to think are completely two worlds.

If Nion’s Nion Beast exudes malice towards himself at this time, I’m afraid he will be pressed like Qilu and can’t move, right?

I just don’t know if swallowing fruit can resist the ability of thought?

Eaton thought it should be okay.

The strength of the Superhuman Devil Fruit depends on the strength of the person who has the ability itself and the development of the fruit’s ability.

What’s more, the swallowing fruit he ate was still a strengthened version.

It is not impossible to develop devouring abilities, rules, and even concepts later.

After all, there is no limit to human dreams and hopes.

Nyon’s divination soon ended, but there were only a few words on the paper.

And it doesn’t look complete yet.

Little Nion raised her head to look at Eaton, her expression a little aggrieved.

“Brother Eton, [Angel’s automatic note] said it couldn’t be written.”

Seeing this, Eaton reached out and rubbed her hair.

“It’s okay, it’s enough for Nion to be able to do this.”

After all, Eton is a person who does not belong to this world, and he is not surprised by any situation in Nion’s divination.

Being able to write a few sentences was already very unexpected.

Eton comforted Nion a few words, then picked up the paper on the table.

It reads: “Tree species beyond the world have found soil to take root

The hotbed of sprouts is at your feet.

Vines attached to trees may spread to garbage dumps

Following the vines will surely be rewarding.

Only the tree itself knows what shape it will grow…”

Eaton used his brain to deduce a little.

“Tree species outside the world” should be him.

“Grounded soil” refers to the city of Rofab, where Eaton did have a temporary decision.

If “new shoots” are compared to new abilities or powers, then it refers to the ability to mind.

Eaton has a good understanding of the ability to read, and has the confidence to be able to read on his own, without having to ask others for help.

It does correspond to the four words “right under your feet”.

As for the “vine attached to the tree”, it is obviously the Nosla family who has just submitted to Eton.

And the entire hunter world can be called a “garbage dump” is only there, right?

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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