Chapter 393 Nitro laughed

  Miji has heatstroke and is on the verge of dehydration.

  In order to increase his persuasiveness, he lifted his clothes, and the white and tender fat was covered with sweat visible to the naked eye.

  Curt was expressionless.

  Members of the Beating Nemesis family have to undergo "extreme heat" training at a very young age, and this is only an insignificant item of hell-style training.

  So even if Miji did this kind of funny behavior, Curt would not believe Miji's rhetoric of heat stroke.

"What do you see?"

  Kurt turned his gaze to the remote control in Mi Ji's hand.

  He didn't pay attention to the screen on the remote control just now, but now he wants to see it, but he can only see a black screen.

  Mi Ji sighed, trying to suppress the fear in his heart.

   "Curt, I should have thought of that..."


  Kurt frowned, not knowing whether Mi Chi suddenly fell ill or what, his words and deeds were quite strange.

   More importantly, he could feel what Mi Ji was afraid of right now.

   Anyway, no matter what it is, tell me what you saw!

   Mi Ji's fat, sweaty face was full of fear and seriousness, and he said in a deep voice, "Brother concealed some of the truth, I should have thought of it earlier..."


  Kote subconsciously squeezed the knuckles of the paper fan, veins appeared faintly on the back of his white palm, resisting the urge to fan Mi Chi.

  Mi Ji didn't seem to notice Curt's mental activity, lowered his head and bit his thumb, his tone trembling: "No wonder big brother will be so miserable this time, I should have thought of it..."


  Kurt took a deep breath.

  Mi Ji noticed that Curt took a deep breath, and also took a deep breath.


  He looked at Curt, and suggested solemnly: "How about we withdraw?"


  Kurt was silent for a second or two, clenched the paper fan tightly, and then asked word by word: "So, what did you see?!"

   "Alas, I should have thought of that..."


   "Oh, Kurt, what are you doing..."

   "Flip clap clap clap!"

   After a while.

  Mi Ji sat on the sand, his chubby face was covered with red marks left by the paper fan.

   "Curt, Dad once specifically warned elder brother not to provoke a man named Moyou, do you still remember?"

   "Well, I remember."

  Kurt put away the smashed paper fan, and related memories flashed in his mind.

   That was two or three years ago...

  Because it was the first time he saw his father so serious, and the rare complaint that the deal was not worth it, so he remembered it very clearly.

  Mi Ji looked at Curt and sighed: "Brother lost his limbs, it's just the result of not listening to the warning."

   "Is that man named Moyu in there?"

  Cotter reacted quickly, and finally understood what Mi Chi was afraid of, and subconsciously looked at the building ahead.

  Mi Ji nodded and said: "Yes, so let's withdraw, Dad will definitely not blame us."

"I see."

  Kurt slowly retracted his gaze.

  Seeing this, Mi Ji breathed a sigh of relief, and said with emotion: "It's good that you can understand, like that kind of dangerous person, if..."

   "But we are here to bring brother Qiya home, not to provoke that man named Moyou."

  Curter pointed out the key points of this operation calmly.

  The ridiculous emotion came to an abrupt end.

  In the venue.

  Moyu asked for a stack of playing cards from Hisoka, and then began to draw a divine character with "transfer ability" on the playing cards.

  Because the transfer distance requirement is not high, even if the structure of this divine character is simplified, it can still exert the same ability.

   This saves a lot of time and effort.

  In less than three minutes, Moyou finished writing the divine character with one-way transfer ability, and then controlled the shadow to divide a small part to wrap the playing cards.

  Because the effect of this divine word is a one-way transfer, it is necessary to reserve a small amount of mind power on the divine word as an activation switch.

   And Moyou's shadow can be split into dozens or even hundreds of them freely.

  Although the strength is close to zero, it is still enough to activate the switch.

   "Try the effect."

  Moyou picked up the playing cards wrapped in black shadows and tossed them casually.


  The black playing cards spun and flew out.

   Moyou immediately activated the mind power above the split shadow.


  The next moment, Moyu appeared above the playing cards out of thin air.


   Moyou's heart moved, and he wanted to get the poker into his hand after teleporting, but he failed.

   After all, it was the first time to try this kind of usage, and his proficiency was not enough to make such a delicate operation, so he could only let the poker fly straight forward and hit the wall.

   There was a snap.

   After the playing cards hit the wall, they slowly fell to the ground. When the shadow left, they were already torn apart.

  As the carrier of divine characters, with the quality of poker cards, it is not easy to use it once.

  If it wasn't for the shadow package of the split body, I am afraid that even the stability would not be guaranteed.

  Moyou looked at the fragments of playing cards falling in front of the corner, raised his hand to his chin, and said to himself:

   "The transfer is obviously not as smooth as the 'shape-shifting'. There is an obvious sense of stiffness, but the effect is not great."

  After the initial attempt was successful, Moyu counted the number of playing cards, and there were thirty-two cards left.

  Before the start of the competition with Nitro, he will draw the simplified transfer **** characters on these playing cards.

   Subsequently, Moyou began to work hard.

   It took nearly two hours, and Moyou successfully drew twenty-six transferred playing cards.

  The other six were scrapped by him.

   "Should be enough."

  Looking at the twenty-six playing cards in his hand, Moyou heaved a sigh of relief and leaned back on the sofa.

   After thinking for a while, Moyou took out his mobile phone, sent a text message to Men Qi not to eat dinner, and immediately closed his eyes and fell asleep.

  The competition time is set in the evening, before that, Moyou needs to adjust his state.

   It was probably at this point in time that Curt sneaked into the building alone, and found Qi Ya after several twists and turns.

   As for Kurapika and Xiaojie beside Kiya, they were directly ignored by Curt.

   "Brother Qi Ya, Dad asked me to come, he wants you to go home now."

  Wearing a purple kimono, Kurt stood in front of Qiya, and his tone of voice revealed a sense of fragility unique to women.

  If Mi Ji was here, he would definitely shout that it was unfair. Why is he the same brother, but his attitude is so different!

   "I'll go back when I've had enough fun."

  Qi Ya didn't buy it at all.

  Dad is not here, he is not afraid at all.

   "Brother Qi Ya, if you don't go back, then I can only follow you until you change your mind and go home."


  Qi Ya's complexion suddenly collapsed.

  Curt looked calm, and didn't care about Qi Ya's reaction at all.

   I will pester you if I don't go home!

   This is what Curt had already thought up before coming here.

  Anyway, there is a scapegoat who doesn't want to contribute, so even if he fails to bring Brother Qiya back today, Curt will not have any worries.

   And I can take this opportunity to play outside with Brother Qi Ya for a while.

  Curter's small abacus was crackling.

  Qi Ya didn't know what Curte had in mind, and at the same time, he didn't want to have an extra follower behind him.

   It was difficult for Xiaojie and Kurapika to intervene in this topic, so they could only look at each other in blank dismay.

  The few people in the room did not notice the flashing figure outside the window.

   This figure is Kim Fulishi who counted on time and rushed to watch the excitement.

  He still looks unkempt, wearing a cape that looks like it hasn't been washed for a long time.

   "Do you want to slip..."

  Jin whispered to himself in distress.

  He knew that Xiaojie had participated in this hunter test, and he also knew that Moyu and Nitro would fight after the test.

   So he stepped on the point.

   But what he didn't expect was...

  The hunter test is over, but Xiaojie hasn't left yet.

  What worries Jin now is that Xiaojie may also go to watch the contest between Moyu and Nitro.

   Thinking of this possibility, Jin was in a dilemma.

  Should I simply sneak away, or take a certain "risk" to watch the fun?

"Oh, right."

  Jin suddenly thought of a way.

  Before he came here, he inquired a little about the process of the hunter test, so he knew that Moyou was wearing a Netero mask.

   Regardless of whether Xiaojie will go to watch the battle or not, anyway, he can simply change his costume, and then go to Moyu to borrow the Nitro mask.

   Think and do it!

  Kim ran to find Moyu.

  In the evening, the sky was dyed red by the setting sun.

  In the construction venue.

  This is the venue for the final test, and now it is the arena for the competition between Moyu and Nitro.

  The two stood in the arena, about 30 meters apart.

  Menqi, Xiaodi, Bharat, Satz, and Dou Mian stood on the wall outside the arena, giving the maximum area of ​​the field to Moyou and Nitro who were preparing for the competition.

   And Qi Ya and the others also came, but they were farther away, almost standing by the gate.

  Curt, who came to persuade Qi Ya to go home, failed to come in together, so he could only wait outside obediently.


  By the wall, the bean-faced man looked at Jin, who was wearing a Nitro silicone mask beside him, with complicated emotions.

  He really didn't expect that Jin, who had lost contact for a long time, would come here to watch the game.

   And why is even Kim wearing this lousy mask...

   To do this, two eye holes were temporarily dug out of the silicone mask.

  The Dou Mian man wanted to know what Jin was thinking, but in the end he refrained from asking.

  Jin leaned against the wall, embracing his hands and looking at Moyou and Nitro in the field, his eyes full of expectation.

   On the other hand, Men Qi and the others were also concentrating and full of anticipation.

  It is a rare experience for every psychic to be able to see the duel of masters at close range.


  Moyu and Nitro looked at each other across the air.

  Before coming to the venue, Moyu went to Nitro to make a bet.

   If he can definitely injure Nitro, then Nitro will agree to a small request.

   At that time, I thought I would have to say a few more words, but Nitero didn't even ask for any request, so he responded directly.

  It seems that he has absolute confidence not to let Moyu win the bet.

   "It's impossible to win, as long as you can get hurt..."

  Moyu looked at Nitro with piercing eyes.

  Even if the ability to control thoughts reaches a higher level, and the overall strength finally moves towards A-level, they will definitely not be able to defeat Nitero.

   And Moyu was already mentally prepared to be seriously injured by Nitro in this competition.

   But no matter what, he must win the bet, and then take this opportunity to print Netero's mask of the changer.

   Tick, tick...

  Suddenly there was only the sound of the second hand walking in the very quiet venue.

  Ding Dong—

  The hour hand was fixed above six o'clock, and the clock sounded.

   At this moment, the competition begins!

   Moyu took the lead in charging, while Nitro stood still.

  When Moyu stepped into the attack range, Nitro clasped his hands together slowly and quickly.

   "Hundred Styles of Avalokitesvara · One Palm"

   In an instant, the golden light suddenly appeared.

   A beam of golden light bombarded Moyou from top to bottom.

  The people on the sidelines of the battle could only vaguely see the fleeting golden streamer.

  The next moment.

  The ground beside Moyou suddenly exploded, the masonry shattered and splashed, and the smoke and dust flew upwards like a torrent.

  It was also at this time that they realized that the evasive action that Moyuna made without warning was actually to avoid Nitro's attack.

  Just looking at it from their perspective, Nitro obviously hasn't made a move yet, but Moyou has already made moves to evade the attack in advance.

  So it is visually full of unspeakable weirdness.

   But soon—

   They realize what's going on.

   It's all because Netero's attack is too fast, so fast that they can't see clearly.

   On the basis of this premise, Moyou can see the attack clearly and make corresponding evasion actions.

   This leads to—

  They couldn't see Netero's attack clearly, but they could see Moyu who was evading clearly, which is why they had such a weird look.

   On the field.

  Moyou dodged the first palm of Baishi Guanyin, and the speed of his feet did not slow down, leaving the surging smoke behind him, and threw three black playing cards with a wave of his hand.


  Three playing cards fly forward in the shape of a character.

  But almost at this point in time, Baishi Guanyin's second palm slashed diagonally from the right to Moyou's side.


  Hundred-style Avalokitesvara's golden palm hit Moyou's side heavily, and a jellyfish-shaped white air wave burst out from where the palm fell, and the impact force poured into it.

   At the moment of the middle palm, there is no possibility of losing the strength.

   Moyou flew sideways like lightning.

  Seeing this scene, everyone outside the venue, except for Jin who was always very calm, was shocked.

   Resisting the blow from the legendary professional hunter head-on, they seemed to have seen the scene where Moyu lost consciousness instantly.

  But at this moment—

   The situation is changing!

  Moyu, who was blown away by one blow, appeared in front of Nitro the next moment without any hindrance.

   To be more precise, it appeared above the black playing card flying towards Nitro.

  Nitero's eyes reflected Moyo's figure that appeared out of thin air, but neither his eyes nor his face showed any waves.

Always felt-

   This scene seems to be similar.

  While whispering in his heart, Moyou in front of him launched an attack.

  His empty right hand swung the knife horizontally. With the swing of the arm, a black knife materialized out of thin air, and the sharp blade was about to cut across Nitro's face.


  Another ray of golden light came with lightning speed and bombarded Moyou's body with precision.


   Moyou's offensive was instantly defeated, and was blasted away by this domineering golden light.

   Nitro calmly watched Moyu fly backwards.

   It's just a few strands of white hair falling slowly in front of my eyes.

   That's his.

  If it was a moment later, it might not be as simple as just losing a few hairs.

   "Hoo hoo..."

  Nitero felt a long-lost emotion in his heart.

  He suddenly smiled.

  (end of this chapter)

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